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Author Topic: How do you get an oestrogen level reading  (Read 1972 times)


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How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« on: May 26, 2021, 04:14:14 PM »

Hello everyone, I've noticed in a number of posts on here people talking about getting a reading for their oestrogen levels, and remarking whether they are too high or too low.

I've never heard of getting this done and wondered how you go about it - is it something you ask your GP to do, or does it arise out of investigations into other things?

I'd be interested to know what my levels might be, as it strikes me that that might be a much more effective way of regulating HRT than the whole hit and miss of trial and error and its attendant symptom horrors.

All info and any advice very much appreciated  :)

LL xx


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2021, 07:36:41 PM »

Hi Lamplighter,

My experience is that doctors are often quite reluctant to do the lab tests as levels tend to fluctuate so much during perimenopause that its difficult to read much into it. Symptoms used as a guide, even though it is this painful trial and error sometimes. ::)

But it does make sense if you are on HRT and not getting the desired effect from it. Then it is useful to check what the estradiol is, to see if you are absorbing properly. Beyond that not sure how useful the tests really are. My understanding is that generally the right level is very individual, i.e. someone might feel ok with a certain level while for someone else that is too low/high. And it seems to vary even within the same person. I got my reading last year before starting HRT and was 90 pmol/l, which is very low. Despite the low reading, I was not feeling super bad -just the flushes and insomnia. Was tested again recently as my symptoms got much worse and was 160, which is still too low, however one would expect feeling better than with the 90, but for me its actually the opposite. Go figure..  ??? Probably its not only the level, but also the fluctuations that are causing the symptoms but these cannot be tracked with single blood test unfortunately.

Maybe ask your GP and see what he/she says?

Take care xx



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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2021, 09:10:56 PM »

Thanks EllaAurora for that comprehensive (and very informative) reply.  Sadly it does make sense what you say, about fluctuations and individual differences.  I'll be speaking to my GP in the next couple of weeks so will ask her about it then and see what she says. 

I suppose I'm just tired of all the trial and error and the fact that so many different forms of HRT can have such different effects, but you don't know until you try them  :(

LL xx


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2021, 09:32:07 PM »

You can ask but you're unlikely to get it on the nhs as they go by symptoms not levels. If you're being treated privately they're more likely to test levels but you'll pay for it.


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2021, 09:34:50 PM »

Thanks Sheila99 xx


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2021, 09:13:29 AM »

I suppose I'm just tired of all the trial and error and the fact that so many different forms of HRT can have such different effects, but you don't know until you try them  :(

LL xx
That's exactly the way I felt when I started on this journey, I naively expected testing and given the right hrt at the right dose. I really wasn't expecting the 'suck it and see' approach. I've learned from this forum just how different we all are. A regime that suits one person is a nightmare for another and there's no obvious reason why. Levels seem to be similar although they give an indication. It seems the level you feel good on can differ too.


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2021, 10:40:04 AM »

This is exactly how I feel too! Very frustrating having to go through the trial and error, and that it takes so long to see what works and what not. Not to even mention the fact that the same regime may first work and then stop working -for the same person!  :o

The blood test helped me with one thing, though, and that was to answer the question of too much/too little oestrogen, which I also had earlier. Since I was feeling so bad, I  thought maybe I am overdosing, but seeing the low blood estradiol level at least I got confidence to continue on the higher dose regime to which I'm now trying to adjust.

Keep us posted Lamplighter on how you proceed & hope you feel better soon! xx


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2021, 12:45:53 PM »

I have had many estradiol tests and my reading would come back sky high every time but I was and still am so ill but finally one showed a low reading thankfully and confirmed that the others were fluctuations.  If you are in peri then the lead up to menopause can be a chaotic rollercoaster.  I wish my private menopause doctor stopped insisting on Estrogen tests because for me it has been a waste of money, they should go on symptoms.


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2021, 07:57:16 PM »

I've just ordered a home test from medichecks. It was £79, but not as much as through a private consultation/clinic.
I also just would like reassurance that increasing oestrogen dose is the right thing to try, versus maybe needing something else like testosterone... If I understand it correctly, oestrogen levels need to be optimised before trying testosterone anyway so knowing where I am will help me understand where I am! I think!


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2021, 08:58:37 PM »

EllaAurora, Floo36 and Devon51 thanks for replying, and for the informative comments.  On balance it seems like the oestrogen readings aren't terribly reliable in terms of determining how high a dose of HRT to take - on the whole I suppose it's worth knowing whether they are high or low though.  You'd think that given the fluctuations, the tests could be done on an average basis rather than a one off. 

Devon, I didn't know you could do home tests - how reliable are they do you think?  Sounds like the NHS isn't going to cough up for a test and like you and Floo I think paying a private consultant's exorbitant fees for something that's not as useful as it should be is a bit on the nose. 

As I'm well and truly postmenopausal I would hope my levels are fairly stable (read, non-existent!) though it always seems to me like every now and then they decide to drop another notch, with a consequent increase in negative symptoms.

EllaAurora I''m curious about your comment re a particular regime stopping working after a period of time.  Do you know why that would happen?  It makes the whole thing even more frustrating, as well as despair making - this endless search for something that's going to fix the problems so we can just get on with life  :bang:

Thanks again everyone xx



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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2021, 10:00:06 PM »

You can find that you need more oestrogen over time as you produce less yourself. Usually an increase in oestrogen will solve it rather than a change in regime.
I'm intrigued to find out what happened to you EllaAurora? Great name BTW.


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2021, 10:48:16 PM »

I have had a fair few levels done. I think it’s because I am on a very high Oestrogen dose and they want to check it hasn’t gone too high.
I’ve also had them when I feel very low, despite being on the high dose  :)


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2021, 06:48:32 AM »

Having bloods done in late peri is like chasing a moving target.  I think they are useful if the fluctuations have stopped unfortunately mine are extreme and I’m going from symptoms.  I feel normal for sometimes a few hours followed by either a panic attack or severe mood swings but most of the other symptoms of low Estrogen all of the time the worst being the complete insomnia which is torturous and no end in sight until I get enough Estrogen.  You have to decide for yourself if testing is worth it, if you are post then it willtell you what your levels are at the time but it won’t tell you what level you need to be to feel well, I guess doing a test when you are well would be an option.


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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2021, 08:44:03 AM »

Thanks Sheila99, Salad and Floo36 for replying  :)

Sheila99, I'm 12 years post menopause, I'd have thought by now the oestrogen levels would have dropped as much as they're going to.  It sounds like you're saying they keep on dropping if not forever, then for a much longer time than you'ld expect - would that be so?  In which case it's all a much bigger nightmare than I already think it is  :( :( :(

Floo36, that's good advice - testing when you're more or less symptom free (but whenever is that  ::) ) to find out optimum levels makes a lot of sense.  Right now I'm still all over the place symptom wise so perhaps will leave the whole issue of testing my oestrogen levels until further down the line.

Thanks everyone for your helpful input xxx



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Re: How do you get an oestrogen level reading
« Reply #14 on: May 28, 2021, 10:49:12 AM »

Most oestrogen is produced by the ovaries but smaller amounts are produced by the adrenal glands and fat tissue and it's this that can decline post meno.
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