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Author Topic: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x  (Read 1230 times)


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Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« on: December 13, 2020, 09:30:05 AM »

Hi all! I hope you are all ok and this crap will end for you all soon! 😚

Can someone advise me please? I've been on Evoral Sequi patches for nearly 4 weeks now and although they have made a difference with my racing heart, hot flushes, palpitations and dry mouth (which I'm thankful for! Any improvement is good) I still have low mood and feeling flat and unmotivated, which I'm really worried about.  I didn't have this about 2 months ago really but I think all the other crappy stuff over shadowed it 🙄

I've just finished 2 weeks of the conti patches and on day 3 of the sequi patch which I have some spotting.... do I wait to see if I improve or double my dose of antidepressant.  I'm on 50mg Sertraline... please help xx


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2020, 11:28:03 AM »

Please, anyone? I'm desperate for some advice xxxx


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2020, 11:35:25 AM »

So sorry you're feeling like this. I have no advice I'm afraid, as in similar position, but I can see how desperate you are, so didn't want to not post anything.

I'm sure one of the lovely experienced ladies will be along soon.

How old are you? In peri?

I'm 44 and similarly struggling. I've just finished 2 weeks of femoston 1/10 but the estrogen alone has made me feel horrific. I'm going to try the progesterone part, so at least it might give me an idea of what hormone is causing what. I'm having to cut my tablets in half as thd 1mg was just awful.  ::)

Sorry I can't help you. But you are not alone. I completely understand your desperation xx


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2020, 11:54:00 AM »

Hi Crispy Chick, thank you so much! I'm so sorry you're going through the mill too and I hope you find relief very soon. 

I'll be 47 in a weeks' time and in peri 😮 my periods are still sort of regular (but the latest one was 16 days rather than 25 to 35 days 🙄) Funnily enough, the best improvement I got though very slow was when I was on the combined patch for the last 2 weeks, now back to the Oestrogen only patch for 3 days.  The trouble is, because I am still having periods I can't have a combined patch, which I'm led to believe.  My GP said about two weeks ago if it doesn't improve I'm...

A) probably not perimenopausal as I'm not having enough flushes and sweating and...
B) if this hrt doesn't work, then no other would 🙁.

It's a bit daft really as my Mum, sister and Nan started at 38 and I think I started originally at 45 🙄 my sister only had flushes and my mum, as I recall (she is 86 now) didn't suffer too bad... I know it sounds selfish, but I think "why me?" Why do I feel crap and they didn't? 🙄 and why does hrt work in a few days for some and they are back to feeling wonderful?

I'm so sorry to moan, but I'm just not living properly at the mo xxx best of luck Crispy Chick xxx


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2020, 12:15:44 PM »

Hi Unicorn, like Crispy Chick I can’t really offer any advice as I’m in a similar position (feels like we all are 🙁). I’m post menopausal but every type of HRT I’ve tried causes me to bleed despite not having a natural period for c9 years.  I’ve been crying almost non stop for almost 3 weeks and sitting here with heat pad on my tummy to help ease stomach cramps.  My GP has just suggested changing my progesterone to one that should definitely stop bleeding and increasing oestrogen from 50 to 75 to help with low mood.  I’m now panicking in case increase will affect my anxiety!!!

I did try evorel sequi a few times and had fluctuating moods.  I was better on conti but bled almost continuously,

The only little bit of advice I would give is to keep speaking to your doctor.  I personally found that once I spoke with a female doctor it was better and before her latest recommendation she referred to a gynaecologist for advice.

Take care of yourself and hope you start to feel better soon x


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2020, 12:33:33 PM »

What a mess we all are. Today I'm woozy as hell on only half a femoston 1/10. It's ridiculous.

I too, ask why me? A lot. But then, everyone has something I guess. I had my two lovely children no prob at all, so I remind myself of that. It's just my turn for hell now. Been here for 3 years!!!

Have you tried or considered the combined contraceptive pill unicorn???

If u think u are feeling better on the combined section? If I feel better in a few days on my combined section, I'll go back to look at that option.

I have however, tried most of them akrwady and all gave me awful symptoms. I'm thinking of the evra patch...


