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Author Topic: Shaking and racing heart xx  (Read 2718 times)


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Shaking and racing heart xx
« on: May 23, 2021, 10:59:31 AM »

Hi there! I hope everyone is coping with this crazy ride 😯❤

I'm currently peri, 47 years old and have been suffering from low mood intermittently (have had more bad days than good recently 😯), terrible anxiety and hot flushes face, racing heart etc. etc.   It got so bad 2 weeks ago i didn't leave the house for a couple of weeks, only just to go to work, that the Dr upped my Sertraline to 100mg from 50mg.  My mood seems to be a bit better but now I seem to have shaking and my heart is racing really bad with my face heating up, usually worse in the morning.  Does anyone think it's the increase in Sertraline?  The funny thing is I don't feel anxious but these symptoms are making me anxious if that makes sense.

 I've  suffered with this for months on and off and it's horrible.  Tried HRT a while back for 3 months and didn't help much.  I am desperate to try anything and if an increase in Sertraline makes me better, then so be it.  Please can someone give me some hope? Xxx


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2021, 11:35:23 AM »

Please, can anyone advise at all? Xxx❤❤


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2021, 12:20:26 PM »

Hi there,sounds like panic attacks,racing heart is quite common and if you search about on here,you will see so many women have these symptoms worse in the morning and they slowly wear off as the day goes on,cortisol is usually the culprit,I used to have crazy adrenaline rushes and had no idea what they were but it's all meno related. Mention to your gp,are you on hrt?


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2021, 12:39:31 PM »

Hello Sparkles1973 and we to the forum.

Many of us will recognise your symptoms as menopause related, you are certainly not alone!

There are many types of HRT that will provide the Oestrogen that you are missing and I am sure some of our expert ladies will be along to advise you. In the meantime you may want to research Dr  Louise Newson who runs a menopause clinic and helps many women who are in your position.

Wishing you well and keep posting.



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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2021, 12:51:34 PM »

Thank you sooo much ladies ❤

Jaypo, I've had panic attacks way in the past and these feel more physical, if that makes sense? I did mention it to my GP... I'm hoping the increase in Sertraline will help a little or just keep me on a more even keel 🤔❤ I'm very scared that I will never feel like 'me' again and this will go on for the rest of my life.  I'm scared of trying more hrt as it doesn't help everyone and I dont really get on with hormones.  I still have regular ish periods.

Thank you also Kathleen xxx sorry, I'm full of doom and gloom! Xxx
« Last Edit: May 23, 2021, 12:53:10 PM by Sparkles1973 »


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2021, 02:50:38 PM »

Oh don't be sorry,it's all very scary isn't it but again,shaking is common,some ladies feel a buzzing sensation ,pretty much anywhere in the body,one lady who posted on here said it felt like her bed was shaking but it was actually her that was shaking the bed,I can't advise on hrt I'm afraid as I've never taken it, I too was put on sertraline but couldn't stomach it,glad to say I managed after months of anxiety and depression to pull through the other side.
Like Kathleen said,check out Dr Newson on YouTube,she's very knowledgable about all things meno x


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2021, 03:12:16 PM »

Thank you Jaypo! ❤ can I just ask, how long did your peri/menopause last? Xxx


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2021, 04:07:29 PM »

I'm 57 now,had a partial hysterectomy in 2008,so all I can go on is really when the flushes started,which was about 7 years ago,then about 3 years ago the anxiety etc,mostly it's gone,still have the flushes and the occasional blip of anxiety but much much better now


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2021, 06:30:53 PM »

Hi Sparkles1973, menopausal symptoms aside, this sounds to me like a side effect of the Sertraline - which is an SSRI and these are known for causing symptoms like anxiety, agitation, nervousness, tremor and movement disorders.  I know this right now because I've just returned to using one of them, Paroxetine, after flirting with Escatilopram, both of which gave (and are still giving) me bad shakes, jitteriness, constriction of throat and jaw and chest, difficulty taking deep breaths, and generally feeling very very scared (way more than anxious). 

I get what you mean about not being anxious but having physical symptoms of anxiety which then make you anxious and so on and round the circle we go. 

I'll post a link to quite a good website which lists lots of useful info about various medications.  The one I've posted is for one brand of Sertraline, but you can search for all sorts on there.

You said you've been on 50mg of the AD and I assume long enough to know whether you were getting any of these symptoms, but it is possible that doubling the dose is bringing on the side effects.  If you stick it out they may well subside (one would hope so anyway) but it might take a couple of weeks.

Of course I could be completely wrong, you can never tell with menopause and the hormone imbalances that go on.

I hope you can get yourself onto an even keel soon xx



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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2021, 07:31:14 AM »

Sounds like the crazy hormones.  Symptoms change and come and go and new ones appear. Getting the HRT right should help, although I’ve not got mine right yet and still struggling, just had two days of horrendous mood swings and panic, nervous and scared.

Shell babes

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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #10 on: May 24, 2021, 12:44:01 PM »

I’m the same with mood swings, panic, nervous and scared x


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2021, 06:49:33 PM »

Hi Sparkles,

I'm afraid I can't really help with your original question, but I wanted to sympathise and say that you are certainly not alone!!! I'm struggling with very similar symptoms (anxiety, adrenaline surges, insomnia, heart racing) and thus far haven't found a cure. (just posted my own story asking for advice for the anxiety and upping a dose).

For me HRT (Oestrogel 2 pumps, Utrogestan 200mg cyclically), is helping at least somewhat with the physical symptoms (heart, adrenaline surges and to certain extend also sleep). Maybe you could give HRT another chance? Your symptoms sound pretty bad, so perhaps try and see what happens?

I hope you'll get better soon! xx


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #12 on: May 28, 2021, 08:00:54 AM »

Hi all! Thank you all so much for the advice ❤ I'm feeling better so I'm enjoying it while it lasts at the moment!  Thank goodness for this forum and an amazing bunch of ladies ❤❤


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Re: Shaking and racing heart xx
« Reply #13 on: May 28, 2021, 09:32:56 AM »

Keep going girl,we women are a strong bunch,all that we go through,we're pretty amazing actually  :bighug: