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Author Topic: So worried about my sore burning back that is preventing breathing properly :(  (Read 2104 times)


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Hi there,

I have been suffering with a sore burning mid to upper back only felt when sitting or lying down. It causes this pressure of not being able to breathe and I have been crying every day because the pain is so bad and I've literally have to sleep sitting up, but of course sitting up hurts if my back is pressed against something. It isn't painfu to touch,  it is a deep sore, burning pain. Another thing is, when sitting sometimes get a weird sensation in the same area, thoraic area of spine possibly? Where it actually feels like my spine is twisted. Not painful, but really strange and uncomfortable.

It's s bad, I'd be better off dead I think to myself. It has also caused health anxiety where I believe I have a clot in my lung or heart and I'm going to die at any moment. This is hard to live with. MY doctors appointment is next wee Wednesday, but between then and now I don't know how I'm going to sleep or even sit with my family in the lounge without complaining and crying.

My quality of life is next to nothing. I constantly move, even if I'm not going anywhere because 'm afraid to sit and lie down ebcause I know the burning pain accompanied by difficulty breathing will arise.

There are so many diseases this pain can be. Pinched nerve, herniated disc, etc. And I've read about links between spine pain and shortness of breath, not to mention muscular pain, but I guess an MRI scan can tell me more which I hope I recieve soon.

I just need to not feel alone in this. It really is ruining my life and I'm sick f getting up in the middle of the night or during a film to go and cry in another room,  just so my partner and kids don't have to worry about me or see me like this.

Anyone else dealing with this? Any remedies or advice on what I can do to feel more comfortable until my doc appointment? I am 43, and used to think I was healthy, now I feel like I am in my 90s  :'(

This gradually came on since last year and I've just about had enough. xxx
« Last Edit: March 05, 2021, 02:44:07 PM by loonarider »


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Anyone?  :o


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MayB ring your GP surgery 2-day and ask for a discussion with a GP or Nurse Practitioner?    A self-referral to a physiotherapist may help too.

Low oestrogen levels can cause laxity of muscles = aches and pains.  Have you tried pain relief taken regularly?  If your worries were real, any symptoms would have worsened, enough to call an ambulance. 

Why are you hiding from your family?  That alone will intensify any aching because the body will tense up. Sharing with them will enable them to support you.



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What painkillers are you using for the pain and have you been using heat treatment to the area? There is information online about the best way to ease this type of pain. It's probably a spasm of the muscles which sort of go across your mid back area. This can lead to a breathless feeling also. The more anxious you are, of course, the more tense muscles become so try to relax yourself as much as possible. Are you on the maximum amount of pain relief?

Taz x


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Ring your gp surgery and ask for an urgent appointment if thats not possible ring 111. Don't suffer and wait until your appointment.  Hubby needed an urgent appointment and gp surgery said no appointments ring 111, so we did, they got our gp to ring hubby within a couple of hours. You need help, don't wait.
Hope you feel better soon


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Never worked for me with period pains which were excruciating: I was very fit in those days, ballet 3 times a week, music, cycled to school/back - 3 miles each way; cycled at weekends.

Nothing diverted dental pain either  :-\


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Hi Loonarider

I have this pain!
and I completely understand the fear that it could be an organ, a bone and that something is permanently falling apart.

I've been living with back pain for more than 10 years and it comes and goes and shifts location. Ot frequently wakes me up at night though I rarely notice it in the day.

I've been to doctors and physios about it on and off. What they will do is try to eliminate anything that's not serious before they start investigating. the assumption is that it's deep muscle but of course they will ask you all the right questions about lifestyle and history with an eye on whether it could be something more serious. 

So first think about your posture. Mid back pain is usually about sitting badly. If you're working from home when you didn't used to work from home, sitting watching TV more than used to , it's likely that you don't notice that your back is curling forwards. If you're sitting on a different chair for longer periods, using the computer more, using the smartphone more ... these things will be pushing your head down, your shoulders forwards and arching your back. I make all these mistakes and I'm a cyclist too, so im always hunched over!

Painkillers might take the edge off if you can reduce inflammation.
Heat might help too but I found that a cooling mat (which actually bought for the dog) was miraculous! Just for a few minutes to take the edge off burning. It lives permanently in my bed.

Exercise is best thing you can do for you back. If you're in pain it's a sign that you need to move more.

Another thing I found really helpful is the "insight timer' app with guided meditations. There's quite a lot on pain but there's a really good on one on "mid back pain".

If you're still suffering after doing some exercises, changing posture and moving more then yes it could be serious but really got to try and rule out deep muscle strain first.

There's a lot going on in and around your rib cage. I was totally convinced that one of my ribs had wandered off...
I was given targeted strength exercises to do to strengthen the muscles that keep everything in place.

(I kidney stones as well last year and wow, that was excruciating! Utterly frightening, I really thought something burst inside.)

Anyway all of this is to say that I understand that it's scary -  the not knowing is scary itself - and I hope you can hang in there until you get to see a doctor. Go easy on yourself, have a rest and a good stretch and hope you're feeling better soon


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What a lovely supportive and informative post Deb73. Thank you

Taz  :welcomemm:


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  • changes can be scary, even when we want them

 :welcomemm:  Deb73.  May I add footwear too - if footwear isn't supportive it can throw the whole body off balance which means muscles have to compensate.

Ellen May

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I’ve had the same burning pain for the last month or so.  I often don’t notice it during the day but as soon as I sat down in the evenings it is there and in the end I was going to bed early just to try and get some relief as I could fidget about and lie on my side.

I then went to see a chiropractor and wishing a few sessions it was sorted! My spine was out of alignment, along with my hips, so once that was manipulated back into position the pain went....
