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Author Topic: Should I try and stop HRT  (Read 1271 times)


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Should I try and stop HRT
« on: November 29, 2020, 12:27:08 PM »

Hi! I’ve posted many times on here about my perimenopause experience so long story short, June 2019 it all began, severe insomnia, anxiety, palpitations, low mood. I have tried patches, tablets, gel , Utrogestron and now currently on Sandrena 4mg and had the mirena could fitted. Each regime unstuck to religiously for the 3 months as advised. Yes I feel better in many ways But I still feel awful everyday. I’m starting to think HRT is making me feel this way But am frightened all the symptoms will come back if I stop ! Would it be worth slowly reducing the Sandrena to see how I get on! My life is miserable each day I wake and just want to get it as good as it can be to get through this awful Menopause. Any suggestions welcomed x


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2020, 01:26:44 PM »

Try stopping and see, you can always go back on.  I feel 10 x better off HRT.  Good luck whatever you decide x


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2020, 01:45:33 PM »

Hi Tracey thank you for your reply! Would you mind me asking what your main symptoms were? Also any idea of this should be done by slowly reducing ?


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2020, 03:03:27 PM »

How have you felt since you've had the mirena fitted? Not everyone gets on with it mood/emotion wise.

Taz x  :)


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2020, 03:11:27 PM »

Hi, no not at all.   These are symptoms I was experiencing on HRT, not sure if you meant that or before.  Anxiety, low mood, palpitations, muscle aches, dizziness and lack of libido.  In the mornings it took a few seconds before I could get my legs going!!  And I was has getting my hormonal migraines again frequently, they had stopped when my periods had stopped but the HRT started them off again.  The big thing for me was that I just didn’t feel like myself, if that makes sense.

Before I started HRT the main symptoms I was getting were the hot sweats and some dizziness, mood swings but a lot of hot sweats.

So now, I am getting a few hot sweats a day but generally after drinking something hot and on waking, a little dizzy, very occasionally but I just feel so much more me again, I’m happier.

With me I’m histamine intolerant and I just couldn’t get any regime to suit and I just got so tired of feeling like a guinea pig and trying.  I should of stopped sooner but I persevered because I was afraid of what might happen if I stopped.

I just stopped but apparently I was on a low dose, Evorel 50 patches and Utrogestan vaginally every other day.

The thing is, for the majority of women HRT is life changing for the better but there are some it just doesn’t suit, my consultant at Newson said about 5%.   We just have to do what’s best for us, we are all unique x


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2020, 03:28:07 PM »

Taz: my moods had been better I have not had a period since having  it fitted but this week I had a period and mood has been very low again. Other than that no side effects.
Tracey: similar symptoms to me except I have never had hot sweats/flushes! My anxiety and insomnia were the worst and these are the things I worry about returning But you have hit the nail on the head I just do not feel myself! Everyday I feel awful in one way or another!
Thank you I am on high dose Sandrena so May have  to reduce gradually


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2020, 03:21:21 PM »

Hi Flan47, sorry to hear you're still having symptoms. Perimenopause is such a terrible time, but it will calm down once you reach menopause, although when on HRT the transition is not easily perceived. Have you ever considered to stop HRT until you know where you stand menopause wise?


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2020, 03:26:40 PM »

Hi Uptick! Yes sorry that was my original question? I wanted to know if maybe it was the HRT making me feel so ill but on the other hand worried other symptoms will return! I have the coil now so would have to give it some thought but I feel it is my next option! I am currently under a nutritional specialist who seems to think I could stop eventually


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2020, 04:12:29 PM »

Yes, of course  ;D I was just asking if you have considered stopping HRT for a different reason, ie waiting for menopause, because, when it comes to symptoms, perimenopause is hell, with or without HRT. My personal experience is that IF you can wait until you reach natural menopause without HRT, then you can decide on a regime that suits you without the hassle of hormonal fluctuations, but of course many women can't wait because they have demanding jobs, children, husbands (plural  ;D). If you can wait to trial HRT after you've reached menopause I'm sure it will be much easier to find a suitable regime, but bear in mind that if HRT gives you relief for some symptoms it might cause other ones, it's a two-way process.


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Re: Should I try and stop HRT
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2020, 04:17:35 PM »

So hard isn’t it! I was having regular periods up until I started HRT so I presume I was not even nearing menopause? If I’m honest I would love to stop it as although I am on a set amount of Sandrena I’m never quite sure if the same amount is absorbed therefore could that be contributing to the fluctuations! A lot to think about but thank you for your kind response