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Author Topic: Views on Mirtazapine please?  (Read 6166 times)


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Views on Mirtazapine please?
« on: March 23, 2021, 11:41:14 AM »

Hi. Dr wants me to try Mirtazapine as I’m very anxious and depressed and only managing about 4 or 5 hours sleep a night. Plus I’m having digestive issues which are adding to the anxiety. Weird feelings in tummy are one thing that can keep me awake. 

I’ve heard that this AD is an evil one to withdraw from so it’s putting me off starting. I’m not good with meds at the best of times but I’m so desperate I’ll try anything at the moment. I used to take Citalopram for years with no problems but can’t take those as they are contraindicative with the BBs I take plus when I tried to restart a while ago, the start up affects were awful.

I thought I’d ask you ladies on here for any experiences as on the No More Panic forum it’s full of horror stories!


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2021, 11:45:53 AM »

Hi!  I took 'escitalopram' and 'propranolol' for years without problems.

Have you been told by a medic not to take ADs and BBs together, maybe if the Citalopram worked, the betablocka should have been changed to something that won't contraindicate.

How is your digestion upset?  The moment I feel queasy my anxiety floors me  :'(  :-\.   DH used to tell me that my body was hungry  >:(  ::) he was usually correct  >:( ;D

I know a couple of ladies who have taken Mirtazapine successfully.  Don't listen to what others suggest as withdrawn problems.  Years++ ago I needed to withdraw from one AD which took 9 weeks.  Initially I was scared as the next day after dropping the dose, symptoms returned: they lasted for a day ...... once I realised that they didn't get worse, I was OK.

If the medication eases your anxiety and depression, what's to lose?  If you need to take it for the rest of your Life, then do.  Without my mix I wouldn't get out of bed in the morning!



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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2021, 03:00:42 PM »

Hi Jules, long-time AD user here (mostly citalopram)! That said, I haven't personally used mirtazepine, but I've tried escitalopram, citalopram, fluoxetine, sertraline.

I've been on and off AD's a lot, largely as a refusal to accept that I'm mentally ill, but I always have to go back on. And finally, more relevant to your post, whenever I start taking anything, I consult lots of forums to get me through those lovely early stages. What I have noticed is that quite a lot of people with insomnia seem to think Mirtazepine is brilliant for sleep, and it does seem quite a well-tolerated one from what I've read. Surely it wouldn't hurt to try it and see how you get on?

As for if you need to come off - it's so variable between individuals and drugs. Sertraline is meant to be horrific to come off of, but I just stopped taking it and was fine. Escitalopram, on the other hand, I had nightmares about being kidnapped and held at gunpoint! So you just never know. If you do need an SSRI and need to come off Mirtazepine, probably you can switch straight to another SSRI without withdrawing before starting a new one. That would just be needless difficulty.

I've been offered propanalol to take alongside citalopram, didn't take them. But this was years ago so maybe the advice has changed?
« Last Edit: March 23, 2021, 03:02:53 PM by CherrySG »


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2021, 03:03:58 PM »

It took me a while to accept that I require ADs for Life.  I wanted to know the reason for my depression.  Ended up taking ADs in desperation in 1989.  Job done ;-)


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2021, 03:35:34 PM »

Hard to accept, isn't it? I've put myself through so much going off and on again.

Never going off again this time, though  :)


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2021, 03:44:36 PM »

I have cyclical depression.  Can't get out of bed, start ADs, feel better and then well so stopped: it took a Psychiatrist called to the house when I was in crisis to point out that it's a 22 months cycle.  Hence once the ADs worked, why change  :-\.  DH and I have a Life together again.

As for anxiety I have an as necessary tablet 4 when it floors me.  I haven't required one for 2 years. [lock down has been lovely 4 me ;-) ].

I never consider stopping my regime as I never want to feel as ill, or frightened, as I was in 1991  :'(


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2021, 04:02:36 PM »


I have been on mitrazapine and found it helpful it’s particularly good taken at night to help with sleep

I had no issues coming off it

I would warn you that in some people it can cause weight gain

Take care


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2021, 06:46:28 PM »

Thanks ladies. To be honest, I’m that desperate to find some relief I’m going to risk them.

