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Author Topic: Out of my mind with worry  (Read 6597 times)

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2021, 06:42:02 PM »

Aw bless you Julia Dizzy…..sounds like it was a traumatic day for you ….. I don’t really know what to say …..only that i am thinking of you….please try to stay positive……when you suffer with anxiety that is so easier said than done……at least that horrid procedure is done  and a plan can be made going forward….. i am still waiting to hear 🙄……i guess they are triaging my referral……keep me updated with how things are going
 with much love Mrs B xx


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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #31 on: June 10, 2021, 07:09:05 PM »

Julia Dizzy, well done for getting through it. I really feel for you. Sending good wishes and I hope you hear about the results soon. Be kind to yourself and take care x

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2021, 12:54:18 PM »

Thank you all so much for your very kind words. Your support is so very welcome in all of this.  :hug:

Kathleen, thank you for the news of your neighbour's recovery, that's really good to know.

I can only hope for the best in waiting for the results. They are marvellous at my local hospital so can only take comfort in that.

Mrs Bennet keep us updated on your journey too. Sending caring thoughts to you too. xx I am full of trapped wind this morning ...nice  :D and feel like I have been run over by a steamroller. Hoping my insides will recover in next couple of days!

Take care and thank you again so much xxx.


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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #33 on: June 18, 2021, 02:26:03 PM »

I had a similar thing back in November.   I had piles but decided it needed further investigation as had been seeing blood on and off for around 18 months.   My FIT also came back as a referral and it's standard policy that they make sure they see you in 2 weeks from the test.  I was also worried about the urgency.  The doc told me the FIT is one that gives false positives and if you have piles the blood could very well have come from there.   Anyway I had a colonoscopy and all was fine.   Try not to worry.  Easier said than done I know as I also have major health anxiety! 

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #34 on: June 23, 2021, 04:37:13 PM »

Hi Mrs Bennet and all, I had my results on Monday and they said the biopsy of the narrowing area came back showing cancerous cells. So I will have to have surgery to have that section of the bowel removed.

I had bloods done and a CT scan too - and that showed no spread anywhere else thankfully.

I have an appointment with the consultant surgeon tomorrow and I would imagine he will tell me when the surgery will be and what it all entails.

I am quite shaky, sick and scared as you can imagine, never had an op before apart from being sterilised over 30 years ago. It's surreal and can't quite get my head round it. They said it could have been there a long time and just wasn't bleeding at the time of my last bowel screening test in 2018. So you never know what's lurking inside.

I can only say the hospital have been brilliant and very quick so far, just not looking forward to the op and being in hospital with all that goes with it. I can only hope they get it all and I will be ok.

So everyone please make sure you get your screening and any other tests done when it's requested, it's so important. xxx


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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #35 on: June 24, 2021, 06:59:15 AM »

I'm so sorry, Julia. I wish I could think of the right thing to say. It is a good job they've caught it when they have.

Just wanted to offer good wishes for the op and a speedy recovery.


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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #36 on: June 24, 2021, 08:46:42 AM »

Hello Julia Dizzy

I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis.

I mentioned my neighbour before and she was told that her cancer had likely been there for years before it caused any symptoms. She had an operation to remove part of her bowel followed by chemotherapy. She had to attend hospital a few times for an infusion but she also had some tablets to take at home. Throughout this time she looked well, was not particularly low on energy and didn't lose any hair. All this was over ten years ago and she has been fine ever since and is still going strong. Hopefully her experience gives you some comfort and reminds you that there are many success stories out there.

Take care and sending hugs.



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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #37 on: June 24, 2021, 10:23:37 AM »

JuliaDizzy, sorry to hear your news, but good that it hasn't spread and they are going to operate soon. Thinking of you x

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #38 on: June 24, 2021, 12:43:31 PM »

Thank you all so much for your kind wishes. xx

Mrs Bennet

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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #39 on: June 25, 2021, 09:34:57 AM »

Morning Juliadizzy……..was so sorry to read your news …….i am sending you love and hugs ……hopefully the op will be done soonest and you can get on that road to a speedy recovery xx


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Re: Out of my mind with worry
« Reply #40 on: June 25, 2021, 10:22:16 PM »

I'm so sorry JuliaDizzy, such a worrying time but it sounds as though you are good hands. I hope the op goes well.
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