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Author Topic: Late menopause & spotting  (Read 1645 times)


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Late menopause & spotting
« on: January 22, 2021, 07:46:08 PM »

Hi, I am 58 and seem to be late menopause as I haven’t gone 12 months yet without a period., although they have been very erratic and the longest I went without was around 10 months Aprox 2 years ago.Then they returned although they miss 3/4 months sometimes. I had a period on 30.11.20 which was a regular period for me which lasted around 6/7 days again normal for me. Then on 26.12.20 I started spotting hardly anything really, can only see it if I really wipe and sometimes only really know it’s there if a insert tissue to check for it. As I say it’s very light and pinky in colour (no smell) and it  lasts a day or 2 then goes away for 3 or 4 days , the longest it went was for a week. So this has been going on & off now for 4 weeks and was wondering if any ladies out there had experienced anything similar, could this be the final surge (although it’s not a surge) 😁 before they finally go? I’m not on any HRT or any other medication. Dr sent me for blood test to check my hormones & thyroid etc awaiting the results, not sure what this will show, does anyone know?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2021, 08:38:47 PM by Nina123 »


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2021, 05:08:02 PM »

Hi Nina123

Sorry to hear about your worries re spotting and late menopause.

It's good that the doctor has sent you for blood tests - for thyroid function anyway. It is not necessary to have hormone tests to determine menopause though, at your age - as this is assumed to be happening if cycles become irregular over the age of 45 and other symptoms are experienced. In your case your age alone says that you must be late peri-menopause.

However because of your late menopause and recent bleeding I would actually want to know that there is not another cause for late bleeding and spotting. While of course many women do have a very late menopause this is at the tail end of the spectrum so always as well to potentially to check this out I would say. Personally I would want to have a basic U/S scan ( and maybe vaginal one) just to for reassurance that you are just having a late menopause - rather than the hormone blood tests.

When you get the results back I would pursue this with your doc and say you feel you would like a scan ( if this is what you want) due to your age. This is no big deal even in these Covid times....

Hurdity x


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2021, 03:08:37 PM »

Thanks Hurdity, my Dr referred me for routine scan but I could be waiting up to 5/6 months as they are backed up apparently from the 1st  lockdown in March when scans were not happening!! 🙄 I was considering paying for a scan with Ultrasound Direct as they do a post menopause scan, have you ever had any experience with these? I thought it may be able to bring me some peace of mind or at least give me an idea of what’s going on. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. 


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2021, 11:51:19 AM »

Hi Nina123 I can help here with this as exactly the same thing happened to me at your age. Yes I did have late menopause confirmed by a consultant but I also had a cervical polyp as well as a small uterine polyp which is being monitored. i had a little op to remove the cervical polyp and also had a hysteroscopy to check the lining but it was too thin to biopsy.

I don't know where you live but if it is near London I can recommend an excellent place for a scan - it is around £150 with a world class sonographer and also an on the day or as near as wait time.I initially did this and then was referred onto a specialist when the result was available.

As time has gone on, I am now 60, I have finished periods now and my ovaries are shrinking my lining is atrophic and I have low oestrogen levels- all this has happened in 18 months confirmed by scans and blood tests.

My specialist told me that late menopause is becoming more common. The polyp I had removed is only seen in younger women pre menopause so at 58 I was certainly not post menopause.

I am still having follow up scans to watch this tiny uterine polyp so I have had the benefit of watching my transitional period and can confirm yes 58 is not too old! However I personally wouldn't wait 5-6 months.I think I would go private just for the scan. It also has the benefit that you will be told there and then the result which I found to be very reassuring.



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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2021, 02:10:36 PM »

Thanks Machair that is very informative. No longer live in London retired and moved to North Wales, so Chester which is around a 45 minute drive from me is nearest for private scans. Dr called me this morning to say she had sent my referral to the hospital as “urgent” so they should call me with an appointment in a couple of weeks, but I’ve booked myself in for the private scan on Saturday at Ultrasound Direct in Chester they do a pelvic scan & a ca125 blood test which they say is for ovarian cancer, as I have health insurance that covers this & I don’t particularly trust the wait times on NHS especially in these uncertain times. I also had blood test and Dr said they were all normal thyroid,iron, diabetes, Dr seems to think I’m in late peri menopause as my fsh level is 33.3 and my estrogen level is 147. 🤷‍♀️🤔I don’t pretend to understand these numbers too much. X


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2021, 10:19:01 AM »

Good luck with the scan that is a great idea and not long to wait.

By your results you are still peri which I can relate to! My experience was that because I have now had 3 scans over an 18 month period I have been able to track things so well which most don't. For example my uterine lining went form 6mm to 2mm.

Let us know how things go and all my best wishes


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2021, 10:43:05 AM »

How did you get on at the scan appointment?- hope all went well.  Maybe you could let us know as it will help anyone else in your situation.xx


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2021, 11:49:38 PM »

Hi Machair, sorry for late reply. Yes went for scan and to be honest didn’t feel it helped me in any way. I thought the sonographer was not very friendly and when I asked questions I seemed to get short sharp answers, I thought she was clearly not having a good day! 🤷‍♀️This is what was written word for word in her short report:

Anteverted uterus is identified. The myometrial echo texture appears course- however no discernible fibroid was noted. The uterine cavity is ill defined and irregular in outline making it difficult to obtain an accurate measurement. An approximate thickness of 11mm was obtained. Within the mid cavity there is a hyperechoic area noted measuring 9.9x6.4x11mm- no vascularity is demonstrated in colour doppler? Blood clot? Endometrial polyp? Other.

Ovaries were obscured by bowel gas shadowing however no gross adnexal cysts or masses noted. No free pelvic fluid seen.

That’s it & it may as well be written in code for all I understand if it! 🙄

I also had a CA125 blood test thrown in with the ultrasound which came back measuring 15.

As I said I wasn’t too impressed at all felt quite rushed and not friendly. On hindsight I should have saved my money and waited for hospital appointment. All this has done is make me even more anxious. Oh well we live & learn. X


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2021, 01:39:06 PM »

Hi Nina,

It makes my blood boil when medical professionals are not kind or friendly - this isn't good enough. When I trained as a nurse in 1978 I was told if you have no empathy then to choose another profession.This is especially important when you are having invasive and intimate procedures like pelvic scans. I am having one in 2 months again ( my 4th) and every time they fill me with dread which I think is normal.

Are you taking this result to the GP so it can be forwarded for a Gynae referral? I would do now. 11mm is over the threshold and probably indicates the fact that you have not been ovulating and have a lack of progesterone which acts like a lawn mower for the uterine lining. Very very common in peri but with the other hyperechoic area noted I think this needs a referral within 2 weeks. I had this last year with a suspected polyp so you should be seen quickly for reassurance.

Let us know how you get on and don't worry- many of us are in the same boat and can
« Last Edit: February 05, 2021, 05:13:48 PM by Machair »


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2021, 08:13:58 PM »

I'm in a similar boat - I'm 56 next month and stopped taking the mini pill, cerazette, last March.  I then had 6 months of regular periods - spoke to the GP and she said there was nothing to worry about.  Then the periods stopped (last one Sept)  but once a month had period like cramps for a day.  Then on 17 January I started bleeding - very light but it hasn't stopped since. Some days it is slightly more than others and then I think it is going to stop and it then continues.  My gut feel is that this just part of the transition to menopause and may be close to it, but will check in with the GP if it doesn't stop shortly just to make sure.  Any thoughts anyone?


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Re: Late menopause & spotting
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2021, 08:45:11 PM »

SandraP I think you should see your gp. Nina123 it isn't pleasant when they're like that specially when you've paid. I think you did the right thing though, you know you're lining is too thick so good you found out now.