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Author Topic: spotting advice please  (Read 1261 times)


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spotting advice please
« on: March 19, 2021, 02:04:10 PM »

Hi ladies,

I have had a hysteroscopy last year, and nothing really found except slight hyperplasia and a few small fybroids. So they havenn't done anything. Anyway since then my withdral bleeds have been a bit longer and now my bleed has been 4 days longer than normal and i am spotting. I have slightly reduced my HRT . Can anyone tell me why that would be? Is it to do with the lower dose? The colour as been more watery an pink also.

i am prob post meno and on femoston sequi, 1/10 with extra half tablet of estrogen. I am a bit worried.I am getting quite sore also.

Thanks Peppermintyx


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Re: spotting advice please
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2021, 02:29:13 PM »

Hi Pepperminty
I think a change to your hrt could prompt a bleed/spotting. I am well post meno and had some spotting (pink) in January related to missing a couple of hrt tabs (femoston conti) around Christmas. I got it checked out by gp and was referred for scan/hysteroscopy/biopsy and turned out to be all ok.
Did you reduce hrt dose before spotting began?
I'd be inclined to just have a chat with gp.
Are you using vagifem or anything else to help with soreness?
At the same time as my spotting in Jan the gp had taken a swab that turned out to be thrush - I had no idea and think I had just got used to being uncomfortable ...


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Re: spotting advice please
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2021, 05:14:33 PM »

Thank you for replying Deeble,

I missed a tablet 2 weeks ago on the prgesterone phase, but I have never spotted when I have done this before. I have reduced by hlaf a tablet a week as I wanted to see whether I could function on a lower dose. This is because the meno clinic tried to put me on continuous combined HRT which would have been a much lower dose than I am on . I refused at the time and the way I am feeling confirms that I made the right choice as still in my early fifties a lower dose would not get rid of my symptoms. I have also got a swollen belly today.
I can't use vagifem as it causes soreness for me , but I use the weaker estriol cream and that has improved the skin no end, but the constant  watery bleeding is making me sore anyway.

I have called my GP and they said call back Monday. I have also left a message with the consultant's secretary, who did the hysteroscopy. I am actually very worried as to why this would suddenly start.
The meno clinic have not inspired much confidence in me so far.

I feel that I may have to go privately to get some explanations as to what is happening and why.

My GP surgery may be able to refer me as an emergency to the gynae clinic - I do hope so.

Thank you again for replying. Sometimes it feels like you are fighting the battle alone.




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Re: spotting advice please
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2021, 06:01:53 PM »

Just tried to reply but lost it ....
Your gp should refer you when you speak to them on Monday - ask if they don't.
Olive and Bee cream is expensive but soothing (outer areas) and worth it in my opinion.
It may be if you're having to use a towel/liner that is irritating too.
Try not to worry but speak to your gp and ask for the referral you want.
I'm sure others will be along to help explain what may be happening/why - I think any small changes can sometimes result in spotting etc.
You're never alone on here.


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Re: spotting advice please
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2021, 06:14:03 PM »

Thanks Deeble,

I was doing so well last year, and now  everything has gone to pot down there.  I use yes OB and have used Olive and Bee before. Perhaps it is because of the small change of estrogen.
I have also been doing research about pink blood and it seems that may be low iron. I have stopped taking my prescribed iron tablets as my GP seems to think I am OK now- But I have had a private test and I think although within NHS levels I am low- although interpreting it is not an easy thing.
