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Author Topic: Digestive symptoms non-stop?  (Read 14090 times)


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Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« on: February 16, 2021, 09:50:00 AM »

I am going slowly crazy... since weeks I am now suffering constant digestive issues. I wake up with gas and stomach pain and this continues until I go to bed. Since several months now.... The gas has reduced a little recently, just to be replaced by nausea and loss of appetite. I am not on hrt but am  definitely in perimenopause. I am 50 and my periods are now very irregular. Due to my big health anxiety I am avoiding taking medicines (as I am too afraid of side effects)  while at the same time being worried sick about every symptom I have. And apart from hot flashes I have them all! I am putting it all down to hormones, especially as I just had a colonoscopy and endoscopy in October, which came back clear. So nothing sinister according to GP... but I have not felt properly okay for years now and am really worried. Just wondering if other have the same non-stop digestive issues?? I am seeking comfort in the fact that most of my symptoms are changeable and after a few weeks/months are replaced by something else. But equally I cannot shake the feeling that something is seriously wrong as I just can’t imagine that hormones can do all this to my body... Can they? Can the mix of hormones and anxiety lead to constant stomach and digestion trouble? Of course Google (my worst enemy) keeps coming up with terrible things for changes in bowl movement, shape, colour, nausea, gas, loss of appetite and weight (well, I am trying to loose weight as it has piled on recently but ever pound I loose is enhancing my anxiety...).
I realise I sound crazy... GP suggested silent reflux (which may also explain the chronic cough) but the over the counter antacids dont do much to alleviate the abdominal pain and discomfort   I cannot find a link to any particular food either.
Going crazy... anybody experiencing similar things? None of this is helped by the current situation which doesn’t provide any distraction either...
Sorry for the long post and thank you for reading!


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2021, 12:20:14 PM »

I’ve had digestive issues since June last year, bloating, nausea feeling, rushing to loo on waking, gurgling noise, no appetite, acid reflux, sore throat, sore painful abdomen  :'( I’ve had tests too all fine, pretty sure it’s hormones I’ve read it’s quite common, but also anxiety can really exasperate it which is what I’m working on now. Not easy when your whole body aches almost constantly it’s exhausting, my gp said ibs is quite common in peri too. I’ve been on hrt 6 months now but I’m yet to find ‘the one’ though I think maybe its getting better because I’m accepting it more if that makes sense? I’m taking a probiotic too trying to drink more water. If you’ve had all your tests come back fine then try to find some comfort in it even though it’s so hard  :-*

Julia Dizzy

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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2021, 01:34:52 PM »

Hi Jule1, you sound just like me! I too have the same symptoms with gurgling stomach all the time, wind in the mornings, heartburn, loss of voice etc etc etc. I went to my GP last week who has done a stool sample and urine test and felt my tummy and is arranging an ultrasound. I am on HRT (still trying to find the right one like you for over a year) and am 64.

I went to ENT last October, who diagnosed acid erosion which made vocal chords "lazy" and referred me for a gastroscopy which I haven't been called for yet, probably due to covid etc.
He prescribed Omeprazole and Gaviscon Advance which I am still taking but certain things set it off such as chocolate and wine - which I only have one glass at weekends!

My anxiety is through the roof at the moment, I'm the worlds worst worrier at the best of times...made worse just now with my 93 year old Mum who is in hospital very poorly after a fall and then Alzheimers and covid wrecking her body..they are saying she probably won't make it.

At least your tests were ok, but I was also told you produce more acid if you are prone to anxiety which is a vicious circle! Very difficult to calm down in these scary times, but good to share with other people and know it's not just you!

I hope you get some answers and try and stay safe and well, could be hormones, who the heck knows!!


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2021, 06:00:14 PM »

Hi Jule1

I've suffered with digestive issues my whole life but they definitely stepped up a gear when I started my perimenopause. I was put on omeprazole and was taking all kinds of antacids to combat burping, feeling unsettled, bloated, heartburn, acid-y tummy etc. I've always been a bit more "active" when I had a period approaching (i.e. looser) and that still plays out now, even on HRT as I am apparently sensitive to progesterone fluctuations. I didn't find the omeprazole worked for me so I stopped taking it. We all need acid to digest our food, and as we age this can decrease. You can actually feel bad with too little acid would you believe.

In my 20s I didn't always eat well and it exacerbated my IBS which was also driven by anxiety (think exam-tummy).

I'm now 49 and have been taking various HRT combinations for about 18 months and on the whole I feel tons better, although I'm not entirely convinced that there is a "perfect in every way" HRT as I am about to hopefully try and tweak things again.

I do understand that it is very difficult when you are anxious about having side effects from medicines, I suppose it really is a trade off when the anxiety itself will possibly be making you feel worse? It's great that your GP have taken things seriously and you've had the all clear from a top to toe internal check. What have you tried from over the counter? You don't sound crazy at all, just someone who wants to feel better and be able to function without discomfort, which is what most of us seek!

