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Author Topic: HRT estrogen patches… keep changing / and feeling low at times?  (Read 825 times)


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My doctor gives me whatever estrogen is in stock.. so the patch type changes - is that ok?

I have been on estrogen and Merina coil since my early forties with success.    I am now 50 and am suffering low mood at the weekends.  The pandemic has not helped.  I work from home and husband had a heart attack 6 months ago and step kids not working or enjoying Uni due to Covid.  Both kids have low mood and anger issues because of life and covid.   There has been a lot of ups and downs.. I am ok in the week with the structure of work but get angry and low at the weekends.. my husband has low energy due to his HT and hardly leaves the house..

Could I be feeling low / less bouyant because I have reached full menopause age.. 50 ?


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Re: HRT estrogen patches… keep changing / and feeling low at times?
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2021, 02:51:12 PM »

You could try increasing the oestrogen and see if it helps, it's normal to require more as you progress through meno. The only thing that's a bit odd is that you only get it at weekends so perhaps life circumstances have a part to play. Could you get a bit of structure into your weekend perhaps with a hobby you enjoy or some 'me' time? We all need something to look forwards to.
It would be preferable to stick to the same type of patch as it's possible you absorb differently. Perhaps keep a diary and see if you feel different when you change. Testosterone helped my low mood but they will only give it to you for low libido (mine was zero)


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Re: HRT estrogen patches… keep changing / and feeling low at times?
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2021, 04:21:52 PM »

Hello TraceyTracey.

I am sorry that you're  having these difficulties and the added strain of health problems and COVID  is obviously not helping you or your  family.

I agree with everything that sheila99 has said and I wonder if you also keep different hours at the weekend? Perhaps staying up later or enjoying the odd glass of wine lol!  I know someone who says she feels better on work days because at least it provides a destraction and she can forget how horrible she feels!

I hope you find a solution and I'm sure other ladies will be along to advise you.

Take care.
