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Author Topic: post hysterectomy mayhem  (Read 1612 times)


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post hysterectomy mayhem
« on: April 05, 2021, 10:56:29 AM »

anyone else had a hysterectomy and ovary removal and experienced hormone havoc? I had my uterus, ovaries, tubes and cervix removed 3 months ago aged 52 due to heavy periods, polyps, fibroids and bulky uterus.  I so regret losing my ovaries. I was on 2 pumps of Oestrogel and uterogetan (100mg vaginally ) before the op and felt pretty good except for the heavy bleeding.  I was persuaded to have the ovaries /cervix removed as well as my uterus because my Gynae felt I would barely notice the difference at my age.  She could not have been more wrong. I have suffered, hideous anxiety, adrenaline surges, vibrations in head, torso and legs, tremors waking me at night, cold chills, shaking, low mood, health anxiety, weight loss (weird one), dry sinuses, dry mouth, dry eyes, dry vagina, and all of this so much worse than getting over the physical symptoms post op. I have recovered totally fine tummy wise as the op was done laparoscopically.  However the worse symptom of all has been my heart speeding up on standing or exertion from a low heart rate at rest to sky high just moving around a room. I would so love to hear from anyone else having similar issues.
feeling so anxious just coping with the symptoms day in day out. I 'm now on 4 pumps of Oestrogel (no Utrogestan) and my Gynae has added 0.5ml Androfemme (testosterone) but its early days as to whether I'll see improvements.  I think the anxiety maybe slightly less since I upped my Oestrogel (2 weeks ago).


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Re: post hysterectomy mayhem
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2021, 11:46:48 AM »

Some Gynaes go for drag it all out attitude to avoid problems down the line.  However!  How much about menopause does she know?

 :hug:  I really feel for you.  Hopefully someone else will be along.

'at your age'  >:(.  Her time will come!

I would go back and tell her, lay it on thickly!  Also write a letter to be included in your notes .  Unless Gynaes get told about the after effects of any surgical intervention, they will never learn  :'(


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Re: post hysterectomy mayhem
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2021, 11:59:23 AM »

Hi Emma. I'm so sorry that you were given the wrong advice regarding your ovaries and also your cervix. Most consultants nowadays don't remove ovaries unless absolutely necessary i.e cancer risk and the cervix has an important part to play sexually too. The good news though is that you have been prescribed testosterone alongside the oestrogen.

I can't help with the racing heart I'm afraid but three months isn't long after such major surgery and such a shock to your hormonal system. Have you had your heart checked out? As the rate increases due to activity rather than just randomly while sitting still it's worth mentioning.

Let us know how you get on 

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: post hysterectomy mayhem
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2021, 06:20:02 PM »

thanks all for your lovely support.  Yes Pots has been mentioned by a friend and it does fit with my symptoms but I'm so scared this will become a permanent feature of my life as it can be pretty disabling for some. However I'm drinking electrolytes, wearing compression stockings and it has improved a little so hoping it can be managed if it is indeed a permanent thing. Im rather hoping it could be temporary reaction to the loss of hormones overnight.  Just was hoping for some reassurance from others who've been through this.  Love all your reassurance - it is such brilliant support this website and forum. Thanks all xx


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Re: post hysterectomy mayhem
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2021, 07:04:12 PM »

Hello Emma, so sorry to hear how poorly you've been after hysterectomy with BSO :hug:.  BSO can be a huge shock to the system if carried out before natural menopause.  I had the op several years postmenopause (uterus still intact) & still had adverse effects, although my gynae had said there would be none at my stage of life.  There have been several members who had surgical menopause so if you use the search box you should be able to pull up old threads if you feel that might be helpful.

Palpitations & intense night sweats, with life-wrecking insomnia were my worst symptoms in perimenopause years & well into postmeno until I started HRT, so I really feel for you.  Again, there are lots of threads on palpitations that you may find reassuring.

Intact ovaries go on producing  significant amounts of testosterone well into old age, so I agree with Taz that it's good this has been prescribed as part of your HRT regimen & at the right dose should help with several of your symptoms.  I've found it beneficial for improving dryness of eyes, nose & mouth, a condition I already had pre-BSO but which worsened markedly after loss of ovaries.  I researched & found papers suggesting that androgen deficiency, especially post-BSO, is implicated in dry eye & Sjogren's, so asked for testosterone to be added to my HRT, remembering the surprising effect of increased saliva I'd had within days on my first HRT (pre-BSO) with the androgenic progestogen Norethisterone.

As Avalon suggested, topical (vaginal) oestrogen should help with genito-urinary symptoms, so I would ask for that to be prescribed asap.  Many of us need both topical & systemic HRT.  I use Vagifem pessaries with Estriol 0.01% cream thinly applied to the external area, both 5 nights a week & that or similar topical HRT should greatly improve comfort for you & prevent GSM taking hold.

If you've not already seen it you may find the comprehensive Surmeno website helpful.  I believe they have a forum too.

Newson Health's website is another great resource if you haven't seen that yet. 

I do hope you start to feel better soon - don't give up on the HRT, it's relatively early days after that major shock to the system.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2021, 07:34:19 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: post hysterectomy mayhem
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2021, 06:17:43 AM »

wow huge thanks wrensong for your derailed reply and such useful information

Thank you


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Re: post hysterectomy mayhem
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2021, 10:12:30 AM »


Yes, I really feel for you. I had BSO and total hysterectomy at 44, I'm now 50 and still struggling unfortunately.

I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and CFS since the op but my issues only started with surgical menopause.

I get heart palpitations, tingling in hands and feet, extreme fatigue, muscle and joint pain and complete intolerance of exercise and exertion., POTS has been mentioned too.

However, I do get good and bad days. I wish I'd known earlier but I think progesterone is key for those that struggle on oestrogen and testosterone alone. I'm only just experimenting with this but have had some success. I was told that I was progesterone intolerant before the surgery but not once was I offered body-identical progesterone like Utrogestan which, it seems, I'm not intolerant to at all! I also have a history of endometriosis so it should have been considered anyway!

The general concensus is that we don't need it but many women benefit. Louise Newson's team do give it to surgically induced menopausal women where its benefitted them.

I've had just about every HRT but am currently trying Lenzetto, Utrogestan and Androfeme.

Let me know how you get on and ask anything, I'll try to help.