Digestive bitters helped me with my appetite, Silocol gel was nice and gentle (although tasted like wallpaper paste lol) and I have some anti-nausea tablets from my GP too for when it's not helped by OTC remedies. I do have some homeopathic treatments which can do the trick when things aren't too bad.

Is your diet generally good? Mine isn't too bad but if I go too long between meals if I'm busy, or drink too much tea or coffee on an empty stomach it can set things off. I now can't drink wine without reaching for the Gaviscon so I've reluctantly had to pass on it (and feel tons better). Little and often is a good regime I have found?

Hope you get to the root of things, flippin' hormones eh xx


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2021, 06:06:40 PM »

I have had many similar issues during peri/menopause and digestive issues again recently. One thing to consider is to get a full blood test done, in particular thyroid, iron, B vitamins and vitamin checked. It turned out that my thyroid was under-functioning and to a large part responsible for my digestive and many other issues as thyroid issues can give very similar symptoms to menopausal symptoms. Thyroid function test usually includes TSH and T4 only on NHS but is worth checking.


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2021, 11:54:28 AM »


I could have written your post!  I have had digestive issues for a couple of years now.  I am on HRT though.  I had a colonoscopy and ultrasound just under two years ago, and a gastroscopy and CT scan a year ago, but nothing was found either time!  I am getting a really unsettled feeling in my stomach, and feel slightly queasy most mornings.. tea seems to make it worse.  My appetite is not great, but usually when I do eat, I enjoy it, I just never feel hungry, and could easily skip meals if I let myself.

My bowel movements are usually on the loose side, and once I need to go (usually after my first coffee) I need to rush.  I've noticed that after the weekend, they seem to get firmer, which I wonder if its because I only eat white bread (ciabatta, pizza, bagel) at the weekends, I usually eat wholemeal seeded.

I also want to lose weight, about 10 lbs, but when I do lose, I panic that it means something sinister, so start eating more!  I don't dare ever google anything at all, I only look on here. I worry constantly, and even ask myself if something could have developed since my gastroscopy a year ago  :'(

Interesting about the thyroid possibility

Thank you all, it helps to know I'm not alone in this :-)




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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2021, 12:23:28 PM »

Dougalina. Wholemeal seeded is definitely high up there on causing loose bowel movements so that's probably why you're weekends are firmer   :) Also coffee is a bowel stimulant.

Taz x


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2021, 02:22:21 PM »

Hi everyone,
I too could have written this post !! and it’s so nice to come on here and realise you are not alone. I have been suffering with digestive, BM and sweating issues for the last year and it really does get me down a lot. I wake with a jolt most mornings and the cycle begins again of stomach pain, gas, nausea, no appetite, anxiety feeling etc
  I’ve had blood and stool sample tests done which were all fine, but waiting for a gastro appt with hospital, which I doubt will be anytime soon. So for now I try my hardest to not consult with Dr google and blame everything on my hormones.
Stay safe everyone and thanks to everyone who posts. xxx


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2021, 03:36:48 PM »

Hello ladies,
thank you so much for your replies! It really is comforting to know I am not alone (although I am sorry to hear that you too are struggling with all this...)!
Reading that some of you are on HRT makes me wonder if it is worth it (for me), as it seems these issues are not going away, at least not always... If only I could not worry - but it is hard when you feel crap and not yourself most the time... Many of you had more tests done than me, so now I am worried I should push for me. As I had Endo- and Gastroscopy the GP seemed reassured that all is fine. I just had a blood test done, which, I think, included thyroid check as well. I didn't dare calling for results but was told the GP would call me should there be anything that needs following up. To my experience, some values are always wrong or close to the limit, which then sends me off to Dr Google and makes we worried, even though the GP seems to think there is nothing to worry about...

Julia Dizzy, I am not very encouraged to hear that all this may not be over when I am in my 60ies...? I am still living in hope that my body eventually adapts to all the hormonal upheaval... I will continue with Gaviscon and Probiotics (am trying to avoid all the plastic they come in, though). How is your mum doing? Are you able to see her at all? The Covid situation is making these though times so much tougher... My thoughts are with you and your mum!

ItWillPass - yep - those are all my symptoms too. Including the sore throat, which also worries me. With being in lockdown I was hoping for a super-healthy few months but it seems I am instead chronically ill, even though I am not in contact with anyone. It was suggested that I may have IBS, but I neevr quite believed it and I thought that those symptoms come in attacks, rather than being permanent.

