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Author Topic: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?  (Read 1035 times)


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For those of you who are not on HRT, do you feel anxious and weepy on a regular basis?  If so how often do you get like this?  I'm wondering if this is normal during the menopause.  Strangely enough I don't have too many physical symptoms.  It's mainly the emotional/psychological that are affecting me.  I haven't had a period for 16 months now.


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Re: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2021, 03:26:39 PM »

Hi Karine

Not many ladies realise but these symptoms are one of the commonest during menopause. Many of us don’t make the connection and some, like me who never have any hot flushes, are even less likely to.

There is lots of information on Louise Newson’s Website - about all the many symptoms associated with this time in our lives.

For me, HRT has made life so much better but I took some convincing and I know it is a personal choice.

Hope this helps and hope you find a way to feel better.

W xx



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Re: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2021, 08:36:53 AM »

Only one reply?  I'm now beginning to think I'm the only one wiith this issue


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Re: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2021, 08:38:55 AM »


Yes, I can totally identify with this. I had a surgical menopause 6 years ago. I hoped that the anxiety and feeling upset might improve at some point but not yet.  I think Covid and lockdown have definitely made it worse.  Lots of things have me crying at the tv .... captain Tom, Prince Phillip .... Call the midwife was very bad last week!!!!! 

You’re definitely not alone. I don’t take systemic hrt. I really hope these feelings will improve for all of us at some point xx


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Re: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2021, 11:35:50 AM »

Only one reply?  I'm now beginning to think I'm the only one wiith this issue

I didn't reply as I am on HRT but if it helps I did feel very much like that before I started HRT. Mood improved immensely once I began to feel more like 'me' again. Of course there are lots of other reasons to be feeling anxious and tearful. One of them is having to live as we have been doing for the past year.

Taz. x


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Re: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2021, 02:49:59 PM »

Anxiety and low mood has been far and away my worst problem. Whether it’s hormone related or part of reactionary depression to the last hideous year plus, I don’t know.   I started HRT and it actually got worse, but not all ladies find this - hrt can relieve the psychological symptoms completely.    hRT has relieved enough of my physical symptoms for me to want to continue with it, however my anxiety and mood have got so low I have started taking antidepressants too.  This regime suits many women.  It all depends on how you feel but in my experience the anxiety rarely goes away on it’s own.   Hope you can find something that helps you x


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Re: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2021, 08:35:45 AM »

No to anxiety but yes to low mood, my worst was early last year. I found I was crying and getting upset on a daily basis. One day I found myself in a low mood and started crying at the supermarket. After about a month went to my doctor and she asked me how I was, and I started crying. I got put on a very low dose of antidepressants. I was on it for 6 months and it really helped me.

I think what really didn’t helped me at that time when my older sister, She kept telling me that my menopausal problems was cancer. In the end I told her what I and my doctor thought of her cancer diagnosis. I haven’t seen or spoken to her for a year and a half. It’s been wonderful. If she tried to make contact with me again I would tell her to get lost.

I’ve been fine for a while now but if I needed to I would go on antidepressants again.


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Re: Do you feel like crying and feeling anxious on a regular basis?
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2021, 10:21:13 AM »

Thanks everyone for your replies.

It's true that anxiety rarely goes away on its own and quite often, those affected have to work on themselves, and sometimes with the help of medication and/or a mental health professional.  I did an online CBT programme and it has helped me a bit but I still think that this and low mood are the worst symptoms for me.  During my reproductive years I used to have issues with this but it would last 1 day or 2 and I would be alright for the rest of the month.  But maybe the menopause affects us much more and some ladies who never had anxiety and low mood issues before suddenly realise that iare being affected.

I am trying to find relief through natural remedies as I'm not keen on medication.  I'm just hoping that these hormones will settle down eventually.  In my case it could be because they are still declining.  I wouldn't have thought that it's being caused by fluctuations as I am no longer peri - I haven't had a period for 16 months now.