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Author Topic: Hysteroscopy  (Read 1244 times)


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« on: November 16, 2020, 05:18:48 PM »

Hi I am confused please help -  I was given some Prostap to put me in a menopausal state for very heavy periods - to last 3 months then I had no more periods for another 9 months = 12 months without a period.  I think it definitely was a period as had PMT, headache normal length etc. Spoke to GP and she sent me via Two Week Rule to Gynae - had scan and Scanographer said all looked well and lining was 4.04mm, all good and GP said that sounded about the right thickness.  Now I have a call saying I need a hysteroscopy. 

I have had 4 hysteroscopies in the past for endometrial ablation - took several attempts and biopsy x2.  Was bloody, bloody painful ( I have not given birth) and was very faint at the end of the last two.  Can I have a GA?  Has anyone had a GA for this?  Asked coordinator if I could speak to a clinician and find out why they think I need it - very worried.



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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2020, 06:51:48 PM »

Hi I am confused please help -  I was given some Prostap to put me in a menopausal state for very heavy periods - to last 3 months then I had no more periods for another 9 months = 12 months without a period.  I think it definitely was a period as had PMT, headache normal length etc. Spoke to GP and she sent me via Two Week Rule to Gynae - had scan and Scanographer said all looked well and lining was 4.04mm, all good and GP said that sounded about the right thickness.  Now I have a call saying I need a hysteroscopy. 

I have had 4 hysteroscopies in the past for endometrial ablation - took several attempts and biopsy x2.  Was bloody, bloody painful ( I have not given birth) and was very faint at the end of the last two.  Can I have a GA?  Has anyone had a GA for this?  Asked coordinator if I could speak to a clinician and find out why they think I need it - very worried.
   I can't answer the first part of your question but yes it is possible to have a GA. I had one in May. I tried to have a local anaesthetic but it was too painful to have the biopsy done. My cervix was too tight ( I also haven't given birth).


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2020, 01:24:44 PM »

I was told I needed a hysteroscopy and a biopsy and I asked for sedation as I get very anxious which makes the whole process very difficult. They said there was no waking sedation option in my health authority, but after further consultations they agreed to a general anaesthetic. So it is possible, but you may have to be very firm about asking for one.


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2021, 02:28:30 PM »

Can I butt in here girls? I may need a hysteroscopy (I've just posted on Private Lives board) and thanks for talking about a GA, that's calmed me down a bit. I haven't given birth naturally, I had 2 C-sections. My womb is backwards and my cervix is very tightly shut and the consultant took biopsies from both with LA gel - dental LA would have worked better!! I had a procedure yesterday (bloody, bloody painful sums it up perfectly). I was told yesterday I could get GA if I need hystesectopy (results in 4 weeks  (and I will insist on GA as yesterday's shenanigans have upset me, I'm sore and tired (think I'm a wuss).


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2021, 02:58:40 PM »

Hi Padine - you are definitely not a wuss  :hug:
These procedures can indeed be painful at this stage of life.  I've had no kids & am small (size 6 hips).  I've had 3 hysteroscopies, 2 in fertile years & 1 well postmenopause.  The first was under GA as an inpatient as they did laparoscopy & D&C at same time.  2nd was also done in theatre but under local as a day case, which was perfectly adequate & caused no pain, stress or distress, BUT I was not yet perimenopausal so the various bits were robust enough to make things easy.  An anaesthetist was there throughout the procedure & I was told I could request GA if I needed it.  But I didn't & in fact found watching the action on screen interesting!

The last was done in my mid-50s without any sedation or pain relief, with poorly controlled VA & though it only took a few mins inc biopsy, it's not something I would want to repeat au naturel.  It was standard procedure for that hospital to do it on a walk in, walk out basis in the consulting room (not in theatre) & I was not given any other option.  The perennial problem of overloaded clinics & inadequate resources means there is pressure to get as many patients seen as quickly as poss & of course this approach is far quicker than using a theatre slot & for some women will pose no problem.  I do think they should take account of the fact that it may not be so easy for menopausal women though.

So if you have to go back for more, do push for whatever you feel you need to make the procedure bearable.  The issue of swift throughput aside, it's in the hospital's interests as well as yours that it should take place with ease.  The lovely nursing staff present for my last hysteroscopy were visibly uncomfortable with mine having to be done without any pain relief & when I apologised for being a wimp they said with feeling, you are NOT a wimp - we know how uncomfortable this is.  Uncomfortable was understatement of the year to my mind but I appreciated their empathy!

I believe there was actually a campaign ongoing some time ago for women to be given a choice of how hysteroscopy is carried out. 
« Last Edit: January 12, 2021, 03:41:23 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Hysteroscopy
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2021, 07:02:26 PM »

Padine, I agree with Wrensong, you should not beat yourself up about needing a GA. There was a campaign as Wrensong said about choices and advice given to heath authorities following the campaign, though this does not appear to have been followed up.

When I went for my scan and was told I needed a biopsy and hysteroscopy there and then, the dr was absolutely horrible to me when I said I couldn't do it without something to relax me. I went home with no options offered and felt like a failure. Subsequently after talking to patients support I was offered a GA and had an appointment with a more sympathetic doctor who was clear and explained all the possible options and risks associated with each. Sometimes you need to stand your ground. I only did because I was too afraid to proceed!

Good luck.