Mogster71 - thank you for those ideas of what to try - will start searching. I think my diet is good - but I start to wonder if I am kidding myself a little. But now I am not sure anymore what actually IS good for me. I have been prescribed Omeprazole - but have not yet taken it. It seems not many of you have had relief from it? I did have an exam tummy, though - all my life... Maybe IBS is a possibility - but is this what IBS feels like...? To me it seems a term that is used when nothing else can be found... Just like Menopause!

AG - thank you for the thyroid link idea - I will make sure that this was covered in recent bloods. I know I had it investigated a few years back and it was fine, though.

Dougalina - yes, I can sympathize with all this! I now have floating stool, which sets me off again, worrying... Well done that you manage to stay away from Google - do not ever start it! It is no comfort at all and just feeds into anxiety. Pretty much every symptom you can think off can be linked to cancer or other nasty diseases!

Taz 2 - just what I meant ;-). Whole meal = healthy, but then causing other problems which start to worry us anxiety stricken people...

Loganberry - do staty away from google as much as you can - and good luck with your appointment! It will probably be fine!

My journey started about 7 years ago and I had lots of tests done back then. I was still very regular but had suddenly huge anxiety, digestive issues and chest pains. Many tests later, nothing conclusive was found and I was offered anti-anxiety drugs, which I didnt take, and CBT (which I did take). CBT in itself didnt do much but being able to talk to someone helped. I also did lots of self-paid stuff, tried things, but no miracle cure yet... It all got better over the years - or at least it shifted. The anxiety came down a little and was manageable, but is never far away... Not sure now if I should push for more test or just accept my fate and keep going. I am so sorry that my kids have me in my grumpy version most of the time, because I am in pain somewhere. If it is not the digestion (which for the last year it is), it is very heavy bleeding, or rectal bleeding, or chest pains, or back pain or my chronic respiratory issues (no investigations yet - allergies? reflux? diverted septum? Chronic sinusitis...?).

Do those of you with digestive issues also get real pains in their abdomen? For me very often under the ribs - which invariably makes me think lung, or call bladder or heart - especially if the pain persists for days... I can never quite believe that it is 'just' gas...

Hope you all have a good and calm and safe week!


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2021, 03:47:49 PM »

Hello Loganberry  :)
I am  sick of stomach aches etc  and especially for me they are around the waistline, navel area and I have read Digestive Distress is quite common in Menopause /Post Menopause.  I could have written your post!
Wouldn't have thought HORMOANS(deliberate spelling mistake:) were responsible for so much SH*T!!!!
Julie 1 - Yes I get pain in my abdomen/naval area - problem is finding a painkiller which gives some relief!
Oh to be a bloke>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Oh and dont want to rain on your parade I am 64 and have only had the most horrendous symptoms 2/4 years after I finished my periods.................
You'd think we would get a break from all this vrap wouldnt you ???
Loganberry Let us know how you get on


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #10 on: February 17, 2021, 06:04:40 PM »


Really hope you feel better soon xx

Dougalina if you "firm up" over the weekends then maybe take a look at low fodmap foods? I love eating beans and healthy stuff but I really can't digest them well and am in pain and discomfort if I have things which are high in fibre. Strangely, i can only drink coffee every so often as that makes me feel queasy but then so does tea if I drink on it's own (and not with a biscuit lol). I switch to fennel tea or flavoured roibush :)

In pain

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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #11 on: February 17, 2021, 06:16:34 PM »

Hi Julie 1

I have had digestive issues for nearly 2 years now along with acid reflux that flares up. My recent flare up was back in October 20 so was put on omeprazole.  My bloating is horrendous everyday. Had vaginal scans and blood test all normal. Spoke to my gp yesterday and she said I should try FODMAP although am already gluten and lactose free so well see. She said it is due to menopause and offered me HRT but not sure about that


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #12 on: February 17, 2021, 06:29:22 PM »

I have had digestive issues for years now. I have ibs and silent reflux. I also have barrets oesophagus caused by the reflux. I take lanzoprazol every day (for life) since diagnosis.
Things that have helped me...
Low Fodmap diet
Not eating 4 hours before bed
No caffeine or alcohol
Raising head of bed 6 inches.
Limiting chocolate as chocolate is one of the worse things for reflux but I can't resist it.
No tomatoes as they trigger reflux.
Daily exercise.


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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2021, 06:47:59 PM »

Couple of other things to consider that helped me massively after trying all sorts of other remedies, including PPI etc: Absolutely no tea or red wine ( some of us it seems are allergic to tannins - who knew?? ) The other thing that has made the biggest difference was digestive enzymes before main meal. No more discomfort, feeling full and even better no acidy feeling if/when I wake up at night time. We are all so different but just thought I would post as may just help someone.

In pain

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Re: Digestive symptoms non-stop?
« Reply #14 on: February 17, 2021, 10:50:09 PM »

Hi Gnatty

I have been considering taking digestive enzymes but not sure which is the best  any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Many thanks
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