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Author Topic: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?  (Read 4464 times)


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Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« on: February 21, 2021, 02:37:15 PM »

Hi, wondering who else gets really crushing fatigue at times.  Mine isn't helped where I'm living with neighbour issues, but I don't want to focus on that, it's made a lot worse by when I'm really shattered I struggle to get a lot done.  I hope I don't give the wrong impression, I've worked all the way through the pandemic and partly the reason I'm so shattered is I worked 14 days straight without a break, but I know this is also hormones.

What gets me most is when I let the house slip, which is easy to do as I don't live with anyone.  I'm motivated to make everything sparkly and tidy, but the exhaustion can be that severe that I just can't do it all. 

I wonder if anyone else gets this and whether this thread could be a bit of support for those days when you really want to get some stuff done but it's tough and you want to go through it step by step with others   :)

Anyone?  Feel free to come and go as you please, no commitments on it.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2021, 03:42:33 PM »

Hormonal probably.  I remember my Mum suddenly sitting down and dropping off to sleep, she could be in the middle of anything: cooking tea, knitting, hoovering .............

When my brain shuts off I can sleep on a linen line  ::) but the crashing fatigue is a totally different feeling 4 me. 

My brain often feels tired if that makes any sense at all  :-\.  Like I have stuff to do but it's can't be bothered.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2021, 08:02:04 PM »

I get that crushing faitgue and its awful when you want to get things done. I have also worked through pandemic but it feels a different kind of tired. Xx


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2021, 08:45:14 PM »

Moonshine, not happy you get it but makes me feel less alone.

today isn't the best.  My mother's just rung me too, she's run out of a few things and would I run some bits around to her, I'd better get to it as it's getting late but the thought of it is too much (only a 2 min drive)  ;D


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2021, 09:09:25 PM »

Did U manage the shopping? 


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2021, 10:08:04 PM »

Yep I managed the shopping, got petrol as well, so quite a few things done considering I feel like I'm only capable of staring at the wall today.   ;D  Hopefully a good night's sleep will help, not always guaranteed with the neighbours but no point going there for now.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2021, 11:21:05 PM »

Yes it doesn't help Avalon.  I'm having a lot of difficulty coming to terms with my drop in health in the last couple of years and feeling old already.  I thought it was a gradual process but it's all happened so sudden.
I really want to get fit again but I don't seem to have the muscular strength I used to either.  I'd do whatever it took to get healthy and fit again, I just hope it's possible.

I had a very low dose of my thyroxine over the weekend because I'd ran low.  I might have a low mood at the moment because of that, hopefully I'll pick up tomorrow.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #7 on: March 02, 2021, 07:17:51 AM »

I developed crashing fatigue during menopause, it really floored me.  Testosterone helped no end.  I get tired of course,  but your post has brought back memories of just how exhausted I used to feel,  I couldn’t even think straight.  It feels a long time ago now I felt that bad x


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2021, 02:36:59 PM »

Yes I get it a lot - along with awful joint and muscle pain and aches...glad of the lockdown to be honest (sorry everyone)


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2021, 02:43:50 PM »

The last two years of peri were awful for this.  Every period would completely knock me fot six.

Lucky all gone, post meno.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2021, 08:36:32 PM »

Yes I get it a lot - along with awful joint and muscle pain and aches...glad of the lockdown to be honest (sorry everyone)

I kind of understand.  I've worked through the pandemic, but from home.  Nightmare due to neighbour noise, but it has alleviated those commutes and the exhaustion a bit.  Also 2019 was a worse year for me, though I understand for some it's been absolutely traumatising and so much loss.  But I know what you mean about having things just stop for a while.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2021, 08:37:50 PM »

The last two years of peri were awful for this.  Every period would completely knock me fot six.

Lucky all gone, post meno.

good to hear it went!  Oh please, I hope so.  ;D


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2021, 08:41:30 PM »

I developed crashing fatigue during menopause, it really floored me.  Testosterone helped no end.  I get tired of course,  but your post has brought back memories of just how exhausted I used to feel,  I couldn’t even think straight.  It feels a long time ago now I felt that bad x

Yes there are times when I can't think.  I've told friends online if I don't reply, I am still listening, it's just sometimes I just can't......can't put the words together.  That's partly why I'm quiet a lot of the time here too.  I keep hearing about testosterone.  It's funny because I always had hair on my big toes, my dad and I used to laugh because he had exactly the same.  Well, it's gone.  I wonder if that signifies a drop in testosterone, all the hair on the arms is gone too.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2021, 09:16:18 PM »

KaraShannon, I get the same at times.  This morning I felt so tired and lethargic I didn't want to get up.  The when I got on the train for work this morning, I felt asleep.  This afternoon, at around 3pm, I had a slump. I think it's partly because I wake up during the night.  Last night I woke up at 1am and 3am.  I don't sleep as well as I used to.  You say you have problems with neiihhbours, I live in a flat and I get that too from time to time.  They don't play music but they come in at all hours and I can hear some crashing & banging and loud talking.  It wakes me up every time.


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Re: Who else gets crushing fatigue at times?
« Reply #14 on: March 03, 2021, 07:28:11 AM »

I developed crashing fatigue during menopause, it really floored me.  Testosterone helped no end.  I get tired of course,  but your post has brought back memories of just how exhausted I used to feel,  I couldn’t even think straight.  It feels a long time ago now I felt that bad x

Yes there are times when I can't think.  I've told friends online if I don't reply, I am still listening, it's just sometimes I just can't......can't put the words together.  That's partly why I'm quiet a lot of the time here too.  I keep hearing about testosterone.  It's funny because I always had hair on my big toes, my dad and I used to laugh because he had exactly the same.  Well, it's gone.  I wonder if that signifies a drop in testosterone, all the hair on the arms is gone too.

It’s worth investigating x
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