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Author Topic: Work anxiety worse  (Read 1450 times)


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Work anxiety worse
« on: June 17, 2021, 10:42:37 AM »


I am 45 and experiencing a lot of peri symptoms. Most notably stress, anxiety and anger. I recently started HRT after trying many other things from intermittent use of ADs to birth control. I’m on two pumps of the gel and 200mg of progesterone 14 days out of 28 that I insert rather than swallow!

One of the hardest things for me is work. I only work part time but I have a reasonably  senior position as a project manager. I’m so fed up with how my work related anxieties have just gone through the roof. Particularly during the two weeks I take progesterone. I honestly don’t think I can carry on with my role. It eats me up inside. It’s horrible.

I just wondered if anyone else opted for a career change during peri or menopause? Did anyone choose to step down from their current roles to something far less stressful?

I feel stuck. Anxiety makes me want to leave and then anxiety keeps me in the job in case what I’m feeling isn’t real!

Ugh. This period of life is tough.

Can anyone relate?



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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2021, 08:10:54 PM »

Hello Floodlights

Yes, I can definitely relate.

I am 52, peri and have recently spoke to my GP about my symptoms and starting HRT, my symptoms have suddenly got so bad.

I am suffering from anxiety, low mood, mood swings, anger etc. I worked part time up until 10 weeks or so ago in customer services. It was just as well I was wearing a mask as I couldn’t even be bothered some days to raise a smile, I would curse behind my mask and thought “this isn’t me, I can’t carry on working in this customer facing environment”. I handed in my notice.

Hopefully I will get back to work in the future, I am looking into difference ideas/options but for now I couldn’t be there, it wasn’t easy but I feel I made the right decision.
It is really tough time!

I hope you get to your right decision. Good luck x


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2021, 09:30:08 PM »

Yes - this is me, also in 40s although I work full time.
I’ve actually started applying for new jobs as so angry, anxious, stressed and unfulfilled in current (quite senior) one. However also totally petrified that it’s me that’s the issue and not the job or company per se - bouts of insecurity that I’d be terrible in a new job, total indecisiveness, times when I just want to quit entirely and do nothing - but then freak out that I’d end up sinking into an unproductive pit of despair and all my skills and brainpower would shrink away.

It’s horrible. Sending strength as sadly have no advice…


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2021, 02:10:08 PM »

This was me 4 years ago. I changed jobs, to one less stressful going down in grade but it was that or going off sick. I thought that would sort be out but it didn't really.

The anxiety was just transferred from feeling overwhelmed by the demands and stress if the job to being constantly anxious with learning the new job, building new relationship, proving my worth etc...even though I was told all the time that I was ok, I couldn't shift the feeling that I didn't belong, that I was out if my depth.

In the end I left for another job back with my previous company but again a lower grade. This has been fine and I'm happy there but still struggle desperately with fatigue and concentration. I've been working from home for a year and that rely helps as I can I've the attention I can gather to the tasks rather than the shall talk and pointless discussions of the office. I take many breaks and am slower but as I don't waste time chatting and travelling, output is about the same.

I don't think I could cope being back to the office. I hope to retire in 5 years and go down to 3 days in 3 years.

I'm rely upset I had to give up on a very senior role after so many years rising up starting from the bottom and giving it my whole. Directors respected be and encouraged me, it all fell apart because of the menopause. HRT did nothing to help. It certainly has been a disability for me.


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2021, 05:34:21 PM »

This is so sad. Just when we should be stepping into senior roles many women have to withdraw from the workplace. I gave up my job in IT a few years ago to be a mother and part time farm hand. Now on hrt and most symptoms are OK but my brain isn't as sharp as it used to be and I'm not sure I could do my old job. Fortunately OH took over the farm work I couldn't do when I was bad. I still don't do as much as I used to but some is age related rather than meno. How long have you been on hrt floodlights? My anxiety took 3 months to go (it is sooo debilitating). If you still get anxiety on utro after 3 months perhaps try a different form of progestin.


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2021, 10:08:14 PM »

Ladies I relate to this so much.
I am struggling with my job due to brain fog, anxiety, insomnia and exhaustion. I permanently think about retiring and I'm only 46.....


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2021, 06:53:24 AM »

I’m retiring in 6 months. I’m a cleaner and been menopausal for over two and half years now.
It’s a combination of different problems that’s making me stop work, like back pain, rib pain, IBS, headaches and facial pain, Vaginal atrophy, hand pain, fissure, brain fog etc.

I’m also put off seeing a colon rectal surgeon, to next year. Just can deal with that and work.
I’m blessed to have a husband who happy for me to stop working. I could stop now but it’s me pushing myself to pay more off the mortgage. I’m about to turn 47, so it will be a early retirement for me.


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2021, 08:17:18 PM »

Similar here, completely paranoid that my boss wants rid of me and catastrophising and not getting anything done as a result, then leading me to think I am going to lose my job. Vicious, scary and miserable circle I can't seem to get off atm.


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2021, 09:01:38 PM »

Gosh isn't it so sad that so many of us are struggling with working life at this time xxxxx


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #9 on: June 20, 2021, 06:04:27 AM »

Sometimes you write these posts hoping for kindred spirits and to know you’re not alone. I think I’ve found that. But the good feeling you get from knowing you’re not alone comes with a huge heap of sadness to know other women are struggling too. It feels so cruel to have a career cut short because of menopause.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I have a lot of thinking to do and maybe I need to be a little bit braver than I feel.



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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2021, 06:10:16 AM »

Oh my - thank you ladies for your frank and honest posts here. I’ve read them all and can SO relate to these stories.

I too suffer with extreme anxiety, rage, paranoia, feelings of inadequacy, etc. I’m 54 and peri.

Two years ago I began a new teaching job, part time to fit round my children who are at primary school. I was very excited about my new job, arranged a dog walker, a cleaner, and wrap around care for the children for a few days a week to ease things at home. It was a complete disaster, I was signed off with stress after 5 weeks and I handed my notice in before the end of my first term. The whole episode left me feeling like a failure and I’ve lost all my confidence. The worst part is I’ve always thought of myself as invincible, hard working and great at my job. I’ve been a successful teacher for many years, with increasing responsibility and spent many of those teaching years as a Head of Department. Now, as a peri menopausal woman I’m the opposite of that. After my recent experiences I know I’ll never teach again!

This menopause stage in life can be so challenging in so many ways!

Hugs to all, look after yourselves, life is for living and shouldn’t be an endurance test  xx


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #11 on: June 20, 2021, 10:49:43 AM »

Hugs to all, look after yourselves, life is for living and shouldn’t be an endurance test  xx

These are wise words…. Thank you xx


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Re: Work anxiety worse
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2021, 10:54:58 AM »

Have one job offer and another interview this week. One company is large corporate and one is SME - the corporate has a lot of support for women and I even read an article from a lady who was menopausal and how said company had supported her….
I’m feeling more and more drawn to going back to being a small fish in a large pond! I can’t afford early retirement…