CherrySG, I have been warned about the weight gain but I’m not a big eater really.  It’s just the type of BB I’ve been on for donkeys years that can’t be taken alongside Citalopram but I tried to come off them once before and it was awful as I was suffering bad anxiety then too but I take them for a fast heart rate.

CLKD, when I’m anxious it hits my stomach. I’ve had months and months of struggling to eat normally as it feels like I’ve got a brick in my stomach and after a small evening meal, two hours later I feel dreadful and then can’t sleep with it. I’m careful what I eat but everything seems to upset it at the moment so it’s lots of grazing and porridge. 

Have had the most stressful year, apart from this blasted virus and I’m suffering with burnout which then triggers the awful anxiety and debilitating lack of energy. Then I worry about everything health wise and catastrophise everything and convince myself I’m dying of cancer. I’m driving the family mad, plus I don’t feel that sane myself at the moment either!!


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2021, 08:41:05 PM »

 :hug:   Wondering what the name of the BB you are taking might be?

When I can't eat it's my gut that seizes up, followed by a dry mouth and it becomes impossible.  Slow release foods: bananas, dried fruits and nuts, runny RedyBrek, warmed through rice pudding from a tin.  When I get really bad I can't even face chocolate  :-\


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2021, 08:53:36 PM »

I'm an emotional eater, so I generally lose a bit of weight on citalopram. How I'm not ginormous is just a bit of luck. :-\

It's been a stressful year all round, even people I know who are normally fine have been feeling it. Not to downplay what you're going through. Hope the Mirtazapine works. It's so great once they start to work and a bit of light breaks through 🤞


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2021, 08:55:00 PM »

The BB is Sotalol and it’s not advised with Citalopram as it can cause heart arrhythmias that are cause for concern.

I can’t eat nuts when my tummy is bad. A friend has just worried me now by saying she thinks I should insist on a scan as I’ve got pan and problems after eating 🤦‍♀️ I did think after I’d spoken to the GP that maybe if I’d mentioned the tummy problems first and then mentioned the anxiety he may have concentrated on that because as soon as you mention anxiety everything is put down to that. I’m worried now! But, he did say that because there were no obvious red flag symptoms apart from some weight loss which is usual when I’m anxious and can’t eat, he said he wasn’t concerned but maybe it should still be checked out. I did have all my tummy felt on a previous visit a couple of months ago and it all seemed of no concern. Gosh, blooming health anxiety has kicked in now all because of a well meaning comment.😩

Been awake all night you think I should insist on being referred to a GI? All the info I looked up last night said pain after eating is one of the 3 red flags for bowel cancer so how can the GP not be concerned?.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2021, 08:19:47 AM by Justjules »


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #11 on: March 24, 2021, 08:55:22 AM »

Because he isn't concerned?  Your symptoms may have no relevance to what you have been reading.  I usually stick to NHS sites for information and never go on the others.  I can scare myself without any help  ;)

If one medication interferes with others I would try to stop that! which gives more lea-way for trying more modern medications.

What did U decide on the Mirtazapine based on your own health issues?


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2021, 09:16:49 AM »

Thanks CLKD. I’ll try the Mirtazapine I think but my ‘gut’ instinct is telling me I really should get some tests done to rule out anything sinister as this has been going on months. I know it all stems from the stress of my Mum last year but what if I’m ignoring obvious cancer symptoms? Grrr, if we could see the GPs face to face instead of having to mumble on a telephone call it might help. I’ve even thought about going down to urgent care as at least they’d do bloods and a scan and I’d have instant answers however bad but I’m too scared re the COVID factor. GPS do miss things sometimes and too easily put down to anxiety.


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2021, 11:37:35 AM »

Great, a friend has rung this morning and basically begged me to book a scan as her friend had exactly my symptoms and has ovarian cancer... 😭


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Re: Views on Mirtazapine please?
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2021, 11:39:46 AM »

Will this friend go with you?  You should be able to get a face2face appt. with either a Nurse or your GP, Matt tells me that 'the NHS is open'.  Or book an appt. at urgent care? 
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