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Author Topic: Working during meno  (Read 2332 times)


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Working during meno
« on: January 26, 2021, 03:34:26 PM »


This is a question to the ladies who are still working full time. 

I feel increasingly overwhelmed, and struggle to do everything I need to do.  Its like playing Tetris with my time.  Can anyone identify with this?  What do other ladies do to organise their lives around their working hours, and not feel exhausted?

thanks in advance



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Re: Working during meno
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2021, 10:45:28 PM »

Hi Dougalina

I am 45 and have been in Peri for around 5 years. This year has gotten much tougher and there have been numerous weeks this year that I would not have made it into the office. Therefore I feel blessed to currently be working from home. I feel more and more that I'm now too old and tired to work and wish I didn't have to. Goodness knows how I'll cope when we eventually go back to office. I work full time 0830-5 Monday to Friday plus do one evening shift 445-1015pm at a second job.
Even being at home I'm lucky if I manage a short walk at lunchtime without feeling utterly exhausted. Running the house too is difficult for me.
I too am keen to know how others manage? Xxx


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Re: Working during meno
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2021, 07:54:38 AM »

Cookie 25. You are very young to be feeling so exhausted but the stress of the times we are living through can take its toll. The underlying tension and worry means we are on high alert all of the time so obviously this is very tiring. How is your sleep? Also are you up to date with blood tests to make sure you are not anaemic or have thyroid problems?

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Working during meno
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2021, 08:03:25 AM »


This is a question to the ladies who are still working full time. 

I feel increasingly overwhelmed, and struggle to do everything I need to do.  Its like playing Tetris with my time.  Can anyone identify with this?  What do other ladies do to organise their lives around their working hours, and not feel exhausted?

thanks in advance


Where are you in your meno journey? I've just retired at the age of 66 due more to the virus than wanting to stop working. The only thing that enabled me to keep going was HRT. Without the relief from hot flushes/sweats every twenty minutes, sleep deprivation and loss of confidence/decision making ability I would have had to leave work around 10 years ago I'm sure.

I think that we often have to let our standards slip a little in terms of looking after everything and everybody. As women we can be very hard on ourselves if we don't do all we've always done but I learnt that you do have to make time to replenish yourself even in n small ways.

Taz x  :hug:


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Re: Working during meno
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2021, 10:19:41 PM »

Thanks Taz for your lovely reply!

Yes I pushed for bloods in August after I had a horrendous month and had been feeling exhausted and breathless on our lockdown walks for months. I'm generally very tired anyway but it had become unmanageable. My iron was down but not hugely but I did get iron. I was on 3 per day for 3 months then I was reduced to 1 per day as they said it was back up. I had only just started to feel a little brighter and now I feel back to square one. I've had more bloods last week but no phone call so it's likely iron is in normal range. I've had a full blood count done a couple of times now and nothing else was highlighted. They say my thyroid is fine but I'm not sure, I developed a macular condition in August and it seems it is sometimes linked to thyroid so I'll raise this again. I've never been a good sleeper but now it's really poor. I don't remember how it feels to feel refreshed!  Can you tell I'm fed up  ;D


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Re: Working during meno
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2021, 02:49:18 PM »


sorry its taken me so long to reply, work has been full on. thank you so much for the replies

Cookie, I know exactly what you mean.  I work from 7am to 5pm (from home) except Weds, when I start at 8.30am so that I can go and get the shopping for me, and my Mum who lives nearby.  I try to get out for a jog/walk at lunchtime, but it doesn't always happen.  It only takes one thing to skittle my day... like my Mum asking me to go to the post office for her, or one of my kids asking for a favour.  I did have a cleaner, but now with COVID, I don't have her.  I try to do my housework in one evening, but sometimes I'm just too tired!

I work in male dominated industry, and nearly everyone is tons younger than me.

Taz  -- I am 58 and about 4 years post meno.  I'm currently on the Oestrogel/Utro regime.  It has helped, but I wouldn't say it is the panacea I had hoped for.  My kids don't live with me, but I spend quite a bit of time looking after my mum.  when I say looking after, she is still independent, but I do go round a fair bit to check up on her, and as I mentioned I do her shopping, wipe it all down.  I also go and cook for her twice a week.



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Re: Working during meno
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2021, 10:11:54 PM »

Hi Dougalina

Wow I think you sound like you're doing really well! Those are long days, plus you manage exercise at lunchtime as well as looking after your Mum! And I can't even imagine how you have the energy to clean your house after working all day! I think you should feel proud but try hard to take it easier! Xxx


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Re: Working during meno
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2021, 04:32:44 PM »

The stress of the whole Covid situation is definitely making everything more difficult. Would love to know how other people are coping, especially those trying to work at home and home school children and manage PM symptoms.