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Author Topic: Late starter!  (Read 912 times)


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Late starter!
« on: May 14, 2021, 04:32:22 PM »

Hi everyone,
I have just turned 58 and have been in menopause for 15 months. I had a long perimenopause which started around age 51 with breast cysts, pins and needles, digestive issues etc which came and went and I have felt quite well for the past couple of years. However, since March I have had issues starting with a bad left knee which caused me grief climbing stairs and driving, then my neck on the left side started to be a bit stiff when turning it to talk to someone.  My worst problem is around my coccyx area which is so uncomfortable sitting down or at first when standing, after a short time I can walk it off but then my upper back aches!  I am seeing an osteopath and she suggested this could be the menopause proper! Yesterday I couldn’t stop going to the loo to wee and this continued during the night (about 5 times) and I thought I had a water infection but today I have been ok and just can’t wait to see what happens tonight. 
I have spoken to my GP, absolutely no chance of actually seeing him and without an argument he offered me HRT. I really would like to know what you think about me starting this at age 58 and as I am looking at the patch if a low dose will suffice. Do any of these symptoms sound familiar and did HRT really help? One thing that has bothered me on reading up on it all was that when starting HRT ladies with previous issues with breast cysts can have these return and having 2 years cyst free I am not sure about that.  The tightness of my muscles is the worst thing, I just can’t seem to loosen up. Any advice would be wonderful xx


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Re: Late starter!
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2021, 05:24:13 PM »

Hi!  As oestrogen levels drop, the body may become dry: inside and out as well as muscles may become lax = aches and pains. 

Get some vaginal atrophy treatment ASAP.  An urge to pee regularly is part and parcel of early symptoms.  We have threads on 'bladder issues' and 'vaginal atrophy' which you may like to read; make notes ;-). 

I had to sit on a cushion with intense coccyx pains, mayB look at the mobility shop in your area to see what is for sale? 

If you have been prescribed HReplacementT what's to lose, I would give it a go!  Some find that keeping a mood/symptom/food diary of use.  Let us know how you get on.


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Re: Late starter!
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2021, 05:45:06 PM »

I was reluctant to try HRT, and put it off until I was 55 when associated mental health problems became unbearable. It’s fair to say it’s been great, and helped with all other menopausal symptoms too, so maybe give it a go. I use vagifem for virginal atrophy, this is a must. It’s inserted virginaly and doesn’t enter the blood stream so is very safe. Whatever you decide do look into this.

I also find magnesium supplements and Epsom salt baths help with tight muscles. Might be worth a try too. I use magnesium glycinate which doesn’t give you the runs!

Good luck with your journey.  Xx


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Re: Late starter!
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2021, 10:01:00 PM »

There's no medical reason why you can't start because of your age but bear in mind joint pain can have other causes too. I'm not sure how strong the link is between hrt and breast cysts, I think some people are more prone to them. I've had 3, 2 well before meno and only one during peri and on hrt (and of course I was convinced it was cancer). You should get checked for a uti and ask for topical oestrogen if you have va.


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Re: Late starter!
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2021, 07:22:15 AM »

Thanks for your reply Sheila, I have had a full count blood test which didn’t show up anything unusual in my red cells to indicate arthritis but I am suspicious after reading about RA symptoms as they are similar to my issues, I don’t have any noticeable swelling or redness though.  Yesterday I had no sign of a water infection in the day and only got up once in the night which is normal for me so I have no idea what that was all about!! I have had multiple breast cysts in peri, too many to count, I had them syringed at hospital when they occurred, they only used to remove the largest ones as there were too many to treat and whenever I went they would tell me that when I went into menopause they would disappear and they have, I haven’t had one for two years now and I am frightened that if I start hrt and oestrogen treatment they will all reappear again. Our GP is only doing phone call consultations at the moment and it is very frustrating to get all the symptoms over to them.  In peri my symptoms would come and go, do you know if that is the same in menopause?


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Re: Late starter!
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2021, 08:17:59 AM »

I haven't made it to meno yet so can't speak from experience but I wouldn't expect symptoms to come and go in meno. This could have happened in peri because of your own fluctuations in oestrogen. Perhaps discuss a low dose patch with your gp, it might give you benefits but without stimulating cysts again (if you're lucky!). List all your symptoms and have it to hand when he rings, it's so easy to forget something in a phone call.


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Re: Late starter!
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2021, 05:57:14 PM »

 I also checked up on RA (and indeed gout!( when I started to move like a very ancient person....but generally my aches are much better with HRT once I got a reasonable dose of oestrogen in. Some people are prone to cysts - my sister who's never been on HRT has had 3 rounds, but I've had one and generally they are more common once in your 50s'...sigh!