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Author Topic: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!  (Read 60370 times)


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #30 on: December 14, 2020, 03:42:26 PM »

Yes Hurdity you are right - I did a lot of research prior to starting Zoely and its primary method of preventing ovulation is by shutting down ovulation (it also has a lesser secondary effect on cervical mucus as you mention).

The method in which it shuts down ovulation (through Estrogen or Progesterone) I'm not sure - I didn't think for my set of circumstances it mattered - because my way of thinking is that if my ovulation is shut down that it should stop the consequential rollercoaster of hormones I experience specifically in the luteal phase of my cycle (which is why at times like these I can sound like a perfectly normal human being, and in the "other" two weeks I am a basket case unable to sleep/work/function)

Madame Ovary, do let us know how you get on over the next few days!

I am trying to be reasonable and know it can take 3 months and not expect a miracle in the first month. Whilst also desperately hoping for a miracle in the first month   ::)  ::)  ::)



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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #31 on: December 16, 2020, 10:11:20 AM »

All still going well. I'm on day 4 and now on the 2mg Estradiol 2mg Dionogest. I haven't noticed any difference to be honest. My period has been really heavy and painful (but it always is) but it seems to be ending sooner than usual. My periods usually last 7 days but it's easing off now after just 4 days.

I think the real test will be post ovulation/the weeks before my next period. That's when I experience the worst PMS/peri symptoms so it will be interesting to see if my symptoms are better, worse, or the same.

How are you getting on Gilla999?


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #32 on: December 16, 2020, 03:20:36 PM »

Hi MadameOvary - so glad to hear you've been ok so far - I think that's a really positive sign.

Unfortunately I've had a rough couple of days. It's not the Pill - I'm still getting no side effects from that, I've breezed through it. It's just my debilitating "waking up at midnight and not being able to get back to sleep" problem. It's completely the wrong time of the month for it to happen - it's only ever happened in the second half my my cycle before. So now I have no idea if (a) it's not my hormones (b) it's my body getting used to the hormones in the pill or (c)... I've no idea. Feeling a bit lost with it all but just ploughing ahead.

One thing is for certain, I don't think being on the Pill will be a bad thing for me. Even if what I'm experiencing with this sleep issue is not only due to my hormones, I think something that balances those out can only help.


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #33 on: December 16, 2020, 03:28:08 PM »

Can I ask, do these pills over ride your cycle and provide a constant dose of hormones?

I get the impression one does and one doesn’t. And is the benefit that the oestrogen is natural oestrogen in them?

Thankyou  :)


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #34 on: December 16, 2020, 04:20:29 PM »

Hiya - Zoely is a mono phasic pill, so the same hormone dose every day. Qlaira has different amounts (slightly) throughout the cycle in order to mimic more of your natural cycle.

Both of them suppress ovulation which in my mind should override my cycle, as it's the hormones in the latter half of the month following ovulation that I struggle so badly with. I know that they (or any Pill that suppresses ovulation) is the first line treatment for PMDD, PMS, hormonal imbalances etc. so I am hoping that the suppression of ovulation will override my natural cycle - but I am by no means an expert in any of this and this is purely what I've pieced together myself from reading a load of medical papers. I'm sure other people know better than me!

Yes, the Estrogen in it is Estriadol instead of the synthetic estrogen in other Pills. The progesterone in both of them is still synthetic though.

One thing to add to my comments below - I realised this afternoon that I do have one side effect from Zoely - my boobs are definitely bigger and more swollen/tender than they normally would be at this point in my cycle (pre ovulation). Nowhere near as bad as when I had terrible Estrogen dominance, just noticeable when I take my bra off. So perhaps the dip I've experienced over the last couple of days is due to my hormones getting used to Zoely after all. I know I need to give it 2-3 months before I can assess if it's helped at all.


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #35 on: December 16, 2020, 04:25:40 PM »

Thanks for your reply. I’m wondering about a pill to over ride my cycle so I’m interested to hear how you get on with Zoely so keep posting your updates and good luck!


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #36 on: December 16, 2020, 05:52:06 PM »

Will do and thanks  ;D - I think I won't be able to make a real call until 3 cycles which would be early March... but I'll definitely let you know how it goes xx


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #37 on: December 17, 2020, 02:32:25 PM »

Gilla999 sore  breasts (and going up a whole cup size) are one of my PMS symptoms. Basically it's the first sign for me that I'm premenstrual - about 2 weeks before my period starts. I haven't noticed that general soreness and increased size on Qlaira but I have had a few random shooting pains. Nothing serious. I'm just super aware of everything at the moment because I'm looking out for side effects. It's only day 5 though. I'm hoping the breast tenderness will get better, not worse, with the pill.

