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Author Topic: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse  (Read 1829 times)


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Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« on: June 27, 2021, 02:17:35 PM »

Hi all
I’ve posted few times and always read on here
I’m on everol sequi patches on week 8
I never suffered aniexty until last year , but these year got worse and was put down to hormones ( after saying it was long covid )
I started patches and hot flashes , aches pains .. sleeping ok ( never been a great sleeper ) and palpitations basically went straight away

Aniexty wasn’t each day before patches it became noticeable when I was due to have a cycle or ovulation
But for Last 10 days Aniexty and panick have been constant , sometimes it’s passes and other days like today it’s lingering
I can’t handle it much longer and considering getting some help with antidepressant or some kind of help
But then I was wondering would it be the Conti patch causing it
I put patch on today & it’s last one of the Conti patches so was wondering is it the actual patch making it worse
I’m stumped as this is somthing new and obviously last 10 days been at its worst

I hate hormones and I hate Aniexty more
I don’t wanna rip patch off and be defeated I wanted to do the 3 months

I just feel panick and doom .. clammy hands and feet and a feeling of not being there ( although I am ) and flushed hot face and fuzzy head like a tension headache without the pain & dry mouth and occasion palpitations

Sorry just wanted to rant and write it all down


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2021, 04:41:58 PM »

Hi Michelle,

sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I do sympathise and wanted to share couple of thoughts coming to mind when reading your story.

What's the dosage you have on the patch? Ladies are really different in this regard but for some (myself included) high doses of oestrogen, especially if added suddenly, can cause anxiety. I've experienced this several times myself when trying to up Oestrogel dose, and have needed to cut back down and go slower. Put oestrogen & anxiety in the search field and you'll see lot of experiences on this.

Do you have a chance to talk to your doctor and ask advice on the dose, perhaps to consider going slightly lower, to allow your body to acclimatise?

With anxiety, it does seem very tricky to treat and HRT doesn't necessarily offer a fast cure. Many ladies here have shared that for anxiety to go, it has taken months of HRT and often several attempts before finding the right type and dosage. So you'll likely need some short term solutions here too, before HRT gets sorted. Talking to doctor is obviously the best thing here as well, if you have a GP you can reach and who is supportive? Perhaps anti-anxiety medication can be considered, e.g. something you can take if the anxiety attack gets too hard. It may already help you to know that you have a rescue medication in case you really need it.

Also, sports does help at least for me -the more physical/harder,/swetier the better, as it takes mind away from constant self observation and boosts the endorphins. I know that when anxiety is bad, its difficult to get oneself to move, but try to push if at all possible.

The other thing with anxiety is that the harder you fight it, the worse it gets and you can never win vs anxiety. It will always floor us in the end if we fight it. So it is better to try to accept it and go with the flow -this is very difficult and I'm also trying to learn it myself!! Try to breath, accept it as is, and get something, anything, that will distract you. 

Hang in there, you're not alone & let us know how you get on!! xx


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2021, 04:59:10 PM »

Hi EllaAurora
Thankyou for replying I appreciate it

I’m on week 8 of the sequi patches the strength is 50 but it’s the Conti ones that I’m thinking is causing more I think

I didn’t want to stop as I’m 4 weeks away from the 3 months but I think it getting worse

Before they gave me the patches they did prescribe me antidepressants & aniexty tablet but I never wanted to go that route as it’s the side effects that scare me more daft I know 

I’m on warfarin as at a young age I had blood clots so the patch was best option for me as it’s doesn’t give any more risk of getting a clot … ( last clot was about 25 years ago but I’m on warfarin for life )

It’s awful it comes and goes all day and I sit and relax and breathe and try calm my self and sometimes that works and it just passes but it’s every day now and it’s since I put on the Conti part patches but didn’t get This bad in first month.

It could be a mixture of a few things for me as I’ve been having burning feeling near my ribs and done a stool sample for Helibactor ( how ever you spell it ) I had this last year from no where so It could have returned. ( hopefully not and it’s just acid reflux or somthing ) I’m taking Omperzole at moment with helps with the pain ..

Shoot me now lol 😂😂
I turned 46 when all this started on and off with this year by far being the worse I’m now 47 and no better
But I will be I know I will ( positive thinking )


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2021, 05:17:16 PM »

Hi Michelle,
I'm not an expert on patches (have oestrogel and utrogestan myself), but if Conti patch includes progesterone, then perhaps that could explain the worsening of symptoms? It seems by reading the experiences in this forum that progesterone intolerance is very common.
Try search function to find out what has been said about it here. Hopefully also someone how has personal experience on this will respond to your post.

I understand you'd like to persevere the 4 weeks to complete the 3 months, but if your symptoms become unbearable then maybe its time to check in with doctor earlier and possibly explore other ways. There are other transdermal options which work for many.

Take care and let us know how you get on!!


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2021, 05:23:05 PM »

Thankyou EllaAurora

I will do as i cant bear this much longer .. I change patch on Thursday & if this aniexty panic stops then I know what part of the sequi is doing this

I appreciate you replying .. always makes you feel better knowing someone is reading :)

I hope one day I can come on here and be like yayyyyyyy 😂😂😂


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2021, 05:37:53 PM »

I know, this forum is great -whatever you are feeling, there's always someone else who has or has had the same! The best kind of peer support.

And yes, me too! Looking forward to one day reporting here that I've found my perfect HRT match ;)



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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2021, 09:17:18 PM »

Hi Michelle7474

If it's the progesterone part of the patch tgat is troublesome that may necessity yo fix as I believe you can swap out those patches for other progesterone options. This might be good as it sounds like the 50 patches are good for your other symptoms!

Good Luck


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2021, 09:34:57 PM »

Hi Cookie25
Thankyou for replying appreciate it :)

I’ve kept notes of when it started and when it got worse etc so on Thursday ( patch change to the everol 50 ) if it disappears I know it’s the Conti part & it’s good to know that there are other ways to get that part of hormone.
I live in hope :)


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2021, 09:45:47 PM »

I’m on my last patch of first pack and for the 50 patch weeks I was on cloud 9, the conti patch has definitely led to (or stopped helping) the mood swings and brain fog as they’ve been back with a vengeance.
I can’t wait to see what happens when I go back on the 50 patch on Thursday!
I feel overall the cloud has lifted but the PMS and brain fog has been bad this last week - albeit I’m not over analysing it all as much as I was before starting the HRT so from an anxiety perspective I definitely feel more able to cope and more like myself if that makes sense?


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Re: Can The Evorel Conti Patch Make Aniexty Worse
« Reply #9 on: June 27, 2021, 10:36:39 PM »

Hi tootsie
Yeah I deffo think it’s Conti patch , I was ok first month, I did have aniexty but not so long or so intense
But then I suppose this month it could be a mixture of digestion problems & hormones
I did read somewhere that it got worse before it got better .. let’s hope this is my dip
I’ve come to the conclusion I hate hormones lol 😂
I didn’t expect all this at all
I don’t want to take other medication if I can help it as before all this peri menopause I didn’t suffer any of this

Good luck on your journey .. I still hold out hope for these patches xx