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Author Topic: Covid anxiety  (Read 5557 times)


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Covid anxiety
« on: July 26, 2021, 07:08:39 AM »

Does anyone else feel more stressed about covid this time around?


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2021, 07:38:49 AM »

Stressed about Covid itself, no.

Stressed about the politics around covid, a definite yes.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2021, 09:17:08 AM »

Hello ladies.

I am most definitely stressed about COVID  because the government seems to be following a 'herd immunity through infection' policy. I presume this means that they want everyone to catch the virus.

We keep hearing that being double jabbed is good but 40% of people who are ill enough to be in hospital have been double jabbed so the protection isn't that great. Also what about the people who develop Long COVID?

I feel that we have been abandoned to our fate so no wonder my anxiety is high!

Take care ladies.




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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2021, 10:57:48 AM »

I agree Kathleen. They started out with the herd immunity policy then when Bozo got it we took sensible precautions. Now we have a health secretary who still thinks he's chancellor with policies that protect the economy but not health. So they're trying to pretend it doesn't exist. We're in greater danger now than at any time with any infected person able to stand right next to you and cough on your face. Wearing a mask and keeping your distance is such a small inconvenience I can't understand why they would scrap it, it makes protecting yourself impossible.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2021, 12:03:45 PM »

Glad it’s not just me! I feel worse now than I ever have.
The vaccines are fab but I assumed things would be so much better with them. I agree it doesn’t help that the government seem to think get out and live your life and take your chances!
My mum has advanced dementia and we manage as a family with her at home, as well as a carer morning and night, and it just stresses me to the max every time I have to go and help. Think I just hoped we would all feel a lot better about it once we had vaccines ☹️


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2021, 06:26:36 PM »

I feel a bit more stressed and disappointed because it looked like we were out of the woods then this Delta variant took off and it all started again.

I know far more people who have tested positive this time and many more who have had to isolate.
But fingers crossed things are looking better.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2021, 09:02:21 PM »

I'm having to isolate atm as the lady I work with has tested positive,  her hubby and 2 children ( aged 11 & 7) are positive too. They have no symptoms at all, and both double jabbed. It concerns me that the jabs are not giving any symptoms  ( in some cases) and therefore people aren't aware they're positive.  I know they say the numbers are going down but there's not as much testing. I said to my hubby, my friends children literally tested positive the day before the last day, so how many other children could be carrying it and now they are going on hols etc. No ones fault just whats happening. Its very scary. I have only had 1 jab, not due my 2nd for 5 weeks


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2021, 11:12:44 PM »

What has stressed me today is a family member who thinks being double jabbed has made her invincible. This is obviously nonsense, especially as I have four friends who have had COVID despite being vaccinated. I guess it’s her lack of concern for anyone else that wound me up.
 I’m happily still wearing my mask, trying to socially distance and using hand gel at every opportunity  ;D


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #8 on: July 29, 2021, 07:13:00 AM »

How many of those in hospital are really really ill, that's what the public aren't being told.  How many are in ICU or needing sedation for ventilation or have underlying conditions ?  As for the pinging app, ditch it.  Too many false +iv - what people forget is that 1 does not have to isolate if pinged.  1 may well have passed on the virus by the time one gets that app message by which time it is too late to isolate 2 protect others.

We know that vaccinations don't protect people from carrying the virus.  The 'flu vaccine gives 65% cover, C-19 about 75%?  I know 5 people who have been ill with a 'virus' - all were vaccinated at the beginning of 2021 - 2 would probably have required hospitlistion without having been jabbed.  All were too ill to get tested to see if it has been C-19 infection.

Keep washing hands
Keep wearing the 😷
Keep sensible distancing

There is so much difference between the hand gels too  >:(



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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #9 on: July 29, 2021, 07:36:06 AM »

I agree CLKD. We are just being fed numbers but not what they actually mean.
In the trust where I work we are given figures weekly on admissions but they have now decided to distinguish between inpatients who have been admitted with covid as the primary reason, patients who have other conditions but covid is exacerbating them and patients who are in for something else but have been tested and found to be positive but are asymptomatic. Thats what the public need to know but I think they should stop publishing daily figures now as it’s just contributing to the climate of fear.

I know a lot more people who have had covid this time round and many more who have had to isolate but I’m not stressed, just fed up. It’s gone on too long.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #10 on: July 29, 2021, 08:45:23 AM »

Exactly how I feel blot. :(


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #11 on: July 29, 2021, 10:25:39 AM »

Exactly Blot.  That would give a clearer figure 2 the public as well as anyone working on the time and effects of this Virus.  Statistics can prove what 'they' want them to prove  ;)


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #12 on: July 29, 2021, 12:37:59 PM »

Every time we think we're getting out of it it seems to get worse again  >:(.
I'd like more detail on the death statistics - number who have been doubled jabbed and a distinction between those who've died because of covid and those who happen to have had a positive test but actually died from an unrelated cause.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #13 on: July 29, 2021, 03:53:52 PM »

The Government tried to make out 12 months ago that all those who died were affected by Covid-19 until relatives began to kick up!  the truth is unlikely ever to B found.  Why would it be necessary to treat a death as Covid related when the patients had been in Hospital for a while for a completely irrelevant reason: why, because the Government didn't want the public to know that patients were catching C-19 as in-patients?  They have ruled by fear and are still continuing to do so by having too many 'experts' spouting too many different scenarios.

We don't get told of daily deaths usually, why is it necessary now, 2 me that's a breach of confidentiality.


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Re: Covid anxiety
« Reply #14 on: July 29, 2021, 08:09:14 PM »

As for the pinging app, ditch it.  Too many false +iv - what people forget is that 1 does not have to isolate if pinged. 

I dont have the app. I was contacted by test and trace. It is a legal requirement to stay at home and isolate if contacted by test and trace, you are warned you can be fined if you don't do it. I dont know about the app as I haven't used it. My isolation finishes today  :banana:

I gladly still continue to wear my mask   😷
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