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Author Topic: Blood test results - worried!  (Read 1168 times)


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Blood test results - worried!
« on: January 25, 2021, 05:02:20 PM »

 So I posted last week about my Health Anxiety and the fact that I'd had blood tests because I'd been putting them off for so long.

Anyway,  I've been driving myself mad worrying about the results and call the GP today to be told,  all "satisfactory - no further action".

You would think that would be reassuring for me but no,  because of my HA, I asked for a call back to go through the results.

The GP called back and said Liver,  Kidneys everything normal apart from my Haemoglobin level which was 15.8 and normal for a woman was up to 15. The GP wasn't concerned and asked me questions such as did I smoke - No,  was I overweight - Yes,  she then said it's normally lower in women due to periods and I said I hadn't had a period for nearly a year.

So she basically said when something like this comes up they look at the other ares of the cells and because everything else was in normal ranges if she were me,  she wouldn't be worried!  She said if I want I can have another test in 2 months but it's up to me.

Well as you've probably guessed,  good old Dr Google has been deightful in informing me about all the horrible things that can cause this, from Kidney Cancer to Polycethmia Vera,  Liver Cancer etc and now I'm a nervous wreck!

I keep thinking that surely she would be insisting on other tests if she thought it was anything but I can't work out why it's high,  I said I'd been through a lot of stress and anxiety before the tests and I probably need to lose about 3.5 stones but I've now convinced myself I've got some awful cancer!

Sorry just needed to post as I was hoping for some relief after the tests but I'm more anxious than ever.


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2021, 06:39:37 PM »

Listen my lovely,you're not alone myself and plenty others on here are exactly the same as you,my last blood results were satisfactory but it wasn't good enough for me either,with HA we always think they MUST be missing something but if there was anything,one of the results would've shown something,take the offer of a further test and hopefully EVERYTHING will be ok,it was my ferratin that was high and like you I stupidly googled it and you can imagine,pretty much the same as you came up with,only check the nhs sites if you can. I'm sure you are fine,it's just the anxiety xx


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2021, 07:00:21 PM »

Thank you Jaypo

That is actually  really reassuring.  I think I am going to have to try and forget it otherwise I will drive myself insane.

I have read somethings that say stress can increase it, so can dehydration and whilst I didn't think I was dehydrated I hadn't eaten for 24 hours before the test and I was super anxious, so I don't think that would have helped.

Did you get to the bottom of your High Ferritin?

Yes good tip about NHS,  that seems to relate it to less worrying causes!


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2021, 08:57:45 PM »

Ok,so DONT go with dr Google first and foremost,certain blood tests can be slightly above or below normal but can be for many reasons,oh dear, I do feel for you,your so like me with this,years ago,if I was told bloods were "satisfactory " that would be the end of it but now? I'm like..satisfactory?? Why not normal? And then drive myself insane, I'm sure my haemoglobin wasn't perfect too but then I got another test and it was ok but then it was my ferratin that was high,like you,started to hear all these horror stories aaaaaarrggghhhh,phoned the dr and he said maybe because I was veggie and not to worry as everything else was fine,geeze,it's exhausting isn't it? Get more bloods done and see what it's like then and let me know,odds on it'll be fine  :)


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2021, 03:27:07 PM »

Thank you Jaypo,

I know I now wish I'd just accepted the "satisfactory".  I've basically brought this on myself by not just accepting what the Dr has said.

I hate HA.  My husband thinks I'm mad and is doing the "there's nothing wrong with you",  just wish I had his confidence!

I think as you say I'll have to have the test repeated as I'll drive myself mad if I don't.

Really appreciate the replies,  it does make me feel better to know it's not just me that does this.



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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2021, 04:25:35 PM »

Like you SaraC2773, I've had a high haemoglobin result in the past, (more than once - maybe bear that in mind if you're thinking of repeating the test) & was told when other bloods are within range it's insignificant.  As you've found, dehydration can be a cause but again like you, I don't think I was dehydrated though it's possible to be without realising.  As Jaypo says, some of us do fall slightly outside the ref range for various bloods without any sinister cause.  Your GP is not concerned because she's checked other aspects of your tests which indicate all is well.  I completely understand your fears though. :hug:


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2021, 08:23:16 PM »

Wren song, thank you so much.

It’s really reassuring to hear someone else has experienced this and it didn’t turn out to be one of the horror stories I’ve seen on Dr Google.

I think I will have a retest but going to try and stop fretting so much.

I was reading an article today about how iron, ferritin and hemoglobin increase steadily in women between the ages of 40-65. It was something to do with estrogen declining.

Wondering if it’s another menopause thing 😫


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2021, 08:36:44 PM »

Now I'm thanking you Sara   ;D Didn't know that


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2021, 06:03:21 PM »

That is interesting Sara - I didn't know that either, so thanks!  Glad you feel a little reassured - the forum is so good for that.  However weird or scary we think something is :o, you can bet another menopausal woman's got the T shirt! ;D  You can forget about it now & come back & tell us how you go if you get retested.


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2021, 08:22:16 PM »

Thank you , I will keep you posted  :)


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2021, 10:34:41 AM »

I completely sympathise I’m like this myself I struggle to trust doctors. However your only very slightly over the normal range and any number of things could affect that, dehydration, what you’ve eaten etc. Plus as someone else said many of us fall outside of normal ranges for things and are completely unaware until we have a test, hope you feel better soon x


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Re: Blood test results - worried!
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2021, 08:26:53 PM »

Thank you MummyClanger

I do actually feel better today and I've just been for a hypnotherapy session which has really helped to relax me. :)