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Author Topic: Continuing weight loss  (Read 1880 times)


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Continuing weight loss
« on: June 26, 2021, 07:56:21 PM »

I am starting to get quite worried about my weight. I have been losing weight gradually for the last 2 years despite not trying and have dropped 2/3 dress sizes. The skin now hangs off my arms and you can see all the bones in my chest. I used to have to watch my weight and was roughly 9 2 which fulctuated by a couple of pounds. I am now 7 stone 6. For the last several weeks I have been having high calories snacks in addition to 3 healthy meals a day in attempt to put on weight but still lost a pound this week.

I have mentioned this to the dr and he just said eat more! He hasn't actually seen me as everything is via phone. I have had blood tests showing slightly elevated LFT and fat red blood cells and he is investigating thyroid, though the first blood test came back clear. I do have problems with my stomach / digestion, but this isn't really a new issue. I have always had a really healthy diet so any increase in fat seems to cause problems for me. If I eat take away I often suffer a lot of discomfort with stabbing pains in the stomach which is usually (eventually) relieved by a great deal of flatulence. Not sure if the weigght loss and pain are related at all, it certainly makes me careful not to eat high fat food.

Ive started to worry that I may have something seriously wrong with my stomach or pancreas (according to Mr Google) but my rational side thinks that I have had the same pain before, which ramped up before starting HRT so may be caused  / aggravated by menopause. It is the weight loss that's making me more concerned.



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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2021, 09:33:15 PM »

Hi shrosphirelass

You know your body best so I'd say trust your instincts and push the gp further. Speak to a different gp if possible or just say how concerned you are. Maybe keep a food & exercise diary and note your weight regularly to show them your records.

What do your loved ones say? Are they worried also?

Take care


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2021, 10:12:12 AM »

Morning.  All weight loss/gain should be investigated.  Your GP is being remiss in not seeing you - regular weighing on the same scales weekly.  As well as being referred to a dietician to have a good lookC at your over all diet.

MayB keep a diary of what you actually eat; it may be that you aren't getting enough 'fats' and carbohydrates - R you are busy ?  What is your exercise regime actually like?

Get a tape measure round your waist weekly. As well as around your thighs which is the 1st muscle to atrophy . 

R U drinking more 24/7 which may be a sign of diabetes. Also, thyroid function can cause weight loss/gain.  MayBe self refer to a physiotherapist or go to speak with a local Pharmacist. 

A pound could be the result of a Very Good Poo  ;) - not that I'm in the habit of weight mine you understand but poo can weigh heavy.  R your poos 'within normal limits' 4 U?

If worried I would bypass my GP and seek advice elsewhere.  Practice Nurse, Pharmacist, see if there is a dietician at the Surgery or local Hospital.  Even the Staff at a Hospice who may listen more carefully. 

Let us know how you get on.  How is your Blood Pressure ............



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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2021, 04:37:25 PM »

Have you been tested for Celiac disease.

This might explain your stomach problems and weight loss.  I have heard that after diagnosis and diet changes, Celiacs usually regain their lost weight.


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2021, 04:56:47 PM »

Hi ,

 you can insist on seeing the GP in person and defo take a list of what you eat, to prove that you eat enough. any unexplained weight loss should be investigated.
It could be anything and the sooner you get it sorted the better. They should examine you and do a full blood work up at least.

I hope you feel strong enough to insist on being seen.

Keep us informed ,




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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2021, 06:40:49 PM »

Have you been given any advice about your large blood cells? These can be caused by various illnesses/types of anaemia  think which may then cause weight loss.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2021, 07:55:34 PM »

Thanks all. I have a telephone appt a week on Wednesday following blood tests this week which are checking on red blood cells, liver function and thyroid. I have been checked for coeliac and diabetes. I will stress my concerns about my weight loss. My mother in law tells me I look like a skeleton so people have noticed. MY OH tends to down play anything as I experience health anxiety. My new size 8 jeans are too big and I had to put them in the tumble drier to shrink them so I'm not imagining it. I'm sure a doctor can get an idea of your health just by looking at you so it would be reassuring to actually see someone but I don't think its very likely. Takes 3 weeks to get a telephone appointment if I ring first thing in the morning, otherwise no appoinments are available. Good excuse to bake I guess.


