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Author Topic: Daily Utrogestan - anxiety  (Read 1585 times)


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Daily Utrogestan - anxiety
« on: February 28, 2021, 02:29:24 PM »

Hi there, I'd love to know if anyone has had a similar experience. Three years ago I had terrible anxiety that lasted for months before I finally saw Dr Savvas and discovered I was perimenopausal (I was then 43). He put me on 4 blobs of Oestrogel and Provera for the first 7 days of the month. After 6 weeks on this I finally felt better and I was over the moon! Last year I had a lot to deal with, with 2 big bereavements and of course Covid and I began to have some days of more anxiety again. I spoke to my GP and she was unhappy that I was on Provera and wanted me to go on Utrogestan 100 every day, as it is more "natural".

I started on that in mid January and in the last 10 days my anxiety has gone through the roof. It has only just occurred to me that it could be the Utrogestan contributing to this, because initially I felt fine with the change. But I'm wondering whether it could be because it has built up in my system? I really don't feel like I can go back to that place I was in three years ago - I'd be so grateful to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar. Many thanks!


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Re: Daily Utrogestan - anxiety
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2021, 02:57:01 PM »

Hi there,

If it helps at all, I was on Provera (and Oestrogel/Testogel), very happily for nearly three years but like you, my doc was unhappy for me to stay on it and wanted me to swap to Utrogestan as it was better in the long term with fewer risks/health issues going forward.

I too have suffered with anxiety for many years, but sadly, never realised the link with menopause and so never asked for help.  It was only after I had a surgical menopause and was popped onto HRT that I noticed the most incredible change in me.  After lots of research I realised that I must have been peri for a long, long time.

Anyway, back to you! 

When I swapped to Utrogestan it took a full 8 - 10 weeks to settle.  I too had all the returning symptoms of my anxiety and a few more to add to the fun and games.  I called the doc and talked about options, but he asked that I give it another two weeks before changing again.  He was so right - literally on the 9th week, the fog started to lift and I started to feel more like 'me'.  Palpitations subsided and the constant rising fear in me too.  Not sure how far into the treatment you are but give it time if you can bear it.

I do think that swapping from Provera one day to Utrogestan the next can be a big deal for those of us more sensitive and suffering with underlying anxiety.

I hope this helps a little and fingers crossed it settles for you soon.  I am now a year in and all good :)


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Re: Daily Utrogestan - anxiety
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2021, 04:50:01 PM »

Thank you so much for replying. I really appreciate it. I know it was a year ago but I wonder if you can remember whether you instantly felt worse, or if it built up. I'm just a little confused because I didn't seem to have negative effects for 3 weeks or so. Also, can I ask if your anxiety was mostly physical?

I wish I'd never rocked the boat! It didn't occur to me that it could lead to a return of all my symptoms, it's so disheartening.

Thank you again!


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Re: Daily Utrogestan - anxiety
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2021, 05:34:30 PM »

Pleasure - I wish I had had someone to ask at the time as thought it was just me!

I put off starting it as it was over Christmas 2019 and I was worried about swapping as felt so great on Provera.  My initial two weeks (ish), was great and I was thinking I had made a mountain out of a molehill and so my reaction was about 2/3 weeks in.  It really threw me as was expecting a reaction to be immediate and so thought all was well but then it started to change.   

My reaction was both mental and physical - my mind and thoughts wouldn't stop (even at night - so little sleep), and I felt I was constantly battling with it.  Always negative and so not 'me'.  All my previous anxiety issues returned and seemed worse.  Physical ones were racing heartbeat, shaking, nausea, tummy ache etc.

But, at the point I was thinking I can't bear it and it dawned on me that it could be the Utrogestan, I spoke to my doc and he was great.  As I mentioned, we spoke about other medication options but as I couldn't really go back on the Provera and he wanted to be sure we had given the Utrogestan the best shot, he asked me to hang on in there for two more weeks.  He was right and it did settle.  Almost as quickly as it crept up on me I realised I was feeling stronger and better in every way.

I really sympathise and keep me posted.  Hope this helps a little put your mind at rest.  :)



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Re: Daily Utrogestan - anxiety
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2021, 05:39:04 PM »

Your doctor is right. Provera is made from horse urine which carries a higher health risk than the newer ones. There are 2 options. It might be that you need more oestrogen (my anxiety was caused by insufficient oestrogen). Or you could try using the utro on a sequi regime for a couple of months and see if you are different on the oestrogen only phase. For this you need 200mg x 12 days per cycle. I'mllate peri and use it this way on a 6 week cycle because utro makes me tired.

Edit by Emma.
"Medroxyprogesterone is a man-made drug that is similar to the female hormone progesterone".
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 10:16:19 AM by Emma »