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Author Topic: Evorel Sequi question x  (Read 765 times)


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Evorel Sequi question x
« on: November 27, 2020, 01:29:47 PM »

Hi there all!

Please can I ask a question? second time posting 😊 I know I'm impatient but I'm struggling so much 🙁 I started Evorel Sequi about 10 days ago on just the oestrogen patch. Racing heart has been through the roof from morning until night. I dont know whether it's the oestrogen only patch if just the course of things. Anyway, I was due a patch change today on the last Oestrogen patch before the combined one, but I'm so fed up with this horrible racing heart and intermittent face flushing all day every day, I have tried the combined patch a few days early to see if it helps 🙁. I feel silly moaning, but I'm just wondering if the Sequi conti patches will help rather than just the oestrogen patch? it's horrible 🙁 xxxxx


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Re: Evorel Sequi question x
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2020, 11:19:24 PM »

Hi again Unicorn,

I do empathise about the heart issue as I’ve been dealing with it since March and It’s a game changer for those of us badly affected.
I can only offer my own experience and detective work as I’m trying (along with my gp) to pinpoint how much the HRT is affecting my heart rate.

My heart rate was fine on Evorel Sequi but it does take the full 3 months to see if you’re suited, i felt I could do better so changed to Oestrogel/Utrogestan - very bad for me.
I then went onto Evorel Conti to see if the constant hormone levels helped and it did BUT the level of progesterone was too high and I developed night sweats, flushes and a raised body temp. I’m currently on Evorel Sequi again until I can try Femseven Conti which has lower levels of progesterone.
I didn’t find the oestrogen only patches affected my HR, it was more the combined patches when I changed. My gp said that Oestrogen should actually calm your heart rate as it’s the drops that can trigger tachycardia.
If I remember rightly, you are on Sertraline. I found this on the NHS website (avoid Dr Google)

“sertraline can speed up or change your heartbeat”

I think you need to look at your AD, the only reason I know a bit about this is my partner was put on a low dose AD for pain and his HR went through the roof on minor exertion, it is a known side effect. Hope you get some help with this.

E x


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Re: Evorel Sequi question x
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2020, 11:46:13 PM »

Thank you so much Evie! I will persevere with finding the right concoction. The thing is I had these horrible palpitations before starting the Sertraline, and i had months on it when i was ok mostly. Funnily enough, I was very bad this time last year and i tried Fluoxetine as i was very anxious too, but that was terrible 🙁 at least this time, I am sure it's peri and not just plain anxiety as I now have the flushing face too xxx