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Author Topic: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi  (Read 1518 times)


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9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« on: January 18, 2021, 12:08:33 PM »

Hi there!

Thank you for your previous replies on other bits and bob's.... I'm so grateful.

I have a question... I am currently 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi and it is working mostly for the palpitations and hot flushes, but my emotions still dont feel 'right'.  Maybe I'm asking a bit much, but one day I'm feeling ok, another half a day great then other days 'meh'... I am going through a very stressful time at the moment with living with my ex, my children having some mental health problems and working on a hospital ward with the Covid, but have found my job has kept me sane 😊.  It feels I'm taking 2 steps forward and 2 back emotionally.

Is this normal with the patches?  Are there ups and downs before you plateau? Or are they not working to full capacity?  Any thoughts appreciated. 

I dont expect it to be a miracle cure and I do feel better but I was hoping to feel like 'me' again for more than a little bit at a time xxx


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2021, 01:28:23 PM »

Can anyone give me some advice? I would be so grateful xxx


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2021, 01:46:44 PM »

Hi, it is early days, it is positive that you are improving overall and hopefully that will continue.  It is a waiting game I’m afraid for some of us, it’s months rather than weeks for me.  Hopefully you start to have more good days than bad.  I keep a symptom diary so that I can look back and see how bad things were when I’m not sure if I’m getting better. 


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2021, 01:53:17 PM »

Thank you Floo! I appreciate your reply.... I shall carry on and pray there will be further improvement 😊😊 xxx


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2021, 11:01:34 AM »

Hello again, and apologies for twittering on! 🙄.

Is it a good idea to wait another month even though it has been 9 weeks (I'm counting!) Does it continue to provide benefits? I have improved with hot flushes and palpitations but was hoping for the old 'me' back? Do I continue or change? I know I'm asking a lot but I seem to be having a blip over the last week of emotions up and down and feeling generally fluey and 'off' 🙁 xxx sorry to be a pain.


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2021, 12:44:54 PM »

Unicorn, sorry to hear you're not feeling as good as you'd hoped, when I started Evorel I felt back to 'me' quite a bit and very quickly.  Now, a year later I'm having some breast discomfort so not sure I've got things totally right yet.  I feel really well on the second half of the month on the combined patch, less so with the estradiol patch at the start of the month.

It's good that your palpitations and flushes have improved, that means it's doing some good, but if your mental symptoms are not doing as great I think it would be worth a chat with your doctor.  It sounds like you're under a lot of stress at the moment, but you will know whether you feel you could normally handle all that or not.  I do get occasional off days, but mostly I'm fine.  I know those off days are hormones, but they are few and far between, but I'd like to get to see my doctor who prescribed mine (I haven't because of the whole covid situation).

Wish you all the best, feel free to compare notes.  Maybe you do need a bit more time, I'm a novice with this too atm.



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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2021, 01:26:31 PM »

It’s a really difficult one because we are all so different in how we respond.  I can I only say what my own experience is and that it takes a few months but realistically 3 to 4 to feel more normal.  I’m day 58 on a much increased dose and still not there yet and don’t expect to be for a while yet but seeing improvements and hope that I continue to improve.  It’s a job to know what to do, it is trial and error our menopause journey.


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2021, 02:14:51 PM »

Hi ladies! Thank you for your replies...

I have to admit, I do feel slightly brighter today than I did a couple of days back, but I thought improvement would be more linear, it's just I'm not sure how I will feel from one day to the next 🙄 I think it may be a combination of life stresses too... I'm already on Sertaline 50mg for anxiety and mood and have suffered with depression and anxiety in the past and been on a maintenance dose for years which has been great..... until peri kicked in! I dont want to increase my AD.... it's  hard to know what to do! Xx


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2021, 02:19:29 PM »

Hi KaraShannon, what do you think the Docs will suggest? I'm anxious just thinking what they will suggest 😥 xx


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2021, 02:58:47 PM »

Unicorn, I don't really know, I was thinking possibly a slight tweak in your HRT. 

I'm hoping someone with more experience of Evorel Sequi might answer, as I've wondered whether they can adjust the dosages of the patches or not, I know nothing because I never had my follow up appointment with my doctor as the lockdown started. 

