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Author Topic: HRT feeling worse  (Read 989 times)


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HRT feeling worse
« on: January 15, 2021, 11:42:47 AM »

Hi all, hope everyone is well considering

I have been on Evorel Sequi now for just going in to my 9th week and I am feeling worse than before i started, the night sweats are unbelievable for the past week to the point my bed is saturated at least 3 times per night, im getting so low now and dont know what to do, i dread going to bed as i wake up next morning (after waking numerous times during the night to change the bed) feeling more tired than when i initially went to bed, i have a telephone appointment with my gp on monday but was just wondering if anyone had any advice in the meantime :'(


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Re: HRT feeling worse
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2021, 01:09:28 PM »

Hi BevSkelcher, can only offer suggestions to deal with the hot flushes that work for me, most of the time.  I'm so sorry as it sounds like yours are pretty vicious at the moment  :(

I tend to sleep with the window wide open, which is great in winter as it really cools the room, and also have the heating in the bedroom turned right down (amazing the difference these two things make).  Also I have a hand worked fan next to the bed which really helps when I wake up sweating and flushed, directed at the chest and face.  I also found that sleeping with my shoulders and arms out of the duvet helped.  Unfortunately these are only sops and if the flushes are really bad only throwing the covers right back and letting air wash over me makes some small difference.

As an aside, I think that patches seem to be quite low doses of oestrogen and am wondering if perhaps you need to up the dosage, at least until the vile symptoms are under a bit more control?

Good luck with the phone appointment.



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Re: HRT feeling worse
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2021, 01:59:16 PM »


Thank you so much for your reply, and I really appreciate your advice only I think I failed to mention a few things in my post I guess you could call it brain fog!),  I do already have the heating down low and have a fan on at all times even during the day to keep the room cool for bedtime, I sleep naked (tmi lol) and it doesn't matter whether my husband is in bed or not as he works shifts so sometimes I'm alone in bed and there's no change!

I do get to sleep quite easy but I believe that is more to do with the Amitryptaline I take (for another condition) so by the time I wake a couple of hours later the bed is already saturated, I'm just completely at a loss and feel that no one listens to me or they prob read my post and think Oh god another moaner! I've joined lots of groups on facebook but honestly theres another place where everyone has issues (and I understand that, thats why people are there) but not many have advice, so i find myself just ignoring everything, and i guess thats my mood too!

Sorry for the rambling but i just don't know what to say or do anymore


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Re: HRT feeling worse
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2021, 03:58:04 PM »

Aw Bev, sounds like you've been doing everything humanly possible to control temperatures - I admit that my suggestions wouldn't really address serious night sweats (of which I've experienced many in previous years, pre-HRT) - perhaps the worst being sopping wet bedding that then goes all clammy and horrible and as you say changing the sheets umpteen times (apart from waking you up even more) only to have them drenched within minutes is one of those things at the top of the 'I can't go on' list.  :(

About all I can think is what helped me, actually got rid of the hot flushes altogether, and that was high strength systemic HRT.  In fact I'm just about to start an SSRI AD and I read in the blurb about it that SSRI's can help with hot flushes too.  Having said that, if you're on Amitryptaline, I always thought that was supposed to help? 

Again I suppose I would urge you to consider upping the oestrogen strength of the HRT you're taking, and live in the expectation that it WILL work, eventually.  (And I'm talking weeks, not months, as in my case).

Best wishes to you  :hug:


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Re: HRT feeling worse
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2021, 05:32:34 PM »

I think you need a higher dose of oestrogen. Flushes should go within a couple of weeks, other symptoms can take longer. My insomnia and anxiety took 3 months but there was some improvement after 4-6 weeks.


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Re: HRT feeling worse
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2021, 05:39:08 PM »

Just wondering if the other condition has temperature regulation issues of its own that the hormone has intensified?
Sorry you're having to deal with all this.


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Re: HRT feeling worse
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2021, 01:47:48 PM »

Hi All

Thank you for your replies,  I have had an absolute shocking weekend, woke up eventually on saturday after being up 3 times changing the bed during the night and just cried all day, then ended up having a bottle of wine and fell asleep on the sofa, eventually went to bed and woke the next morning, after a dry night! and my eye was all sore and watering, 2 red patches on the white god know whats happened to it, so today I'm not much better and can't wait till 4.45pm for my gp to ring me