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Author Topic: Hormonal mess plus update, advice please.  (Read 765 times)


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Hormonal mess plus update, advice please.
« on: January 22, 2021, 08:23:46 AM »

Hello ladies 

So I spoke to my GP yesterday about my worries re. the long wait for hysteroscopy. She wasn't unduly surprised I'd waited 3 months and she wasn't concerned,  particularly because I have had 3 regular bleeds in that time, (albeit prolonged), there has been significantly less flooding and I have other symptoms such as very sore breasts. She said if my appointment were to get postponed,  again she wouldn't be unduly worried, but to contact her so she could seek advice from the gynaecologist.  She agrees being called in just for a procedure isn't the best, but that the pandemic has meant they are trying to get things done in one session if possible. I expressed concerns that I've gone onto 5 yearly smears and will be due in March, could my spotting and bleeding be cervix related? She said, again,  she wasn't unduly concerned as she felt this was uterus/hormone related and I've always had negative smears. She also said if my spotting was more random she would be more concerned. I said that sometimes it is, but she still felt this is hormone related. She is generally quite a cautious doctor,  quick to do tests, so hubby said be reassured as she would arrange a smear if concerned. She didn't seem to want to address the fact I feel very anxious (at least not in terms of restarting HRT) and dismissed my very sore breasts as proof I am having a late perimenopause (I'm 56).

When I last had a cursory feel of my cervix it felt more normal so I didn't mention my panic about that, especially as I will be having the hysteroscopy in less than three weeks now. I started this period on 10th January,  had a couple of heavy days and very light bleeding since,  lots of brown spotting (sorry, tmi) plus these horrendously sore breasts. A 10-14 day period hasn't been unusual for me since coming off HRT..Some of what I've been passing seems like old blood and this morning I passed what looked like an old clot. I feel like something has been clearing, almost like the suspected polyp may have disintegrated or my womb is having a good clear out, hence the sore breasts. Is this possible? As I had Covid during my period I had one day of sudden very heavy bleeding when I look back. I was using ibuprofen and also very inactive for me, so it's also possible the flow slowed down considerably hence the old blood?

My breasts feel like I've just started HRT, so there has obviously been an upsurge in one hormone or another.  Does anyone have any advice? Should I be worried?



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Re: Hormonal mess plus update, advice please.
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2021, 10:08:52 AM »

I'm sorry to hear you are still feeling anxious and this is only natural when you don't know the cause of your bleeding.

I think the best thing you can do is to try to keep calm during these next 3 weeks until your appointment for your hysteroscopy and not try to second guess the possible reasons because none of us can say.

Do try to find things to do to keep your mind off it and be reassured by your doctor and that you are being investigated. I presume you've had standard blood tests? Sounds also like your husband is being a great support too.

Take care and hang in there :)

Hurdity x


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Re: Hormonal mess plus update, advice please.
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2021, 10:57:00 AM »

Thanks,  Hurdity. I'm doing my best. Recovering from Covid doesn't help.
I've never had a blood test apart from to check iron levels.
