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Author Topic: Using too many HRT products  (Read 1167 times)


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Using too many HRT products
« on: June 11, 2021, 02:06:45 PM »

I had severe VA ,couldn't walk, sleep or sit. I have been using Estrogel ( 3 pumps) Vagifem daily and Ovestin a few times a week for the last 5 years. Apart from a few minor blips i now live a very comfortable life! This has enabled me to loose weight as i can now exercise.

I got a request for HRT review, sent my BP readings in, they are normal. I couldn't get to speak to my GP who i have had my past reviews with, he was happy for me to use Estrogel, Vagifem and Ovestin as i have a Mirena.

The GP i ended up with is new to the practice and said 'no no you are using way too much" in a very condesending manner. He wants me to have my Estrogen levels checked and Cholesterol and will then decide what he will prescribe. He also said that the Vagifem would be adding to my estrogen levels to give me far too much, also said that Estrogel was enough to control VA.

So frustrated, spoke to lovely receptionist who has told me what to do on e-consult to try and get an appointment with my own GP but concerned i will have to go back down private route again.



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Re: Using too many HRT products
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2021, 06:57:20 PM »

I hear you loud & clear Tinkerbell.  My HRT is consultant managed (privately) but I live in fear of GP HRT reviews & was stressed out on hearing I was to have my first several months ago.  As I'm late 50s & the surgery had previously said no HRT after 60, I assumed I would be told to start tapering off preparatory to their withdrawing it altogether.  In the event it was a lovely locum GP who rang me at home and to my surprise & relief she had no objection to my continuing the low dose systemic & 5 nights weekly Vagifem-Estriol topical combo when I explained why I need all the components & gave her my (normal) home BP reading, (low) weight etc. 

A few months later though, another GP who didn't know my history queried my HRT & I had to go into a long, stressful explanation all over again.  The recommended regimens had been documented on both NHS & private meno clinic letters, but with high GP turnover it looks likely to be challenged over & over again.

Worse than this, a few years ago when only on topical HRT a very young female gynae told me I should not be using the Vagifem & Estriol combination prescribed by our nearest, very well respected NHS meno clinic as it is "the same thing - you are using double".  I explained the Estriol cream (the weaker of the 2 Estriol creams at that - 0.01%) had been added by the meno clinic when Vagifem proved inadequate, advising that many women need to use this on the vulva in addition to the internal application of the more potent oestrogen, oestradiol, in Vagifem.  The gynae still didn't accept this combination was necessary.  It felt a hopeless situation for womankind when a senior medic who'd chosen to specialise in gynaecology apparently knew so little about menopause & its associated treatments.

It's so frustrating that so many of us keep coming up against this incredible lack of knowledge & misunderstanding that needlessly increases the stress of obtaining medication that is for so many of us essential for decent QOL, for what may amount to several decades of our lives.

I hope you manage to get the appointment you need.  If you have copies of any correspondence documenting your need for your current regimen I would also send those in to the GP who's challenging it.

Good luck  :hug: though I have to say it seems scandalous that luck should have to come into it.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2021, 02:11:39 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Using too many HRT products
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2021, 07:08:56 PM »

This new GP may be sabre rattling and ask him what is he making his judgement on.  Ask to speak to your GP .  If your regime works, why change it? 

GPs still don't get it that some ladies require VA treatment nightly plus 'extras' on the labia etc.. 


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Re: Using too many HRT products
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2021, 12:03:16 PM »

An update!

Spoke to GP who has reviewed my HRT before, shall not see the one who tried to get me off of HRT ever again if i can help it.

Anyway my blood tests all came back normal ( LFT, cholesterol, HbA1c) and my Estradiol is not too high, pre menopause levels- not quite sure what that means.

So he is quite happy to continue prescribing what i need.


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Re: Using too many HRT products
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2021, 12:05:22 PM »

Just need to try and get a Mirena appointment now as mine needs replacing.


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Re: Using too many HRT products
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2021, 12:53:22 PM »

Phew!! Glad you managed to get the GP who reviewed your HRT before and you can continue to get the treatment you need. I too live in absolute dread of GP reviews. I’ve had the same problems with G.Ps trying to take me off Vagifem because I was on systemic HRT. They were adamant that I had to stop and when I produced a copy of a letter from the hospital they have turned round and then said they weren’t up to date with menopause and HRT stuff!! What the Hell?  It’s so stressful I even went to a G.P once for an issue totally unrelated to HRT and after I explained the problem (minor skin issue I think) and she launched straight away into a lecture of the evils of HRT and how the Vagifem would make my womb lining thicken…and make me grow another head…turn me into a toad  :lol: The thought of going to the GP sends a shiver down my spine because it pretty much always ends in an argument about HRT. My anxiety explodes every time they call me in for review or bp check. I even felt anxious reading your post!! Hehe! I just know how it feels. I just know that if my bp is even slightly elevated someone will pounce on my HRT, lock it in a deep dark cellar of doom and throw away the key. The stuff of nightmares.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2021, 12:54:55 PM by JoJo42 »


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Re: Using too many HRT products
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2021, 08:04:28 PM »

Relieved for you Tinkerbell.  Phew!