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Author Topic: Evorel sequi  (Read 1342 times)


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Evorel sequi
« on: June 13, 2021, 04:11:54 PM »

Hi everyone I started taking evoral sequi 2 weeks ago but have suffered a really bad period of panic attacks and a total scary detachment from reality. Doc tried lots of antidepressants but can’t tolerate them and at same time I started Evorel sequi patches. I honestly don’t know if it’s the anxiety or past meds or the patches but I am really dizzy and unbalanced more so than normal with the spaced out detachment thing. And also I get really hot tingly feelings on my upper arms, chest and cheeks. Has anyone else had this with the patches? Im not sure what it could be as I’ve been on that many meds last 2 weeks but am currently only on the Patches.
I don’t want to stop if they will benefit my anxiety and altered moods etc but equally It would be beneficial to know if patches can cause this. I never had hot flushes before only night sweats.
Any thoughts muchly appreciated  :-*


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Re: Evorel sequi
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2021, 07:47:28 AM »

Hi Alisar1,
I had a similar reaction to being on Evorel Sequi and eventually had to stop. I did not cope well with the progestin in the second 2 weeks (Evorel Conti weeks).

It is difficult to tell what is causing what sometimes. You need to decide whether you can cope with Evorel Sequi for 3 months to see if it settles. I couldn't, because I couldn't sleep.

Two things might be worth considering - get your prolactin levels checked if possible. Mine were sky high and so had to address that. Anxiety reduced greatly when that was addressed (using a herbal tincture of agnus castus via a qualified herbal practitioner). Second, you could try a different kind of HRT, e.g. oestrogel and utrogestan (both body identical). Loads of info on here and Louise Newson's site.

So much of this is trial and error, sadly. But there will be a solution for you. Hopefully you have a GP or menopause specialist who you can talk to and knows their stuff. If not, seek one out.

Hope you are able to find some answers soon. X


  • First Flush
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Re: Evorel sequi
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2021, 08:54:55 AM »

Thank you so much. I keep getting told that the anxiety and trauma I have been through recently is causing this ‘brain fog’ and unbalanced feeling and that’s probably right but the only thing I am on medication wise now is HRT so that’s why I’m thinking it possibly could be that as well as.  My doctor wasn’t very helpful when I started it and basically said you can try if you want. I’m 47 and I think I’m perimenapausal as had mood swings, night sweats, anxiety and NO libido. We have had a few things going on too. I lost my beautiful doggy who was nearly 14 at Christmas, poorly in laws. Moving home. The list goes on. I’m currently accessing CBT but am only on session 2.
Feels like the big decision of HRT has just gotten lost in it all.
Anyone got a magic wand?!  :(


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Re: Evorel sequi
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2021, 10:15:57 AM »

I feel for you and can relate. Anxiety and trauma can definitely trigger the imbalance. Your body might not need the HRT but does need hormonal balance. It is hard to tell.

For me,  the key is sleep. Easier said than done! I have always been a solid 8 hours a night person. Now I wake up at least twice a night. So that is what I am working on. Am going to give Ashwagandha a try - and a sleeping tablet when desperate.

Am also still taking agnus castus because it is said to balance hormones. After 3 months of that I will see where I am.

HRT might still be a solution for you, but maybe a different type.


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Re: Evorel sequi
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2021, 10:39:33 AM »

I think that’s the viscous circle I’m in. Not knowing actually what is the root problem. It’s crazy as I never had panic attacks until this Easter. That led to this after a really bad one 3 weeks ago causing the disassociation. Within a matter of 9 weeks all this has escalated. Is it safe to just take off the patch? I’ve been on them 2 weeks now and due to put the conti patch on tomorrow.
I’m quite indecisive anyway but this has blown my mind!
Thank you


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Re: Evorel sequi
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2021, 12:27:04 PM »

I would see if you can have a word with someone at the GP surgery, but it is safe to remove the patch. It will take a wee while to leave your system in my experience. But everyone is different.

Then you can chat with your GP about being referred to a menopause specialist or see if someone in the practice specialises in women's health/HRT.

Watching some of Louise Newson's videos is really helpful, even if just to get a better idea of options. She is very pro HRT but is balanced in what she says.


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Re: Evorel sequi
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2021, 01:27:16 PM »

Thanks again for your replies. Much appreciated x