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2020, 12:44:09 PM »

Hello Unicorn

I am sorry that you are suffering so much. Hopefully some more ladies who use Evorel Sequi will be along soon to advise you. I also completely understand your frustration, who some women escape all these problems is a mystery.

AH10 - I am in a similar position as I am ten years post meno but struggling to get things right. Due to low mood and constant tearfulness I have resumed HRT after a long break. It is good that your GP has spoken to  a Gynaecologist for advice and hopefully an increase to 75mcg will lift your mood without increasing your anxiety.

Take care ladies.



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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2020, 12:55:57 PM »

A massive cwtch to both of you AH10 and Crispy Chick 🤗 (a Welsh cuddle)  Funnily enough, I wondered if I ought to try the combined pill but tried one years ago after having my lovely daughters and felt spaced out and detached on it.... mind you, I only took it for 4 weeks.  Then I bled constantly with a different one. 

I'm just wondering, maybe I am jumping the gun, because I do feel better but my mood is variable daily... one minute I think 'I've got this' then I feel a bit awful again 🙄 and it's only been 4 weeks.  It's been hard as I haven't wanted to go out or socialise (I feel slightly better at work).

AH10 I hope you get relief soon and the Gynae can offer some advice and Crispy Chick, have you seen someone who specialises in menopause? I am having a telephone review with a different female doctor on Tuesday but she just thinks it's all about a dry 'downstairs' and sweating 🙄 it's crazy isn't it? Xxx


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2020, 12:58:56 PM »

Hi Kathleen (my lovely Mum's name!) 😚

How are you getting on? I hope you can sort this out sooner rather than later now xxx much love


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2020, 02:20:36 PM »

Thanks unicorn.

If you do think you can stick with it, give it a bit longer... Or maybe they would let you take the conti? I'm not sure if that's a bad thing before your periods naturally stop, or not.  :-\

I'm feeling really woozy, spaced out and yucky on my half tablet. At least this hrt trial has shown me that estrogen is contributing to my overall yuckiess!!! I kind of thought it was the prog before. I know exactly what you mean by spaced out on the contracrptive pill.

I've already had meno clinic appointment. They told me to try all combined pills or ring or patch. If not working, hrt. This is what I've done.

I was on prog only pill for a while and whilst I love no ovulation or periods, my moods were low and angry. Just can't seem to find a happy medium.

I think this trial is telling me I am too early for hrt and solo estrogen. My own hormones must be too volatile.

Maybe I'll just have to take one of the grumpy pills  ::)


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2020, 02:52:57 PM »

Awww Crispy Chick.... just wondering, have you tried the mirena coil?  Xx


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2020, 04:56:23 PM »

No. Too scared as it's too permenant 😬


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2020, 05:21:58 PM »

Hi there, I tried Evoral Sequi for just under 3 months - works for so many people but awful for me and the mood swings were terrible, combined with depression and being very emotional,  gave up and went back to Femonston Conti & much better.  I think my ‘journey’ through menopause & HRT has taught me that if one type does not suit then try another.

Hope that helps


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2020, 10:05:26 AM »

Thank you Nairn! I must say, I think I am improving bit by bit and today (at this moment in time 🙄) I feel 'alright' .... but I'm not sure... lol! It varies.... my racing heart and palps have calmed down and I only get them through the day a bit... GP is ringing tomorrow to see how im getting on but I dont have much faith in her as she thinks it's all about hot flushes and dryness downstairs... 😁 I know if I mention any anxiety or feeling low to her, she won't think its hormones at all xxx

Crispy Chick, I can see what you mean about the Mirena.... once in you can't just whip it out 🙁 I will try and think of some other plan for you xxxxx thank you all


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Re: Nearly 4 weeks on Evoral Sequi and still feeling naff x
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2020, 10:30:19 AM »

Aww that's good unicorn. I really hope it starts working. Keep going!!!

My plan, after fixating on it all weekend, is stop the hrt. I don't think I'm ready for it. The estrogen alone made me feel poisoned. Now day 2 of the combined avd I steel feel poisoned but also away with the fairies with brain fog. I'm stopping.

Will try natural again with some supplements with a view to trying to get on contraceptive patch in Jan... Maybe 🤔.

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