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2021, 02:17:29 AM »

I'm in a similar boat, so I know how concerning weight loss like that can be. I'm glad you are getting some blood tests and a telephone appointment at least. It's so frustrating when you have an issue and can't get an appointment. I managed to see my doctor this week after weeks of waiting, because I've been very worried about my weight loss, too. She ordered a lot of tests -- blood, urine, thyroid, B12, Vitamin D, plus an X-ray because I've been having pain in my shin for over a year. I also have health anxiety, so I'd convinced myself I had something really wrong with me, but the tests all came back fine, apart from high cholesterol. So I'm trying to believe that the weight loss stems from known issues I've been having.

Have you ever had any tests on your colon or stomach to try to ID the cause of your pain and digestive issues?

My situation, if it helps to hear from someone else: I've lost 35 pounds in the past year and a half, dating back to when I stopped birth control pills and went into menopause. (I'm in the U.S., and Google tells me that's 2.5 stones. I've gone from 175 pounds to 140 pounds.)  I know I've had some issues that likely contributed, with flares of my ulcerative colitis and stress/anxiety from all that's been going on (menopause, pandemic, being laid off from my job in September, being out of work for five months, then not liking my new job) that have suppressed my appetite. There were days I had to force myself to eat some meals, and sometimes dinner would be just a plain baked potato or a bowl of cereal because my digestion was so messed up or I couldn't think of anything else I wanted or could handle. But even after I started eating more, I kept losing weight. Before, it was a huge struggle to lose weight, and the only way I could do it was very strict calorie-counting, so this is definitely a change.



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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2021, 01:32:40 AM »

Shropshirelass, how did your blood tests and telephone appointment go? Do you feel like you know anything more?


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2021, 12:01:13 PM »

Thanks for thinking of me Souris. The blood tests were ok apart from one that apparently was a strange result but when they followed it up it wasn't so concening, what ever that means. My dr is going to write to hematology and ask for advice regading this. I think it was something to do with protein. My oestridial was around 250 which was higher than last time so I don't why the flushes have ramped up. Anyway the dr is asking for a full CT scan directly fron the Xray department but he thinks they may send it back as they expect a referral from a consultant, so we'll see. Lost yet another pound, I just don't get it with all the icecream! How are you? I think your right that stress may play a part. I think anxiety is very good at eating calories!


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2021, 12:11:32 PM »

Ice cream is mainly water ;-)

Did your GP go over your daily intake ..... or suggest a dietician?

U haven't been abroad ever?  There are intestinal worms that can cause weight loss.  FinL came home from Changai Camp with a worm  :o which migrated around his gut.  We could see the rash forming as it moved .......... and he had 'the runs' every morning which was probably partly the worm discharging.  A cocktail of sulphur drugs killed it but it was present 4 over 30 years.

Have you eaten any fruits that may have been washed in contaminated water?  My friend, a Chef, was handling dried mixed fruits washed in contaminated water, with typhoid.  He has never been out of England. 

Looking outside the box is important if nothing obvious 'shows'.  Raw pork of course - not that many do - carries an intestinal worm.  Lyme disease, dog/cat worms ..........


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2021, 11:23:59 AM »

Any news, you've gone quiet  :-\


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2021, 11:41:07 AM »

Hi CLKD, that's because I have nothing to report. I haven't heard anything from the Xray dept or the GPs, rang GP to get a telephone appointment to check what next and only available one was for just under 4 weeks time! My weight seems to have stabalised but this is only due to excessive snacking of high calorie foods and is not healthy long term.


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2021, 11:55:55 AM »

How do U feel overall apart from worried ?

There's a similar post today ...........


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Re: Continuing weight loss
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2021, 11:47:57 AM »


I don't have general advice but wanted to reassure you about pancreatic cancer, in case this was one of your concerns.  I have a strong familial history of this disease and have check ups myself alternate years.  a sustained weightloss over a number of years is not the typical symptoms of this kind of cancer, which is far more aggressive, and one of the first symptoms is often jaundice.  I hope this helps a little x
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