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Author Topic: Moving from gel to patches  (Read 4244 times)


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Moving from gel to patches
« on: July 01, 2021, 09:51:28 AM »

Hi everyone,

I am speaking to the GP later as the menopause clinic have said I can try patches to see if I can get better absorption and symptom control (anxiety, low mood, aches, night sweats, forgetfulness).

I am currently on 4 pumps of Estrogel. The meno clinic have said to try 75mcg increasing to 100mcg in a month if needed.

But they haven’t said what to ask for (this has all been done by email and replies are not consistent). Are the patches called Estrodot? If anyone can suggest which to ask the GP for I’d be very grateful!

Thank you xx


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Re: Moving from gel to patches
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2021, 10:11:15 AM »

Ohh mindfulmoomins! I could have written this myself 🥲 I am feeling so desperate. I’ve been on gel 8 weeks and 4 pumps and feel rubbish. Headaches and flat and no energy at all. I think i need to try patches too!!!  I tried hrt 2 years ago and same gel and same utrogestan and gave it 5 months but felt awful and no changes I gave up! Tried again and still same and surely after 8 weeks is feel some benefit?! We’re you the same ? X


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Re: Moving from gel to patches
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2021, 10:41:39 AM »

Hello ladies,

I'm exactly at the same situation! Just saw gynae and she wants to move me now to 50 mcg Estradot patch, which would hopefully stabilise things. I'm currently taking Oestrogel and Utrogestan and have been really struggling. Initially started HRT last year, used 1 pump gel and 200mg utro days 14-26 and it worked great. Then couple of months ago something happened (still haven't been able to figure out exactly what) and new set of symptoms emerged with a vengeance.  :o By increasing the gel, I've managed to get the heart arrhythmia/palpitations and adrenaline attacks under control and sleep is somewhat better, but anxiety is really bad and again only got worse over the past 2 weeks. I'm on a constant roller coaster trying to adjust the gel and it feels like my absorption is really uneven. Have had couple times very scary symptoms which felt like 'overdose' though have applied just the normal amount of gel... Overall, the situation is just not good and I feel its time for change.

I"m new to patches, but know there are couple of alternatives -Estradot being one of them. Some patches are just estradiol, some have combined progesterone. Mindfulmoomins: are you thinking of getting combined patch, or you'll take the progesterone separately (in case you need it)? When will your GP appointment take place?

I'm currently puzzled as to how to move from gel to patch. Should I just switch on the go, or do some kind of wash out period? Would be great to get some advice here!

And I've understood from other threads that matrix patches (such as Estradot) should be OK to be split? I only got the dose 50 mcg, but given I seem to be super sensitive to oestrogen, I'm thinking of trying the first one with even lower dose -maybe cutting 1/4 away to get somewhere around 40 mcg. If it feels too low I can increase. Anyone done this successfully?

Thanks for much for advice and good luck Mindfulmoomins for your appointment! Jmargaret , are you seeing a doctor as well to discuss the change?



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Re: Moving from gel to patches
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2021, 11:28:44 AM »

Hello ellaurora- sorry you’re also in a dilemma! It’s horrible isn’t it. Very much a minefield. I can’t help I’m afraid about the patch question and cutting them although I do know some do. Me personally I’d think by cutting it (especially a quarter like you said!) will be hit and miss. May make you worse in terms of fluctuations if not correct dose. Maybe just start on what prescribed full patch then you can always reduce or increase actual patch dosage if needed?  Me - under a Meno expert at the moment and I’ve asked her today about swopping to patches. She did say to stay on 4 pumps for another few weeks until we get to the 3 month mark (I increased myself from 2 to 3 to 4 gradually and based on no changes at all)  but I’m not sure I can withstand another 4 weeks of feeling like this. I have a headache/ migraine on left eye with floaters (you know like little shapes moving round ) and I’m just so flat and tired. Can’t even be bothered dressing today and going anywhere. Not good! Don’t like it ! So I need to tackle it now as feel wasting time - precious time . At a loss. But see what Meno doc says . But very much taking decisions upon myself x


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Re: Moving from gel to patches
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2021, 12:41:41 PM »

Thank you J and Ella, I am sorry to hear you are in a similar position. My heart goes out to you both.

I actually felt really well for about 3 yrs with 3 - 3.5 pumps of gel and 7 days utrogestan 100-200 mg vaginally and testogel. I think my own hormones may be fluctuating rapidly in the background making things a bit complicated and I am hoping patches will even things out.

I just need oestrogen as I am taking (and disliking!) utrogestan.

Good luck both of you and thanks for the name of the patch: estradot


Julia Dizzy

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Re: Moving from gel to patches
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2021, 01:16:53 PM »

Hi Ella, I was on 2 pumps gel with 100mg Utrogestan orally daily, as am 13 years post meno so don't want a bleed.

I changed to Estradot 50 earlier this year and they are more convenient as you just change them twice a week. They are a good small size and stick to the tummy very well.
You can just stop the gel and start the patch straight away once you've decided which days you will want to change them. I do Monday and Thursday.

They are a bit fiddly if you cut them in half which I tried, but decided to stick with the 50 patch for now as it seems to control my hot flushes well. Still struggling with joint aches and anxiety though even after being on systemic HRT for nearly 2 years now. I started at age 63 after suffering horrible flushes for years.

The only issue you may find is that there isn't as much flexibility in a patch as there is with the gel, if you want to increase or decrease dosage. It is very much trial and error for all of us, still struggling to get it right!!

Hope you get on ok. x


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Re: Moving from gel to patches
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2021, 03:09:31 PM »

Hi all,

thanks so much for the responses and Julia Dizzy for the guidance on switching from gel to patch! Very helpful!

Margaret, I do see your point on trying to start with the dose the gynae has prescribed -after all she's an expert.
I'm just extra jumpy these days after having had very bad reactions from trying to increase the gel, so I feel I need to take it with baby steps.
50 mcg patch should be equivalent to 2 pumps, and I've been taking 2.5 so there shouldn't be an increase. Probably its going to be fine.

Now I only need to decide the day when to switch. I'll likely go for the weekend, will be nicer to acclimatise when not having to work.

Take care ladies and thanks again xx


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Re: Moving from gel to patches
« Reply #7 on: July 01, 2021, 03:14:18 PM »

Hi - am following this with interest as not sure gel and utro have ever worked that well for me.  I've heard good things about the Estradot patch, does anyone else have any experiences of it?