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Author Topic: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!  (Read 2431 times)


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New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« on: March 31, 2021, 08:14:50 PM »

Hi All, new to this wonderful resource and have lots of learning to do. In terms of my background, I think I was Peri-Menopausal for most of last year, and only recently reached out for medical help. I have missed (now) two periods and with some really challenging symptoms for the past 6 months. I originally thought I was suffering depression and insomnia alongside a stressful job, but after speaking to some friends and a nurse at my local surgery, the last 12 months are starting to make a lot more sense. The last 3 months I’ve had a lot of hot flush episodes throughout the night, coupled with tummy aches, general aches and pains and struggling to make it through the day, to the point of taking a short career break. I’m sure you guys have all heard it before, but I had no idea that the Menopaise can make you feel so unwell. I’ve only had a chat with a senior nurse practitioner so far, who prescribed Evorel Sequi (50) to get me started pending other blood tests to rule out anything else. My prescription advised to take the Evorel 50 twice weekly for two weeks within 5 days of my period (that I haven’t had for 2 months) and follow by Evorel Continue for two weeks. How should I calculate/take this in the absence of periods to time it correctly? Your help and advise hugely appreciated. Karen 😊


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2021, 06:28:16 AM »

Hi I think you can start it at any time but be prepared for breakthrough bleeding x


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2021, 11:44:23 AM »

Hi Karen

Bless you, that is a familiar story. I used to think menopause was basically stop periods, have a few hot moments and skip off into my 50's! Honestly, there was nothing I knew of to prepare me for what was coming. You are in safe territory now, we've heard it all... bodily bits, bad moods, tears and confusion.

Evorel sequi seems to be the "go-to" starting point for many GP surgeries. I've been on HRT coming up for 2 years (with a few gaps switching here and there) when you find the right one, it can make a world of difference.

Once you get into a rhythm with your regime, you get your "period" around the time that you finish one box and start another (unlike the pill you don't need to take a break so you take them back to back). Like you, when I started HRT I hadn't had a bleed for a couple of months and I don't recall getting any breakthrough bleeding. I never did get hot flushes before I started but I have heard that many ladies see an improvement pretty quickly. I really hope that you can start to feel more rested and settled soon.

Best wishes
Mogster xx



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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2021, 01:06:26 PM »

Thank you Mogster and Dotty - that’s really helpful. It’s funny (though not really!) , it’s taken a while to accept I’m going through the Menopause but at the same time, such a relief to to know I’m not loosing the plot! So I start the pack alike the pill? (Been a while since I’ve been on the pill, 50 next month and everything tied up after my 4th child!) . So I start with the Evorel 50 for 2 weeks; then the Evorel Conti for 2 weeks, then continue to the next packs. How long to you recommend I leave my initial prescription to re-visit the doctors if no improvement in symptoms? Thanks loads and loads again


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2021, 01:17:38 PM »

Lol I think we all go through the raft of emotions! Plot losing is fairly common  ;D

I would give it a couple of months...the best advice I would give is to keep a symptom diary. There are a few apps you can download to your phone which will help you track as well, it just depends on what you would find easier to manage and more likely to keep up to date. It is often helpful to look back on the last month and think "ok, got a headache on day 2 last month as well" so you can identify patterns in symptoms. Sometimes things then don't seem so scary, especially if you end up having a rubbish time at a certain point each month, you know it will soon pass. Also it will be easier to report back to your doctor and give them a good picture of how you've found things. I know I often forget specifics, because they feel all-encompassing while you're actually experiencing them but a few days later it's done and dusted.

If you know you're getting on with them then I would make sure that you have contacted your GP in good time to make sure you have enough meds to start straight after your current pack. Especially at the moment while doctors surgeries are very busy and it isn't always easy to get an appointment.

Did you only get a month's worth or did they give you 3?

Mog x


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2021, 01:19:25 PM »

It's better to keep the hrt cycle in step with your own, if you don't you may find you have your own bleed as well as a hrt bleed. My cycle is always stronger than the hrt one which is why you need to fit the hrt one around your own. It can be hard in peri if your own cycle is variable. It's best to wait for your bleed but if it doesn't come then start with the oestrogen patches. If you get a bleed within the month then start again on oestrogen for 2 weeks to keep in step with your own cycle. You should bleed a couple days after you finish the conti. patches.


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2021, 06:00:27 PM »

Hi there Karen  :)
I am relatively new to all this too.  I have been noticing peri symptoms last year but not really having too many problems.  Then I missed 5 months and had really bad hot sweats, then my periods started again and boom, all the symptoms plus awful nausea and anxiety kicked in.
My GP offered Sertraline which made me ten times worse, I saw a private specialist who recommended hrt. I’m on Evorel 50 patches and Utrogestan.  The patches are all the time, Utrogestan is days 14-26. I started Evorel two weeks ago so tonight I add Utrogestan for a fortnight.   I was told I may get a bleed, I may not to start with.   
The whole menopause situation has come as a real shock, I never in a million years expected to feel this ill.  So I have lots of sympathy, Karen, sounds like you’re at a similar stage to me xx


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2021, 08:36:31 AM »

Hi Mog - brilliant, thanks loads! I’ve been given a 3 month supply. First patch is on. 👍. Great idea regarding a diary. Will find an app, since my phone is never far away. 🙂


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #8 on: April 02, 2021, 08:47:18 AM »

Sheila and Angela - sorry, just read back your posts. Angela - that is a very good point and worried now I may have a double bleed. I may have to write it down to start again! Angela - did your doctor prescribe the Utrogeston from the outset? Concerned I have pretty horrible symptoms and will be trying a HRT combo that is the ‘go to’ initially, plus low dose. Weight gain has become part of my menopausal battle and have struggled to complete my running that has helped hugely with my mental health.


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Re: New and HRT prescription confused - Help!
« Reply #9 on: April 02, 2021, 02:10:51 PM »

Sheila and Angela - sorry, just read back your posts. Angela - that is a very good point and worried now I may have a double bleed. I may have to write it down to start again! Angela - did your doctor prescribe the Utrogeston from the outset? Concerned I have pretty horrible symptoms and will be trying a HRT combo that is the ‘go to’ initially, plus low dose. Weight gain has become part of my menopausal battle and have struggled to complete my running that has helped hugely with my mental health.

Karen, I use the Evorel 50 patches all the time and on day 14 take Utrogestan for 14 days.   Repeat for the next month.   I also have vagirux pessaries.  Only started two weeks ago and my body is taking its time to adjust and I’m nauseous and anxious.  I saw a private specialist and she was brilliant though I think what she has prescribed is fairly standard.     Don’t worry about your weight, you can’t be getting everything right all at once.  When the hrt has settled down you will feel in a better position to get back to your running.  I’m just making sure I get out for a decent walk every day and I’ll be back on the treadmill when I’m feeling a lot better.  Good luck xxxx