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Author Topic: Covid vaccine hesitancy  (Read 6634 times)


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Covid vaccine hesitancy
« on: March 03, 2021, 11:42:33 AM »

As I get extreme health anxiety I am really worried I will have short or long term problems if I have the vaccine.  Does anyone know of bad side effects besides the fatigue etc.  Thanks


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2021, 12:06:34 PM »

I'm the same Suzy, I had a terrible reaction to the flu jab,hence I'm apprehensive about this vaccine but there's no one answer,some people have no reaction and others have a bad reaction,sadly there's no real way to find out how it will affect us


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2021, 12:11:30 PM »

What kind of reaction did you have if you don't mind telling.  I'm also concerned about long term issues as it's hasn't had long term testing.


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2021, 12:13:06 PM »

I had Pfizer one last week, no issues so far anyway.

My daughter caught Covid last year, a very mild case but has recently been diagnosed with Long Covid beacuse of breathing issues. my teen son had Covid last year too and couldn't get out of bed for two weeks. It has left him with such high anxiety about getting sick again that he has needed counselling. Seeing them suffer made it easy for me to get jab.


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2021, 12:24:31 PM »

That sounds awful, especially when so young.  I do want to have it but  think I've read too much stuff.  I hope your children recover Tinkerbell.


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2021, 12:54:48 PM »

Stop reading?

No needle pain, done in a few moments.

I had a sore arm when I laid down at night.  No problems in the day with clothing.
We were both tired.  I was extremely thirsty for 36 hours. 
Headache in the early hours but that happens sometimes.  Could have been AstraZeneca related but nothing that 'nurofen' didn't ease.

What do you fear the most suzysunday?  Covid-19 kills.  Long Covid is becoming a problem that may well last for years for many of those affected.


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2021, 01:09:36 PM »

I'm concerned about long term issues because of the vaccine being trialled for less time than usual.  Stuff like it altering your dna and also strokes and Bell's Palsy I read about.  I know I am reading too much .  Plus some things I had been prescribed in the past by gps having side effects like otomize ear drops that gave me tinnitus.


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2021, 01:17:55 PM »

You are reading rubbish.

What the public don't realise is that when a new medication is announced, it has to go through various tests B4 NICE get hold of it.  Also, these vaccines have been developed by many Companies over the World who have dropped their egos.

Usually a lot of time, energy and money is put into researching drugs.  Years sometimes as recipes are altered to meet the current requirements.

In the case of C-19 the World got together.  There was no need for any of them to sell to the highest bidder, which is what often holds up medications getting into the UK market.  If the UK won't pay the going price medications are sold to other countries which makes it seem as though they have taken a while to be declared safe for use. 

These vaccines are essential to save Lifes.  Some were already in the pipe line as it was known that there was another Pandemic on it's way.  So they were 'made', more or less but required tweaking in order to be suitable for C-19.  Which means that as variants occur, vaccines can be again tweaked against each mutation.

Also, how long do you know that vaccines are generally trialled for?  Years, months, weeks?  I have no idea nor am I interested, I leave that to NICE even though I don't always agree to what they allow into the market.  It's in the main stream News all the while which makes it seem as medication has 'suddenly' appeared, where in fact scientists are looking for appropriate medications across the board all the while.  It's often a race to get the Patents out there too, whereas with these vaccines, the recipes have been shared.

I'm a real sceptic but I didn't hesitate. 



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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2021, 01:30:46 PM »

No one in the UK is being forced into having the vaccine at this moment in time.  Why not ring your local Pharmacy for a chat?  What's the worst that could happen if you do have the injection: against catching C-19 even without symptoms, or getting long-Covid for which there is no cure right now? 

[watching Dolly Parton having her jab on BBC News  ::) with new words to 'Jolene' ;-) ]

What we don't see are those that leave Intensive Care to undergo weeks of physiotherapy, voice training as people who have been intubated lose the ability to speak; the first muscle to atrophy are the those in the thigh ......... so walking is very difficult once a patient is out of bed which can hold up progress.

Loss of memory.  Patients have no awareness of surroundings once they need life saving treatment which is done under sedation.  So they worry about where those days/weeks disappear to. 

When a patient is bed bound in Hospital under usual conditions, physiotherapists usually concentrate on quadriceps exercises i.e. tightening and relaxing the thigh muscles.  It is virtually impossible to do this when someone is under sedation with C-19. 



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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2021, 01:31:45 PM »

Thanks for your full answer clkd.  I just have some mistrust of such things sometimes.  I will take it when I get called but I have a tendency for things to get on top of me. It's good to come on here and know people won't patronize and will give good advice.


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2021, 01:37:31 PM »

If you don't ask you won't find out.

As a recovering anorexic who dreaded facing food and couldn't go into the kitchen for years++   .........   24/7, the worry didn't leave, I even dreamt about it.  Taking The Pill - such a small tablet, such a palaver 4 me: I would sit with it in the palm of my hand every night ! eventually swallowing it.  As I took it for 11 years  ::).  I'm not as bothered about pills now as I take life-saving ADs and when required 'nurofen'. 

I didn't have the annual 'flu vaccine until November because I haven't had 'flu for 35 years. No other reason, not worried about it per se, as I assume that my immune system doesn't allow me to catch it, also, I'm a miserable git and don't mix if I think there's 'anything going about'  ???::)

Thinking about this, how many medications appear not he shelves that we buy without thinking about how long it took to get into the public domain, as well as new drugs that are offered?  This is News Worthy ;-)



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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #11 on: March 03, 2021, 01:40:40 PM »

As far as I understand, the vaccine is a live virus and shouldn't cause long term effects?  If you get flu like symptoms after the vaccination that is a good sign.  It means your body is making the necessary antibodies needed to ward off Covid.  Bad news?  Well I got a flu shot in November and unfortunately needle went in at wrong angle and now dealing with frozen shoulder😪.  I am petrified of needles in the first place so I will wait for herd immunity. 


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #12 on: March 03, 2021, 02:03:01 PM »

As I get extreme health anxiety I am really worried I will have short or long term problems if I have the vaccine.  Does anyone know of bad side effects besides the fatigue etc.  Thanks
I am much more concerned about potential long term effects of Covid. No hesitation about having the jab at all. I did get side effects for a couple of days but fine now.


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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #13 on: March 03, 2021, 02:25:43 PM »

Hello suzysunday.

I also understand that having some flu like reactions to the vaccine means that your immune system is responding well and it is infact a good sign though I completely sympathise with your health  anxiety.

 A scientist I follow ( who was happy to be  vaccinated  )  explains all the trial data and confirms that all safety and efficacy procedures have been followed. Apparently it is the request for funding and recruiting of trial participants that takes a long while but drug companies and governments pulled out all the stops this time, not surprisingly!
 It just goes to show you what can be achieved when it is in everyone's interest to get things done safely and speedily.

Take care.




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Re: Covid vaccine hesitancy
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2021, 02:53:37 PM » - a good read from a Scientist
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