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Author Topic: Period whilst on everol 50 patch , do I still follow regime with the remaining  (Read 2402 times)


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Hi all me again

I’m currently in 3rd month of everol sequi patches and have posted before .. 1st month symptoms kinda went as wasn’t as so noticeable and I had my first bleed the day I put on my Conti patch ( week 3 )

2nd month symptoms came back as in not as intense but reared their ugly heads again
Hot sweats palpitations
Aniexty was worse than ever
Period again started the day I changed to Conti patch ( week 3 )

3rd month so far …
Hot sweats , palpitations the usual but more often foggy head aniexty
& funni enough I felt as though I would have a period but I’m like nooo that be Thursday & now I have period but I’m still on the everol 50 patch & im not on Conti patch till Thursday …. I’m
Like how is this happening

Could it be my hormones getting through 

I have my 3 month check up in 2.5 weeks
I just don’t know what to suggest to GP
So any advice would be great

I know break through bleeding comes in the first few months but surely I woulda had that before now
I have 4 Conti patches and that’s my 3 months done .. but I don’t start them
Ones until Thursday coming 

Someone mentioned I might need a higher evorel patch .. so I will speak with my GP ( could that be the reason for the bleeding before it’s meant to ? )
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 11:14:53 AM by Michelle7474 »


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Re: Period whilst still on everol 50 patch
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2021, 10:28:18 AM »

You shouldn't get the bleed until you have finished the conti patches. The bleed should start around day 3 of the 50 patch so it's not making sense. What were your periods doing before you started patches. Also where are you sticking them and are they stuck firmly to the skin as it sounds as if you are not absorbing the hormone.

Taz x


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Re: Period whilst still on everol 50 patch
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2021, 10:37:37 AM »

Before HRT periods came regular at first then was getting all over place sometimes as often as 12 days apart
I never missed no period
I was suffering with symptoms hot flashes etc fuzzy head , headaches on and off & just generally feeling crap like we all do when hormones are involved

When I started patches it’s was always the first day of the Conti I would bleed .. for first 2 months
But this month I have 4 more days on the everol 50 patch ..
patches have always stuck but someone on here said because symptoms have come back maybe I needed a higher patch
Would that help regulate the period aswell ?
Im confused aswell to be honest.. and hate all this aniexty & everything that goes with it
I never suffered to be honest with periods in all my life Until this peri menopause

Mother Nature making me suffer now
I did think maybe where maybe  my own hormones are fluctuating that could cause all this but I’m stumped & it’s Sunday so can’t speak to the doctor although they take a while to contact you during pandemic away
Do I continue to use patch in normal order or what



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Re: Period whilst still on everol 50 patch
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2021, 10:39:29 AM »

I was told the period/bleed would come during the Conti patch ..
also Thankyou for replying Taz :)
I stick on thighs .. different spot and thigh each patch change
In the leaflet said should have a bleed usually week 4 which would be the Conti patch but since started this they came week 3
I was thinking maybe they not working , or it’s my own hormones
I was hoping month 3 was where everything settled but nope

I’m just stumped now .. do I need a higher dose .. winds me up this and don’t help when you have a bleed and feel crap lol
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 10:43:56 AM by Michelle7474 »


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The HRT bleed comes after you finish the conti patch. It's called a withdrawal bleed as it reacts to the withdrawal of the progesterone on the conti patch. I can see that the information in the pack does say that you will bleed in week 4 but that's not what I found when I was taking it so I guess everyone is different. All of my friends experienced a bleed during the first week of the new pack.

It does seem as if your own cycle is still working rather than reacting to the HRT. Did you start the HRT within five days of the start of your period as you were having regular ones?

Someone else with more knowledge will be along soon I'm sure.

