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Author Topic: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches  (Read 1303 times)


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Hello can anybody help. I have been on Estrogel (4 pumps)  and utrogestan (100mg vaginally on a 12 day cycle) for 8 weeks. I started off on 2 pumps of gel  with no changes after 4 weeks and then gradually increased to 3 and was the same so then increased to 4. I have been on 4 pumps for 2 weeks tomorrow . I am on gel alone days at the moment and have another 10 days gel alone before I start my utrogestan gain.
I feel no benefits at all really.  No energy, zero motivation , and been having little headache  here and there. I have been patient and just gone with it as I’m aware takes time and we’re all different . My Meno doctor is aware and said to stay on the dose I am until my 3 month mark and we will re assess. She said maybe I’m not absorbing the gel.
 The last few days I’ve woken with headache (boobs got a little bigger at the start and I felt a little bloated but neither have been bothersome really) I am extremely flat in mood and just not feeling like anything is working . I truly think I’ve had a hormonal imbalance for MANY years and been low on estrogen. I also think testosterone will help but as it goes can’t discuss that until after my 3 months and also my Meno doc said first we need to get estrogen optimised- which makes sense.  I’m jsut so fed up. Waking with this left eye migraine and just wanting to go back to bed. I feel something is amiss but I don’t know what . Unless I’m just coincidentally under the weather ?!  My question - could 4 pumps be TOO much?! I’m quite in tune with my body and think I’d know  - and I’ve been just okay and waiting for it to maybe settle then hoping the benefits just appear and I wake up and am Like wow!! But at the moment especially I’m
Questioning of it’s too much? Last night I had a horrible mood meltdown. Like awful pmt and I felt horrible and it was horrible! My husband and children thought I’d been possessed for half an hour! I was aware so went for a walk but today I’ve woken with this little headache again and the same feeling of wanting to return to bed.  When I first started hrt in 2 pumps I got to day 10 and realised I was waking feeling okay and not dread and doom.  I’ve not had anymore days like that since (although the dread and doom is a bit better! It’s just more the feeling flat tired and no energy or motivation. No spring in my step or spark.
Anyone been through similar with gel and utro?


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 02:08:41 PM »

It's Trial and Error which in itself, is tiring.  Do U keep a mood/food/symptom diary.  Some HRT regimes can take 5-6 months B4 benefit is felt.  Why not drop to 3 pumps for 3 nights 2 C how you feel?  It may be that 4 is too much every night?

Have you had your VitD levels checked recently, as being low can cause similar symptoms.  4 me I would do 20 mins weeding then sit still for 2 hours .......... capsules sorted it!


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2021, 02:49:51 PM »

Hi CLKD - thanks for replying !  I’m just awaiting to arrange some bloods get my bit levels checked but I take a good Vit d supp.  As you know from my post I’ve been on 4 pumps for 2 weeks now. I split the e doses x2 morn and x2 teatime. I’m at a loss. Haven’t had any bad side effects at all but no beneficial changes where I can sh o have more energy motivation etc! Just been flat but hoped was the settling period. The last few days though headaches and a calm but there jittery feeling when I go to bed. Mood episode yesterday was horrible. Like bad pmt which I never really had! Today I feel awful. Migraine and feel weak as if got a virus - which could possibly have ?! Can’t explain just feel a bit worried as I don’t feel well. I asked my Meno doc if can try patches of gel isn’t absorbing . She’s yet to reply. I’m scared to mess abit in case 4 pumps is the magic but just hasn’t had time to happen yet! I think I’ve had hormonal imbalances a long long time and low estrogen. But. Ow worrying am I taking too much?! 2 years ago I tried the same regime - gel and utro and towards 5 months I stopped. I found my diary before and it says that I was on 3 pumps of gel alone for 4 weeks (no utro - I stopped it for a few weeks with the intention of restarting on a cycle from alternate nights) and even gel alone days I was flat and had headaches and felt no better . So I’m now wondering was 3 pumps then too low and I need to give this 4 pumps a good shot or is that evidence that maybe I wasn’t absorbing/suiting estrogel then and I’m not now 2 years on !!
 Any thoughts ?


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2021, 03:04:27 PM »

How long is a piece of string  ::).    It mayB that you aren't absorbing enough to feel a difference.  I would feel 'ill' during my cycle, can't remember which part: but once the bleed began I would feel OK until the next month  >:(.  Perhaps drop one pump 2 C?

How is your diet overall?  Low blood sugar can cause the shakes, mood changes: about mid afternoon if I don't eat properly I feel awful.  So I graze, but the banana has to be 'right' or I can't eat it. 

Hopefully someone who has tried your regime will be along .......


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2021, 03:16:51 PM »

Hi again CLKD - eating today has been non existent. My appetite hasn’t been there . I’m aware this won’t be helping. I’m aware. But it’s just how I feel. I almost feel like have. A virus hence me doing the Covid test (negative!). It all feels very deja vu to 2 years ago. As I mentioned I tried 3 pumps for 4 weeks alone and no changes. I then quit. Couldn’t do it anymore as felt too unwell. So hard isn’t it. I’ve a Meno doc and I asked about patches just awaiting her reply but again I’m worried may be throwing in the towel on 4 pumps too soon. Clock is ticking and I’m due to add my other 2 pumps soon. Fed up of it all to be honest. Lost a day today as really couldn’t function- rare bay happens x


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2021, 10:19:05 PM »

I think you've been increasing it too much and too quickly. Your body needs time to adjust which is why they usually tell you to try any regime for 3 months before changing. It does sound as though you're on too much now, too much oestrogen can be as bad as too little. Can you tell us what other symptoms you have and if any have improved? No energy is one of the most difficult symptoms because there can be many, many causes. Did you have blood tests before you started hrt? Iron thyroid, b12 and vit d can all cause tiredness. Perhaps testing your oestrogen levels might (or might not) she'd some light on it. Where are you in your meno journey?


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2021, 01:09:50 PM »

Hi Sheila I was advised Also by my Meno doc to on increase . I felt no benefits at all and also tried this regime before so we knew what my past experience was . I’m
Peri Meno but unsure how far. I take utrogestan o a cycle and have completed 2 as of yet. Been on 4 pumps gel alone day for over a week. Not had any benefits on any gel alone days at all and didn’t when I tried estrogel the first time I tried hrt. I wanted to at least try again. Just seems it’s perhaps not for me. My Meno doc doesn’t think I’m absorbing gel both times. We were going to do bloods to check levels at the 3 month mark in 4 weeks but in the meantime need to change as can’t go o feeling as I am . Unless Sheila - 4 pumps may just be the right dose but I just don’t know it yet! But I think based on last time too- this is just not for me and I need to try another way .


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2021, 01:47:52 PM »

I think making frequent changes after relative short periods of time might only confuse you and your body.  Mood in particular is a symptom that needs time to fix.  However, if you are really struggling, I would suggest contacting your doctor for advice


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Re: Gel & Utrogestan not working for me - should I try patches
« Reply #8 on: July 02, 2021, 04:03:24 PM »

Hi Margaret,
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.

The time you've been on 4 pumps is still very short, so personally I'd perhaps consider giving it a bit more time -but of course this depends on how bad you feel. Positive impact from HRT tends to take time, but also many say that they've felt some improvement (even if minor) relatively quickly.
My own experience has been that hot flushes disappeared rather quickly (within 2 weeks), heart symptoms took a bit longer and anxiety I haven't yet been able to resolve after a few months  :'(, so I'm as well considering now to move to patches.

Let us know how you get on!