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Author Topic: Sorry back again for more words of wisdom  (Read 996 times)


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Sorry back again for more words of wisdom
« on: May 28, 2021, 05:00:53 PM »

Firstly,  can I say thank you to all the regular posters on this forum who are so kind with your words of reassurance and support.

I don't feel like I'm able to give much back at the moment due to not having a clue where I am in my peri-menopause and to be quite honest still feeling overwhelmed and terrified by many of the symptoms.

However,  as things progress hopefully, that will change and I will be able to contribute a bit more with reassurance and advice to others.

So I posted earlier in the week about a mucky spotty discharge that I'd had and got myself in a bit of a state about.

i spoke to the nurse at the surgery on Tuesday who said she'd speak to Dr and call be back either on Wednesday or next week - I've not heard so next week it is!

Bascially,  she wanted to get advice on whether to refer me for a scan or whether it could be the vagifem causing the discharge.  I finished my two week loading the day before the discharge and now onto twice a week.

Since then I've continued to have very very light pink discharge,  apart from on Wed when I did actually have a bit of darker blood and I wondered if it might progress to a period but then by yesterday and today it's back to being hardly anything.

The nurse also wondered if it could be a period as it was three months to the day that I had my last one and she said they can just be very light and spotty in peri.

I just wondered if it could be the vagifem.  I know it's localised but I am very sensitive to hormones,  could only take a tri-phasic pill as it had to mimic my own hormones otherwise I bled constantly.  The progesterone only pill I bled constantly and the Mirena,  with the exception of a few weeks I spotted constantly.

My question is because of my sensitivity to hormones is it possible it's the vagifem?  I did have cramping the few days before the spotting started by that seems to have stopped and the side effects did list cramps and bleeding which is said is usually nothing to worry about but to report to GP,  which I've done.

The other weird thing is at the start of this I was stressing myself out and the last couple of days my mood has really lifted.  I'm not complaining as I've been a ball of anxiety for so long it's nice to have a couple of days off!

I also have to share and I apologise if this offends anyone but last night I sat down on the sofa and as I did a really loud fanny fart came out (apologies for the terminology but didn't know what else to call it)  Anyway,  I suddenly realised that hasn't happened for years and I wondered if the vagifem might be doing it's job and putting some moisture back!!!  I think I've been so blooming dry down there it's not been happening!! ;D Never thought I'd be pleased to let one of those out!


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Re: Sorry back again for more words of wisdom
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2021, 05:34:42 PM »

I wish I could answer your question, its so horrible when all these symptoms overload us. The problem is that we are all so different. I was told by my GP that the vagifem is such a low dose of hormones that it only equates to taking two oestrogen tablets over the course of a year .  I also bleed almost daily when I had the mirena coil in place. Good luck going forward x


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Re: Sorry back again for more words of wisdom
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2021, 06:58:01 AM »

Thanks mandss

I think because I'm prone to anxiety and worry about my health my mind goes into overdrive with every little thing.

It certainly is a rollercoaster and I feel like there's so much going on with my own hormones I can't deal with any other issues that might crop up!

Hope you are well?


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Re: Sorry back again for more words of wisdom
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2021, 11:46:24 AM »

 :-\. I've answered you in the other thread  :-\

Do U have any other period-like symptoms.  It is unlikely to be the 'vagifem', rather more likely that VA is causing slight bleeds due to the very thin vaginal tissue which tears easily. 