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Author Topic: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state  (Read 4487 times)


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #15 on: April 13, 2021, 02:29:48 PM »

Hi applejack
I sympathise with how scared it's made you feel. I was very very nervous before my scan and also the hysteroscopy.
All the staff I came in contact with were very helpful and reassuring.  It was not as bad as I thought it would be!
Before the scan I rang the clinic to check about if you needed a full bladder (I didn't) and the nurse I spoke to explained the scan procedure and reassured me.
I'd been on hrt low/ultra low dose femoston conti for about 5 years and was at a point where the benefits weren't exactly amazing but I didn't want to rock the boat by trialling off. I have used vagifem for longer - maybe 8 years (age 62 now) and continue to use it.
I decided to have a trial off the hrt after my 'all clear'. I felt I wasn't getting enough benefit to risk going through all that again and I was feeling ok without it. I had to come off between the scan and getting my hysteroscopy results anyway so just kept going. I had not done well with other progesterones so femoston conti (didrogesterone?) was the only option for me. I've done fine since I stopped it. Never say never, but after the first 4/5 weeks I have been doing well and I'm no longer so tired generally. Sleep was tricky at first but is now resolved. I get more and more good days as time goes on. Main difference is optimism and energy are up but my memory for words/what was I thinking is worse. I'm expecting this to settle down in time.
Whatever you choose to do, getting checked out now is the main thing and you're doing that so well done. Try not to worry - practise some deep breathing and hopefully everything will be fine.
D x


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #16 on: April 13, 2021, 03:03:26 PM »

Thank you for the reassurance, everyone.

The hospital phoned again this afternoon - the consultation with the gynae to discuss the results will be within 24 hours of the scan, so by this time next week I'll have had bloods, scan and consultation.  I'm only having an ultrasound so it doesn't sound like there'll have been a hysteroscopy at that point, but it will be good to speak to a specialist.

So impressed with the speed of this.  I started spotting last tuesday, phoned the GP on thursday. It will have taken 14 days from onset of symptoms to have had three hospital appointments and all this whilst they're dealing with so many other things.


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #17 on: April 16, 2021, 10:08:59 PM »

Applejack I wish you all the luck and be sure to let us know how it all goes. Had my hysterectomy Wednesday & came home today so I’m glad that’s all behind me. Now I have another wait of 2 weeks consultant will call me to let me know if there was indeed any cancer found or if it was just the atypical cells!! It’s the waiting that gets you down, scan results, hysteroscopy results, then for me MRI scan results then the operation date it just goes on and we’re supposed to be living a life amongst all this stress & worry!! The NHS staff are amazing and you will be so looked after every step of the way, and all the ladies on here are so supportive. 😘😘😘


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2021, 08:06:42 AM »

Hi Nina123 - great you are home and hope all went well and that the wait for results call is not too long. Best wishes.

Applejack - all the best to you too and hope everything goes well. X


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #19 on: April 17, 2021, 10:25:52 AM »

Thank you, Deeble

Nina, glad you’re home. Hope you’re taking it easy!


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2021, 12:32:10 PM »

Hi again - got my scan tomorrow and then gynae on Tuesday to go over the test results and next steps (got my bloods back yesterday - all good).

One thing I want to ask - when I phoned my GP to report the bleeding, I said that if everything turned out to be related to the utrogestan mess up a few months ago, or some other benign reason, could I just go onto sequi utrogestan and put up with a bleed.

She said that's not what they recommend.

Is that right?  I am convinced I have seen postings from ladies on here who are post menopausal like me, and possibly even older than me (I'm 56) who take utrogestan on a sequi regime and accept a bleed every month.  If I don't mind having a bleed then why would there be a problem?  I'd like the raise it with the Gynae on Tuesday but some anecdotal evidence would be helpful.


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2021, 01:48:16 PM »

I probably don't count because I'm late peri rather than meno but I intend to keep on using sequi on a long cycle. You're right there are many women on here who continue with sequi, some don't have a good response to utrogeston so this gives more 'good' time, others find continual vaginal use interferes with marital relations. I think they assume most people don't want a bleed.


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2021, 04:42:37 PM »

Ok, back from getting my results.  Hopefully this info may help others on here.

So, my lining is 8mm and their cut off is 4mm. However, she said she was "almost positive" it wasn't sinister, but she wanted a look anyway and asked if she could do a biopsy there and then. I knew from posts on here that it might be uncomfortable, but I went for it because otherwise it's more delay and worry and I just want this resolved.

On the way in she said her path was obstructed by a polyp - in fact she said "I KNEW IT!".  She said she wanted to remove it, told me to count slowly for ten seconds and that she'd stop if neccessary.  Actually, it wasn't so bad.  Most uncomfortable bit was after that, when she pinched the uterus to remove the cells.  That was like sudden, intense period pain which was really not nice, but it's quick and it's done and it's over.

I'm bleeding a bit and have intense period pain crampiness now but it's done.  Outlook - if that actually is a polyp rather than just a chunky bit of endometrium, it means there are probably more in there which need to come out (so either general anaesthetic this time as there may be a few of them, and higher up) or I can be stoic and endure it like I did today.  Not sure how stoic I can be if there are lots of 'em.

As she's fairly sure I'm not cancerous, she suggested having a mirena coil fitted once we've resolved the polyp situation.

The takeaway for anyone going through this - get to a doctor even if it's just a small amount of spotting.  Having a polyp removed is uncomfortable but nothing to be scared of. A biopsy is less fun, but it's at least relatively quick (15-20 seconds).  Fingers crossed her prognosis is correct and it's nothing serious, and she stressed that visiting the doc is absolutely the right thing to do as any early stage endometrial cancer is very treatable.


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2021, 07:03:11 PM »

Applejack well done, yes I agree the polyp removal is more uncomfortable than painful. My lining was 11mm and they removed polyp & did a biopsy, they also said everything looked fine & I had a Mirena coil fitted so the progesterone could reduce the thickness of my womb lining. Unfortunately for me the results were not so favourable as predicted as I had complex hyperplasia with Aytipia and therefore I have now had total hysterectomy. I am now awaiting results to let me know if there was anything more sinister found once the womb was removed. I wish you very well and hope you get your polyps removed with ease and have no further issues. 😘😘

Ladies please make sure you get any abnormal bleeding checked out, post menopause & anything that is unusual for you. As while endometrial cancer is very treatable if found early, still in the UK around 2400 women  die from it every year which on average is around 6 a day. So please all take care. Xxx


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2021, 07:47:29 PM »

Yes, the sooner the better.

I hope you're recovering well now, Nina.


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Re: Unexpected bleed - in a bit of a state
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2021, 09:00:45 PM »

Thanks Applejack, I’m recovering very well. Managing to go for short walks and the pain and healing has been far far better than I thought it would be. Will just be glad to put it all behind me. Xx 😘
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