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Author Topic: Scared to death, feel like a blood clot is in my chest and I'm going to die  (Read 2827 times)


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You poor thing,can totally relate to your HA,it's exhausting. With actual blood clots,you will have physical symptoms,hard swollen legs,really bad headaches etc of course not everybody has these symptoms but I fear regardless of which vaccine you get,your going to have anxiety as the others have also reported adverse reactions. My dad sadly died from a blood clot and this was on my mind before I got mine,it was a pure leap of faith but I did it,these poor people who died,dare I say would have died anyway regardless of the vaccine as their platelets were found to be impaired anyway,sorry, I know this probably doesn't help you but the majority of women on here have all had their vaccine and we're still all here  :)
Much love


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Aww thanks Jaypo for getting back.

The thing is, I feel I've left it late, but I should try and ask my GP about my last blood test. I'm not sure if it included looking for risk of clots, low platelets, etc.

But I know there is a history there in the family of blood clot issues, so that's bothering me.

For the first time, I've been skepticalkf a vaccine, is it understandable to be cautious? I think it is. Considering that other countries babe paused or at least decided the Astra will be given to those over 50 (Canada), but over here in the Uk were throwing caution to the wind.

Anyway, I feel like this is something I'd need to speak to my GP about, so I may cancel my vaccination appointment for tomorrow if I don't get an answer today.

I think just knowing I don't have a propensity for clotting will be one hell of a stress reliever.


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You're many, many times more likely to get a clot from having covid than from having the jab. Unless you want to be a hermit the jab really is the safest option.


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Women are also more likely to get a clot from being on the pill than they are from anything else


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You're many, many times more likely to get a clot from having covid than from having the jab. Unless you want to be a hermit the jab really is the safest option.

To be honest hermit suits me fine. I'm an introvert. I rarely go out much unless it's outdoorsy stuff. Parties, gathering.... No way

But in all seriousness I see your point, and I'm aware that covid is way worse. Having health anxiety is messing with my rationale. :(
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