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Author Topic: Stress and body not coping  (Read 1977 times)


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Stress and body not coping
« on: October 05, 2021, 09:07:34 AM »


As a lifelong anxiety sufferer I’m used to the symptoms and how it can make me feel, especially with health anxiety and ‘what if’ seemingly ruling my life. But when push comes to shove, I’ve always coped well with a real crisis - losing my sister, mum, moving house etc.

However more recently (and I’m sure Covid hasn’t helped) I feel less able to cope as my body seems to react even when I think I feel ok mentally. Things seem to be reaching a head right now. We have two collies aged 4 and 7 who are our life and in the past fortnight I was told the older one needed an operation to remover her anal glands (that wasn’t a huge surprise but still upsetting) and then less than 2 weeks ago the younger collie has suddenly gone blind which has been devastating.

Years back, whilst this would have upset me I would have coped. The gland op was yesterday by the way.  But now - and for the past few days - I seem to be having physical symptoms I haven’t had before - tingling, upset tummy, feeling spaced out, terrified in the middle of the night to name a few. My question is, do you think the body can throw a whole host of physical symptoms at you even if you think you are coping as best you can mentally? I hope this makes sense, I think it probably is stress but my health anxiety is through the roof with it all - and so the vicious circle goes on. In a nutshell it’s as if I am telling myself ‘you’re ok, you are coping’ and my body is saying ‘not a chance’

Thanks just for reading as I’m feeling so low.


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2021, 09:25:39 AM »

This sounds very difficult for you, so sorry. Cumulative stress is so harmful.
For me, personally, I believe the body and mind are not separate. Also, as women especially, we are kind of programmed to stoically soldier on. It doesn't do us any favours! In your shoes, I would be looking to the most troublesome and persistent symptom and dealing with that (and subsequently you!) as an absolute priority. Good luck.


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2021, 09:28:15 AM »

Thanks for replying Postmeno3. I’d not thought of it as cumulative stress but that actually sums recent events up.

Ju Ju

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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2021, 11:36:46 AM »

Yes, prolonged stress affects your body physically. IBS, teeth grounding and so on. I do recommend considering counselling, yoga, walking or whatever helps. Look after yourself. Take time out just for you.


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2021, 12:14:40 PM »

Stress can have a huge impact on physical feelings. Of course you are feeling stressed and anxious, your dogs are not doing well, and they are your world. It’s ok to not cope sometimes.
I’m like you, always coped with huge things, took over, sorted everything for everyone… but since my recent bout of crippling anxiety since stopping HRT I’ve had to put the breaks on everything and everyone. I can’t cope and I’ve admitted it. Everyone has been surprisingly understanding.
Take some time out, be there with your dogs, and focus on you xx


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2021, 04:45:58 PM »

I've seen first hand how stress can have a massive impact on your body, and it's true what they say about needing to take care of yourself. We do try to cope with things but as others have said things accumulate over time and there is a tipping point  :(

I hope the op went well, so you can put that behind you, and having lived with a blind dog for a number of years they will adapt, especially if they have the older one to help them.


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2021, 05:29:35 PM »

Ju Ju, Suzysheep and getting_old - thank you for replying. I can’t seem to find anything I can do to calm me down and feel so stressed that I am unable to cope right now. Just hearing that how I feel is normal helps me. And getting_old I appreciate the insight into owning a blind dog. I’ll do everything I can for our boy. And the op did go well. Thanks again ladies. xx


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2021, 05:48:41 PM »

Take some time for yourself. Take the dogs for a walk, as the blind one will enjoy the smells  :-*

For the blind dog don't move any furniture, etc as it will make it easier for them to get around. Not sure if you'll need it, and we didn't use anything, but there's a product called Muffins Halo which can help dogs not hurt themselves. There's some info here in case it helps


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #8 on: October 06, 2021, 06:47:48 AM »

Lynda07 - are you taking HRT or considering it?

I found it has helped me feel stronger in myself. I still get anxious but I feel better able to cope. The estrogen component also gives me a feeling of well-being.


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2021, 05:17:57 PM »

Thanks getting_old, much appreciated. There is a lot to learn but we are hopefully getting there.

Jasmine20. That is good to hear. I did try HRT but my blood pressure went incredibly high so I came off it and didn’t dare try anything else.


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2021, 08:46:49 AM »

Hi Lynda
I know exactly where you are coming from.  Anxiety has been with me for a long time, and more recently, health anxiety has taken over where I worry about every symptom I get.  I think perhaps a lot of our symptoms are always there but once we start to dwell on them they become our main focus and we actually wait for them to happen, if that makes sense.  We lost our beloved dog a little while back, and it's hard.  I do think since Covid it has got us thinking a lot more about our mortality, and that in itself can cause anxiety and stress.  I find it really hard to believe that strong physical symptoms can be caused by anxiety.  (I get all the ones you describe). I was recommended a book called 'Self - Help for your Nerves' by Dr Claire Weekes and it really helps me at times, in fact I got it out again yesterday as I have been struggling lately.  It's a bit of an old fashioned book, but it's so easy to understand, and when I first read it, it shed so much light on my problems.  In it she describes  a lot about physical symptoms and it does make sense.  You can get it from Amazon.  Hope your dogs keep well and you start to feel better.  Take care


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2021, 05:16:13 PM »

Thank you holidaylover.

Firstly, I am really sorry you lost your dog. I truly know how much it hurts.

I also agree about Covid, it knocked me for six mentally as I know it has many others.

It’s really interesting that you mentioned Claire Weekes, I have that book and need to go back to it, I made a start on it but need to finish it. I also listen to old recordings of her on YouTube.

Thanks so much for your reply.


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2021, 08:05:50 PM »

I turn to her books quite often. I like the idea that you accept the scary feelings rather than try to fight them or be fright ed of them and carry on despite them. However for me this only works when symptoms aren't too intrusive!


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Re: Stress and body not coping
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2021, 12:30:29 PM »

Gnatty, she really did speak a lot of sense didn't she.
I've been trying to accept my feelings this week, it's not always easy though as you say.