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Author Topic: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches  (Read 4362 times)


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Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« on: December 09, 2020, 11:37:02 AM »

Hello Lovely Ladies,
I just started HRT in the last week. I had the mirena  coil inserted a week ago and I started estrogen patches last night 75mcg. I had a fuzzy headed the last few days which prompted me to start the patches last night. Woke up this morning and I'm hot flushing like mad and my head is pounding.  My head still feels fuzzy but I didnt expect it to work overnight. I know it says to give things 3 months to see but just wondered is this normal????
I'm also not sure if I will get a bleed or not as  when I read the leaflet it says to change my patch twice a week and no mention of a break but I'm on the mirena coil too so I guess I wouldn't get a bleed anyway....... my consultant isn't very approachable. She just fired out the prescription and didn't explain anything and made no follow up appointment. Just told me to go to my doctor in 6 weeks time to have the coil checked to see if it was still in place. Yesterday I had stabbing pains in what I think was my left ovary which I would have gotten mid cycle before the mirena coil was inserted so I don't know what the pain yesterday was.
Any information would be greatly appreciated. I'm tired of all these symptoms. Going on 5 years now and only got diagnosed POI over a year ago. Had to fight to get HRT and injustice want it to work.
Thank you ladies. This forum is excellent.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2020, 04:33:54 PM »

That is a high dose patch to start off on, i started on a far lower dose.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2020, 12:54:53 AM »

Sounds like mittleschmirtz, ovulation pain. You may still bleed, in no specific pattern, for 6 months before you lose your period, if you lose it at all. You may still ovulate here and there, even with no period to show for it (which for me was maddening because I suffered big time with emotional/psychological PMS/PMDD symptoms even with no flow to track—like having a ghost period).

To me, 75mg doesn’t seem too high because the Mirena dose of progesterone is initially a bit of a shock until it settles—not sure how or when they can quantify it, but somewhere along the way I read that it’s higher for the first 6 weeks. With POI, you may need a high estrogen dose.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2020, 09:56:06 PM »

Thank you both for your responses. I guess I will just try and give it all time to see if it will settle down.  I thought 75mcg was a bit high too but I don't know really. I guess consultant has seen more cases of this and seems to think it is what I need. It is all so confusing. I'll give it a few more weeks to see how I get on. Thank you for your advice.  :)


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2020, 02:21:40 AM »

Happy to help (if I did). I guess just be flexible to changing your estrogen dosage (but do give it time to settle). Maybe it is indeed too high; if you’re on the roller coaster you might have too much at times and not enough at other times. It’s frustrating.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2020, 10:08:27 AM »

I started on 50mg in peri, that seems to be the dose commonly prescribed. If you think it's too much you could cut a piece off the patch and build back up again more slowly.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2020, 11:42:51 AM »

I've had my coil for 18 months with patches 1st then now estrogen gel.
My Gynae put me straight on everol 50 but I felt very 'overwhelmed '. Luckily I saw my Gp for a rv appointment and he gave me everol 25 to try and build it up which work well.
I'm now using Estrogen gel and doing 2 pumps and I add an extra one before bed the a few days before my period.
Trying a lower dose and work up until you feel better but it will take a while to stabilise.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2020, 01:54:25 PM »

Hi Scrubdub, thank you for your reply. I will keep an eye on how I feel.  Today I have a pounding headache and just feel off. Just want to crawl into bed for the day. Will I still get periods on this regime? Are you on the coil and gel? I assumed I'd have no periods. I wasn't told to take any breaks either so when would I expect a period? I'm assuming the coil will protect against pregnancy also or am I wrong in assuming that too? It's all so new and i wasnt given much advice really by the gynacolgist. Just handed the prescription and sent on my way.
I just want to feel better.
It's  such a struggle to get right.
Thanks for your reply.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2020, 01:56:15 PM »

Thank you Sheila as well. I'm lucky in that I have 2 patches  one at 25 mcg and one at 50mcg. So, I can try the lower dose to see how I get on. Thank you. Feeling rough today.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2020, 01:58:19 PM »

Assuming it's a mirena it's good for contraception for 4 years and hrt for 5. Most people will be bleed free on it but you need to give it 6 months to settle.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2020, 02:28:02 PM »

Thank you Sheila. I only have very minor spotting with it in the first day or 2 and have had nothing since. It's only been 2 weeks though so early days. Thanks for the info. I love this group. Always lovely women on here to offer words or wisdom or personal experiences.
Thank you


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #11 on: December 14, 2020, 03:58:46 PM »

I have an IUS plus patches plan too.

The patches are what will help you feel better. Use them exactly as on the packet. I do mine Monday and Friday.

The Mirena is just there to stop the estrogen building the lining of your uterus up too much as that is a risk for cancer.

The Mirena keeps the uterine lining thin and that’s why eventually you won’t bleed.

However, you do feel effects of the Mirena’s progesterone at the start and that’s probably why you have headaches.

The patches should make you feel better in a couple of weeks and much better after a month.

Make a note of your symptoms every day and if you don’t feel better in a month or two go back and tell them.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #12 on: December 14, 2020, 09:41:12 PM »

Think Orangefoot has written what I was going to reply 👍.
I don't need contraception as my husband had the snip 4 years ago but I work in healthcare and all the female doctors have mirena coils so they must know something I didn't.
I thought my periods might stop but they haven't. They are a lot lighter though now.
If you don't feel like it's settling, keep a-diary and see your Gp or Gynae as your treatment may need a tweak.


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Re: Just started HRT. Mirena coil and 75mcg patches
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2020, 10:28:08 PM »

Thank you orange foot and scrubdub........I feel more optimistic about it all today. I did hear before that many healthcare professionals  have the coil but until you here it verified by somebody in the field then you really just take it as hearsay. I would be so happy if things improved for me in the next few weeks. Really I can't wait to get a glimmer of the old me back........honestly, this process has thought me a a bit more understanding about life in general. Hormones can wreck havoc