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Author Topic: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries  (Read 1207 times)


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Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« on: November 14, 2020, 02:17:07 AM »

Hi Ladies

I’m having a hysterectomy on Monday. Thickened lining of womb heavy bleeding and now anaemia.  I’ve been irresponsible as I couldn’t tolerate progesterone so rarely took it and am on high oestrogen.

I Tried Mirena, jaydess Utrogestan and compounded - Thanks for the suggestion Mary G it was definitely worth a try but I still got weepy and bloated

I have suffered over the past 3 years with the progesterone intolerance plus the fluctuating oestrogen levels I’ve had 4100pmol down to 300pmol which causes me extreme anxiety.

I though they were settling down as had been between 450 and 550 throughout summer. I know I’m nervous about Monday but last weekend I was so weepy and anxious and it turned out Iid ovulated and my levels were 2796pmol . My consultant wants me to remove them as a) at 52 won’t need them much longer b) stop my fluctuations and mood swings c) remove future risk of ovarian cancer.

I’m scared once they’re gone I can’t put them back. And will I have more mental health issues age overnight and lose my hair and gain weight - consultant doesn’t think so as I’m already on patches.

Shall I shan’t I ? If it was you what would you do? If you have had them removed do you regret it ?

Thank you


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2020, 08:59:13 AM »

Hi KBallinger. Has your consultant mentioned adding testosterone to your HRT if you don't keep your ovaries? They continue to produce this hormone after menopause I believe.

Taz  :)


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2020, 09:18:13 AM »

Hi there,
I had a full hysterectomy 9 years ago, everything removed including cervix and ovaries. It was due to large fibroids but when they did it they discovered endometriosis which had stuck my ovaries down.
Because of the endo, I can’t have hrt and this has caused me lots of problems, painful sex, loss of hair, hot flashes, joint pains etc, but I had no choice.
I think as long as you can find suitable hrt, everything should be ok for you. I know a couple of women who have had this done and they are fine with hrt and got over the op fairly easily.
Wishing you all the best x


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2020, 09:21:43 AM »

From my own experience with hysterectomy, I wish I could go back in time and demand they take my ovaries as well.

I was 44 years old when I had my hysterectomy over two years ago. Went into menopause 4 months later. And can’t go on HRT because my ovaries still play up.

All the best for your operation.


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2020, 10:51:41 AM »

Agree with Taz, do ask about testosterone if you are going ahead as intact ovaries go on producing a significant amount into old age.  I had BSO 5+ years postmenopause & have subsequently needed T adding to my HRT, which is still a work in progress.


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2020, 12:36:38 PM »

My levels of testerone over the last 3 years have been pretty much at 0.5, which I believe is quite low. So hopefully while my consultant is prescribing androfemme to add to my estrodot maybe I’m ok with lower levels of testosterone.

Thank you for your replies. X


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2020, 08:00:10 PM »

Hi KBallinger,

What a difficult decision to make. I personally don' t rely on estrogen levels as they can vary greatly during the day and from day to day.
It can be helpfull to know if you're absorbing HRT but it doesn't tell if the estrogen is reaching the receptors as there are so many processes in the body.

Is it possible you may need more estrogen to counteract progesterone? Have you ever tried a oral synthetic progestin? Or a birth control pill which surpresses your cycle?

Because you are in doubt it may be of help to make sure you've explored all the options.

Take care.

Alicess x


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2020, 08:58:05 PM »

Gosh what a hard decision,  I can only say I had yo have my ovaries removed due to tumours. Im 41 so on HRT. I haven't found it harder to lose weight, my hair was always crappy thin 😂 and hasn't got worse! Have aged but Think that's stress too.
I never had problems before so its hard to say what I would do - but even with my ups and downs of my natural cycle I wish I could get mine back. but that's because I didn't have the concerns like you. I think once you Make the decsion and the operation happens then no matter what its done and hopefully it works out.
good luck xx


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2020, 10:31:36 AM »

Lots of info on this website.  Haven't looked at it recently but found it helpful in the past.

I wish you all the best for your op & hope you have been able to make a decision you are comfortable with about whether to go for BSO as well.  My circumstances at the time made oophorectomy seem the sensible option but I had to decide very quickly with no time to research.


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2020, 01:04:26 PM »

Alicess Regards to progesterone I think I’ve exhausted my options. I think the hysterectomy is the right decision it’s just my ovaries that I’m still confused about. X

Kelly.louise Thank you for your reply.

Wrensong Thank you for the website. I have changed my mind a thousand times this weekend and still not decided.

If the fluctuations didn’t cause such distress swinging from depression to massive anxiety I wouldn’t be considering removal. I just don’t know how much longer it will last and couldn’t cope with another year or so. Antidepressants or Pregabalin didn’t  help. Just trying the gym , which is now shut down meditation and Epsom salt baths. 

If I had a crystal ball and knew it would all stop sooner than later I would leave them and ride it out. Xx


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2020, 01:27:37 PM »

I hear you KBallinger & my heart goes out to you.  I really struggle with progesterone in all its forms yet have to take it as they wouldn't take out my uterus along with the ovaries.  You're in a horrible position & the decision is not easy.

Keep on with the meditation whatever you decide about the op.  When we manage to practise daily it can really help calm the system over time & as you'll know has proven benefits on health in other ways.  Will be thinking of you on Monday.  Please let us know how you are afterwards.

Mary G

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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2020, 04:24:15 PM »

KBallinger, I'm sorry none of the progesterone options worked for you but at least you have explored every progesterone option before taking the decision to have a hysterectomy.   

I'm not sure about the ovary question.   If it was me I would have them removed because (a) I'm well over 10 years post menopause and doubt my ovaries have anything much to offer now and (b) I have to be very careful about hormone fluctuations due to silent migraines so I prefer to feed in hormones myself exogenously.  Obviously that it just my personal opinion and you may feel very differently.

One thing I can say for sure is that I have never met a woman who has regretted having a hysterectomy.   All the women I have encountered over the years have felt much better post operation.

Good luck tomorrow and I wish you a speedy recovery.


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Re: Nervous and cannot decide whether to remove ovaries
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2020, 10:16:55 AM »

Hello KBallinger if you are reading - how did it go & how are you now?  I hope you're OK.