Taz  x


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Thanks taz .. funnily enough I’ve put up a post saying maybe I took too long after my previous cycle .. I had 2 periods within 12 days and I had read that if irregular then could take any time .. I’m wondering if this is why it’s all out of sync as it was 9 days since start of cycle that I applied first one .. so I could I think maybe out of sync
I have left a message for Gp because maybe I would be better starting from scratch again .. as in use 4 everol 50 then add the Conti ..
As to me I thought the Conti would be pointless taking this month now because I’ve had the bleed

Maybe that’s why all symptoms have come back as the hormones are out of sync .. some one did say that maybe I should have higher dose
Anything would help hahaha
I hope she phones back before Thursday when the Conti is due to be put on
I did think it was strange that it was happening at week 3 before I put on Conti patch

Thanks taz replying is appreciated :)
Don’t we all just love hormones
« Last Edit: July 11, 2021, 04:50:33 PM by Michelle7474 »


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It can all get very confusing! Yes if you are having periods quite regularly then you are supposed to put the patch on within the first five days of beginning your natural period. The advice to just use at any time if your periods are irregular is really if you are only having them every few months - mine were around every five months when I started - as you would maybe have to wait months and months before you could alleviate symptoms.

Even if you have a bleed you should still continue with the conti patches at the usual time as this will eventually regulate your cycle from what I understand.

Let us know what the GP says.

Taz x


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Thanks taz :)
Hopefully GP phones before Thursday as I’m away on holiday also …
I will let you know what she says ..

I deffo feel she needs to give higher everol patch as symptoms returned but then if it’s all out of sync that could be why maybe

It’s very confusing I agree, I didn’t think it was gonna be so much going on from hormones especially as I never suffered until peri menopause :(

Thanks again for replying


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Hi there
I use evorel 50 and take oral utrogestan for 12 days out of 28, so not quite the same regime but similar. I have been on this since March 2019 and only very rarely do I bleed when I am ‘supposed to’. It is expected to bleed 1-4 days after stopping the progesterone, but I usually bleed 3 or 4 days before stopping the progesterone, so about a week earlier than expected. I also rarely have what could be called a proper period. I do occasionally, but the rest of the time it’s very little blood at all- more like spotting.

The docs did a scan and a hysteroscopy and they are happy all is well inside me, and I feel well, so I am carrying on with this HRT.

I don’t really have any advice except we are all different and as long as you speak to your doc about any unexpected things, they can check you are healthy.



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Thank you for reply sparkler

GP is phoning this morning so I can find out if to just carry on with regime or maybe re start
I deffo think I need to try higher patch as symptoms returned but I will see what she says.
I have only the Conti patches left now which are due to be started Thursday then that’s the 3 months done.
So she may say just continue & see if it recifies it’s self ..

Appreciate your reply & will
Update once I’ve spoken to GP :)


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Hi sparkler & taz

Spoke to GP this morning and she is changing my regime

She is keeping me on everol 50 but also progesterone tablet 200mg daily for 2 weeks
So 2 weeks patch & tab
2 weeks just patch

I was due to start the Conti patch on Thursday but as I explained above the period came way before that patch..
so she said I can just carry on with this new regime from then

I’m away on a caravan holiday on Thursday and hoping it’s gonna be a good week and no aniexty or symptoms I live in hope

Did you have any side effects ??



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Hi there
Good that you have had the GP call. Side effects for me on progesterone are minimal. I sleep much better, but also have mildly achy knees. Apart from that all good. Early on I found the progesterone made my skin and hair oily, but that doesn’t happen any more. Usually progesterone is just 12 days, but then I am on utrogestan and yours might be a different type?

Let us know how you get on.


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That’s the ones they have given me .. 2 daily 100mg
Dunno why she said 14 days unless it’s because she doing it as a sequi regime

I hope this helps xxx


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Do you take in evening ?? r=Sparkler link=topic=58814.msg828165#msg828165 date=1626185034]
Hi there
Good that you have had the GP call. Side effects for me on progesterone are minimal. I sleep much better, but also have mildly achy knees. Apart from that all good. Early on I found the progesterone made my skin and hair oily, but that doesn’t happen any more. Usually progesterone is just 12 days, but then I am on utrogestan and yours might be a different type?

Let us know how you get on.


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Yes in the evening, I fall asleep roughly 20 mins after taking the Utro so I take it as I go to bed. I feel fine in the morning but I know some ladies feel groggy the next day too.
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