I wonder if it's happening with Zoely because the dose of estrogen is stable throughout the month? I do remember being very busty back in my 20s when I was last on the pill!


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #38 on: December 17, 2020, 05:22:30 PM »

Same here, MadameOvary. I have big boobs anyway (have always hated them) and when I had sky high estrogen dominance as my first symptom of perimenopause for about a year or so, they became very sore and swollen during the last two weeks of my cycle. This feels just like that (it's very noticeable now - certainly not looking forward to running around at tennis!). And yes same here - when I was last on the Pill in my early 20s it increased my chest size so I'm not surprised.

Everything I've read says that breast pain from the Pill should be a temporary side effect though and should subside once your body is used to the hormones (eg 3 months) so I've just got to ride it out.

I know what you mean about being super aware xxx


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #39 on: December 17, 2020, 06:37:18 PM »

Found an interesting article I thought I'd share:

Essentially it says breast pain when you start the Pill is normal and is because the hormones have "not yet suppressed ovarian function" so you are making your own Estrogen PLUS the Estrogen in the pill. It goes onto to say that it's uncommon for this still to be the case after months 2-3 which suggests it can take more than one cycle for the Pill to fully suppress your own hormones. I'm reading that this "full suppression" must be different to "suppressing ovulation" because it's known that after 7 days of taking the pill, ovulation doesn't happen. I guess you can still produce your own hormones without ovulating.

So bottom line: it will take a couple of months for our hormones to properly be suppressed. Which makes me feel slightly better at having experienced the blip I did this week and also reminding me to be patient  :)


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #40 on: December 21, 2020, 05:25:30 PM »

Any update ladies?  :)


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #41 on: December 21, 2020, 07:35:23 PM »

It all seems OK CrispyChick. Thanks for asking. I don't have any obvious side effects. I've been a bit irritable and snappy (like I would usually be in the run up to my period) but I'm not convinced that's a side effect.
I've been waking up early still but I'm generally sleeping through the night.
I'm actually not feeling great today. Really achy all over. I don't think it's related to the pill though. I actually worry it could be Covid  :'( I've had a test and waiting for results.
So basically I'm happy with Qlaira so far. The real test will be in a week or so when I would usually expect to turn into a crazy, miserable PMS monster. Fingers crossed I see some improvement.


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #42 on: December 22, 2020, 05:32:55 PM »

MadameOvary that's good news, although sorry to hear you've been feeling poorly - hope the rest result is negative!

Crispy, I'm fine. The only side effect I have is these gigantic swollen painful melons I'm lugging around everywhere with me, and I think perhaps a little water retention weight too (another classic estrogen dominance side effect for me). But really in the grand scheme of things it's been fine. As MadameOvary says it will be interesting to see what happens throughout the rest of my "cycle". I'm hoping that the painful boobs will reduce over the coming 2 months - the literature says they should, as my own hormones get "switched off".

I'm not planning to take the 4 day break and will just go straight through with the next pack. Will keep you updated and hope you're doing ok xx


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #43 on: December 22, 2020, 11:28:46 PM »

I just wanted to chime in to say that I’m really enjoying this thread. I’m working on something similar myself, for similar reasons:  44 and HAVE to get off this roller coaster. I’ve got a Mirena and I’m using 4 Estrogel pumps a day with the aim to suppress my own hormones. I’m at day 9 of my ghost cycle (trackable hormonal fluctuations with no bleed). These posts are relatable, as I’m having boob symptoms. I’m loving the mantra to give it 2-3 months to settle. I’m also impatient so it’s great to see others in the same boat. Keeping me on track! It’s day 9 for me and today my mood is quite flat, which is how I would feel around day 24, so perhaps something is different this time around.

Thanks for everyone for your contributions here.


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Re: GP has prescribed Qlaira - Feeling scared and need encouragement!
« Reply #44 on: December 23, 2020, 11:17:46 AM »

Yes, keep updating ladies. I'm following closely. Shannon plusses, I'm 44 too.

After stopping the HRT after 15 days this month... It was hell. I'm now in severe pmt territory... Every day is horrific!!!

I'm going to try the contraceptive patch. Just waiting for period and to pick up prescription... I just want someone to remove all hormones from my body  ::) it's torture.

Hope you all get a decent Christmas. Xx
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