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Author Topic: Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts  (Read 1458 times)

Red Fox

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Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts
« on: April 16, 2021, 10:00:25 AM »

Hello everyone - hope someone has some knowledge on this issue...

I have symptomless fibroids and ovarian cysts. In December, my NHS gynae said I needed a hysterectomy. I had a blood test for cancer and it came back normal. I felt it was a bit drastic when I don't have any symptoms and so I came of the HRT - I was on Femoston 1/10. The operation was cancelled because of the pandemic but now the NHS are wanting to take out all the bits I apparently don't need anymore.

I wasn't happy with this, so I have been to see a private doctor as I wanted a second opinion - I didn't want to be another fifty six year old just thrown on the hysterectomy scrap heap because it's convenient for the NHS. He ordered a comprehensive set of blood tests to see my hormonal profile and I had another scan - so in the four months since I came off Femoston, my fibroids have shrunk a little but my Ovarian cysts have stayed the same.

The private doctor wants to put me on to a bespoke HRT cream which I believe, from what he said, will help with shrivelling things up inside. He mentioned Premarin and I am dismayed to find out that it is a very cruelly sourced drug.

So I guess there are a couple of things I'm concerned about - the first being that I am going back on to HRT having successfully stopped it. Secondly, will the "natural" (if rather cruel) HRT actually help shrink the fibroids and cysts by counteracting the Oestrogen which caused them to grow in the first place? I'm a bit confused now because he made a big thing on how it will help with night time sweats etc - but my only concern is to avoid the need for major surgery.

What do any of you think about this?

Thank you!


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Re: Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2021, 11:34:45 AM »

Hi Red Fox. I don't understand why you would need a full hysterectomy if your only problem is ovarian cysts. I can see that this may be to prevent future cancers but unless you have a strong family history of ovarian or endometrial cancer than I really don't get it. Ovarian cysts are often removed by laparoscopy which isn't such major surgery but if they are not causing you any problems then I believe the advice is to have scans to keep an eye on them - once you have had the cancer-markers checked out via blood test.  I expect you have already read the NHS advice but here it is  Nowhere can I see a hysterectomy mentioned.

I'm not sure about Premarin apart from the fact it is a very old type of hrt and sourced in the most horrible way.  I can't see how this would shrivel everything up to be honest!

Taz x


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Re: Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2021, 11:39:46 AM »

Hi Red Fox. I don't know anything about this cream but I can think of a couple of things to consider which might be helpful. The first is that we women with fibroids are best on a continuous regime of HRT whereby we take the progesterone element continuously, the idea being that the oestrogen is never unopposed. Theory being this should stop fibroids growing. Secondly did your doctor give you the option of trying a mirena coil? This is something I am considering because I think they can even shrink fibroids as well as stop them from growing.

Red Fox

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Re: Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2021, 12:19:59 PM »

Thank you Taz - I do have symptomless fibroids as well but yes, it does seem a bit dramatic to take it all out!

I am intending to get scans every six months or so and deal with it that way.

Thanks for your repsonse!

Red Fox

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Re: Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2021, 12:21:03 PM »

Hi Gnatty - thank you for your response, he didn't mention the Mirena coil no - something for me to think about!


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Re: Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2021, 05:05:36 PM »

Hi Red Fox

Yikes! Your private doctor sounds terrible to me! Premarin is oestrogen albeit a mix of horse oestrogens but also including estradiol which is our main oestrogen! How can any doctor worth their salt say that oestrogen will shrink fibroids?! As Taz says!! As for the bespoke cream - sorry to say I'm afraid that is the treatment prescribed by some unregulated private doctors and I would not touch it with a barge pole. It will cost you a lot of money and may not do very much and certainly may not do what you want it to do.....

I realise you have been given poor advice by the NHS but  I urge you to ditch that private doc. Firstly if you need a sceond opinion I would see if you can be referred to a menopause clinic through NHS if you can and if they are still operating, although there may be a waiting list.

Secondly if you can't get an appointment soon and you feel that going privately is your only option then please look at the list of specialists recommended by the British Menopause Society here: who will be able to advise you better. These doctors will know their stuff and should give you good advice. Some are private some are NHS.

Re the fibroids - have you been told what size they are and how many of them? Also if you are post-menopausal - which you may be at your age (do you know where you are in menopause?)- then you could go onto Femoston conti which would help prevent the fibroids from growing - as Gnatty says.

I agree with the others - I wouldn't want my bits taken out if there aren't actually any problems...

All the best and do let us know what you decide to do.

Hurdity x

Red Fox

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Re: Going on Premarin to shrink fibroids and cysts
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2021, 09:59:53 AM »

Hi Hurdity - you've certainly given me something to think about!! Thank you for your helpful advice - I'll look into this futher

Red Fox