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Author Topic: Week 1 of Evorel Sequi  (Read 573 times)


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Week 1 of Evorel Sequi
« on: November 27, 2020, 01:30:53 PM »

Hi - I posted as a new joiner here a few weeks ago having been reading for a few weeks, and I asked if anyone else was experiencing cold flushes with extreme tiredness (mainly afternoon/evenings).  I know tiredness is a thing with peri-menopause but I can't find anything about chills other than those associated with coming out of a hot flush (which I don't have).   

Anyway, I paid for a private consultation with a renowned menopause expert and it was quite interesting.  She felt that while my chills 'might' be peri-related it would be quite unusual to have them daily as I do.  We discussed blood tests I had earlier this year rule out aneamia and thyroid problems and she felt those tests were recent enough that they did not need reviewing, and that my results were all very 'normal' and not concerning.  We also then had a chat about my periods - which are still very regular.  I had never thought about them being 'heavy' but apparently double protection on every day, and having to change everything at least every two hours, flooding at least once a day and sleeping on two towels for the duration of my period is very much considered to be heavy.  We did have a bit of a laugh about it - she asked what grade of sanitary wear I use and I said "big fat orange Tampax together with the longest night-time towels I can find".  I do use green Tampax but only for the tail end last half day of my period.  I also told her I end up buying a new mattress at least every few years because I will soak through the towels sometimes at night.  She asked what supplies I would take if I was out of the house - for me the standard is for a two hour window I will need to take an extra two tampax, one towel and a spare pair of knickers for if I have a flood.  I've been like this since I was 16 - I'm 52 now.  Why did I never think this would be considered 'heavy' periods!!?? I think because I don't get period pains I just mop it up (me as well as the bathroom!) and get on with it.  Doh!

Anyway - given my age, my peculiar chills, my tiredness and my heavy periods, we are trialing Evorel Sequi for three months.  I'm one week in and don't feel any different, but I think it takes a few months to take effect.  The doctor said she would hope to see a change in my tiredness and also hopes regulated hormones will result in more manageable periods (it would be some f*king irony that right at the end of my menstruating life I finally have 'normal' periods').  I was surprised that she hoped for more normal flow periods because I have read that others have really heavy periods while on these patches - but we shall see.  If after a few months the chills have subsided as well we can pretty much conclude they are hormone related as well.  The thing I'd love to see the back of is the tiredness though.  It's low level tired all day, and then 'BOOM' dog-tired anytime after 3pm, and by 8pm I can barely stay awake.  It's so bloody annoying and has been like this for about 18 months now.

So, my real reason for posting here, other than give an update on my consultation, is to ask if anyone else has had reduced period flow with ES patches?  And has anyone experienced increased energy levels with ES patches?  I'm not holding my breath, but am very interested to hear of your experiences with it.   
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 01:32:55 PM by Flo2020 »


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Re: Week 1 of Evorel Sequi
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2020, 04:59:33 PM »

Hello Flo2020 and welcome to the forum.

Your story is very interesting and it's incredible what we put up with and think of as normal. I am amazed that you have not become anaemic with so much blood loss.

Unfortunately I can't help you with your enquiry but I wanted to say hello and I am sure other ladies will be along soon to help you.

Take care.




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Re: Week 1 of Evorel Sequi
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2020, 06:56:54 PM »

Thanks for the welcome Kathleen.  Interestingly I’ve never been anaemic. 