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Author Topic: Bleeding on continuous HRT  (Read 1960 times)


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Bleeding on continuous HRT
« on: May 22, 2021, 09:01:35 PM »

I am 55 and been on HRT for about 19 months( oestrogel and utrogestan ). I started the continuous regime in November and had some bleeding the second month, but since then have been okay. Now started bleeding again with dark old blood and new blood. I have just had a scan which showed my lining was fine and my fibroids hadn't grown, and also a smear test.  When I started HRT I was still peri-menopause, so not really sure where I am in the menopause. I am feeling really tearful and odd at the moment, and also had period pains at the beginning of the week. I feel my hormones are all over the place and never seem to settle down. Is it my own hormones that are causing the bleeding? Should I stop the progesterone and have a proper bleed? Can't see the GP till the 2nd although I have spoken to a nurse and have taken a couple of swab tests to rule out any infections. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


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Re: Bleeding on continuous HRT
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2021, 09:59:16 PM »

Bleeding can be expected in the first 6 months of a conti regime but you're pretty near the limit. If it feels like a period it probably is. If it was me I'd go back to sequi as it doesn't sound as if you're menopausal. Some women are in their early 60s before they reach meno.


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Re: Bleeding on continuous HRT
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2021, 07:38:09 AM »

I am also 55, and have been taking the continuous regime. As sheila99 says you can get bleeding for the first 6 months.  My bleeding started after 6 months, and ended up having a scan, like yourself the womb lining was fine and had a few fibroids but nothing to be concerned about. I continued on the same HRT, and things settled. Then the bleeding started again, and after a phone call with the GP, I was moved onto a lower dose HRT, Femoston Conti 1mg/5mg, the bleeding stopped. For myself, dropping down to a lower dose of continuous HRT worked, I am sure the GP said too much progesterone sometimes causes a build up of the womb lining, causing bleeding. It does cause some worry when the bleeding continues, plus its very tiring, and yes sends the hormones all over the place. Maybe a change of Conti might help things.  Hope everything gets sorted at your appointment, and let us all know how it goes


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Re: Bleeding on continuous HRT
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2021, 09:06:34 AM »

I think it's a high dose of oestrogen that causes the build up not progesterone but obviously you need enough to stop your symptoms and that's different for each of us. If you're still peri and want to be bleed free probably your only option is a mirena. Utrogeston hasn't stopped my bleeds, my own cycle is always stronger than the hrt (late peri, two natural periods since turning 60).


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Re: Bleeding on continuous HRT
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2021, 04:27:40 PM »

Thanks for the replies. Pleased to hear that others have experienced it and I can know ask more questions when I visit the GP.