What specifically about going to the doctor would lead to you feeling anxious?  You don't have to answer here, but just thinking if you can get clear on what it is that might help you address it.  Bear in mind the anxiety might be a feature of menopause or the hrt.  I was really anxious going to my doctor about it and she was great.


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2021, 03:12:58 PM »

Hi KaraShannon, I am just worried they are going to say it's just anxiety and depression and nothing to do with menopause! I had to diagnose myself really 😊.  The intermittent episodes of it started about 3 years ago, would come and then I would be fine for about 3 months.  Then about 18 months ago the facial flushing and bad palpitations started plus dry mouth, nothing that I had felt before 🙄 my periods were still quite regular.  The last Doc I spoke to said that if these patches dont work, then it's not peri and 'nothing else would work hormonally'. 

I'm not sure if this may have something to do with feeling fluey and meh, but I had my Covid jab last Thursday, so not sure..... just anxious and worried that I wont feel like 'me' again for more than a week or so xxx


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2021, 03:42:11 PM »

I can't tell you how many years I went to the doctor about my palpitations, and facial flushing.  I went to see a cardiologist and thankfully he noticed the facial flushing (it never occurred in front of any other doctor).  He then said he wanted to run some extra heart tests although he thought it was unlikely I'd have the rare condition he wanted to rule out.  That freaked me out even more because I thought I WOULD have the rare condition.  I heard him ask someone outside for the 'catecholamine test.'  I got quite anxious and he said I won't have this condition, he's just checking because I report palpitations and facial flushing.  My GP then told me not to have the test. He said the flushing was anxiety.

Long story short, I didn't do that test, the cardiologist was ok about it as he thought it would be extremely unlikely anyway and the scan was normal.

I then spoke to a young female doctor about vaginal symptoms, completely unrelated to heart, she said it's all peri menopause, the whole lot, including any anxiety, etc and put me on Evorel Sequi.  Flushing gone, palpitations mostly gone unless I skip a meal, anxiety gone because palpitations gone, lol.

Anyway long winded way of saying there'll be a lot of doctors telling you it's anxiety.  There'll be others like the cardiologist I saw that want to listen to you but don't know about menopause, lol.* 

What if you went to see a younger female doctor (I found the older female doctors still tended to dismiss menopause, not wanting to generalise, but it seemed that way at my surgery) just to get a new perspective.  Tell them from the get go that you want to look at this issue from a hormonal perspective ONLY until all possible approaches have been tried.

I just think your hormones have got to be balanced before you can even begin looking at other things.  I wish you all the best.

(* not addressed at you Unicorn, but quick note about this for any other readers, any heart symptoms should always be checked by a doctor and I would always listen to a cardiologist in particular, they know their stuff, and I made sure he was ok with me not running one test and this was after a scan had been done that he was pleased with)
« Last Edit: January 20, 2021, 03:47:35 PM by KaraShannon »


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2021, 04:22:06 PM »

Thank you soooooo much KaraShannon and Floo!  I am so glad you are virtually sorted.... it makes life so much easier 😚 I feel better now knowing other ladies' situations.... that sounds mean but I don't mean it in a horrid way, as I wouldn't want anyone to suffer.

Funnily enough, I did have a heart trace at the Doc's when the palpitations started, as they didn't feel like normal anxiety, and that was normal.  I then spoke to a Cardiologist over phone (during Covid) who asked my age (46 at the time) and said it sounded like perimenpause 😮 .

I just had a thought, although it probably wont make any difference to the emotional wobbles, my patches kept falling off for the past 3 weeks or so in the shower and I have been replacing it straight away but I have seemed to have lost track with the days when to change it after, I've been 1 or 2 days out, maybe that's rocking the boat a bit....🤔 xx



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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2021, 11:06:42 PM »

Unicorn, I think that will absolutely rock the boat.  I did that at one point and it really messed me up.  I've become really strict now because of it, everything marked on the calendar, if one falls off a new one is put on immediately.  I make sure I've got enough to be able to do that, speak to your doctor and explain you just need a few spares because this can happen and if it does it messes you up.

I'd make sure you've got plenty of all the patches, get the timings right, mark it on a calendar, then give it a month or two and see how you feel, you might feel better before that.  I'm no expert but from my own experience, I think this has messed your system up.  all the best


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Re: 9 weeks on Evoral Sequi
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2021, 08:14:28 AM »

Thank you KaraShannon! I'll see how I get on xxx