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Author Topic: Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist  (Read 1050 times)


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Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist
« on: November 14, 2020, 09:18:48 PM »


Its so confusing that every specialist Ive spoken too says something different - I wish I just knew what I had to do.! First on was happy with being on 50mg patch 200mg cyclic progesterone and added testosterone ( got tingling arms) saw private who said the testosterone was converting to oestrogen's I was 'young' would need big estrogen amounts - went up to 100mg patch. Couldn't afford private due to work charges so went back to NHs (same hospital but I think the boss of the first guy) who said yes 100mg parch ok - but all HRT increase cancer risk so not to up it and to try the coil as it will affect SHGB and something about progesterone binding to it so it decreases oestrogen so this was it may increase estrogen and that the coil is the safest with regard to cancer risk.

Also im was 177pmol on the 50 patch and 211 on the 100 patch and as he said that level is fine and they only care about too high levels. She also said that I may never feel good or like I was and that if Im sleeping and hot flushes gone then the rest could be life and as long and its not overwhelming then Im on good levels and there's no need to increase estrogen. (there may not be and maybe the coil will work and then add testosterone - I dunno!)

honestly Im just so bloody confused! I really with I could take one of you with me to my appointments 😂


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Re: Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2020, 05:26:08 PM »

Heavens no wonder you are confused! You have been getting very mixed messages there.

Firstly - why did you add testosterone on top of the 50 mcg patch and 200 mg cyclical progesterone? If you felt OK on this regime then I would suggest you go back to that. You will only benefit from testosterone if your symptoms indicate this. Also depends partly on your age too?

Secondly the current thinking is that natural (bio-identical) progesterone, that you were taking is probably the safest in terms of breast cancer risk for obvious reasons, and re artificial ones I understood that dydrogesterone would be associated with the least risk. There are many studies but all subject to various caveats and assumptions. The progestogen in the Mirena coil is artificial and although compared with oral progestogens there is far less systemic absorption there is still some, so I don't know how a health professional can be that certain. From what I recall (but I may be remembering wrongly) most of the studies have not looked at the Mirena coil separately although I think one or two have - a bit hazy here.

SHBG - just to clarify - if you are taking oral oestrogen then this increase SHBG far more than trandermal oestrogen. SHBG will prenetially bind free testosterone, therefore apparently reducing the amount that is biologically available in the body - though I also read somewhere that this is still not fully understood ie how this translates into noticeable effects??

Sorry I can't help more with the details - I've forgotten much of what I've read!

Single readings of hormone levels are not really very acccurate - and it is how you are feeling that is important. So - how are you feeling (apart from the tingling arms with the added T?).

Hurdity x


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Re: Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2020, 09:32:42 AM »

Thanks Hurdity,

So I feel crap 😩😂. I think the problem is that Ive been in pain for the past 2 years since my operation and Im not sure what's related to that(adhesions) and my hormones.

They added testosterone because of tiredness and lack of sex drive ( and IM 41). But I also had anxiety on the 50 mg patch, and sleep interruptions I think due to needing a wee.
I still have anxeity (again some is related to constant pain and health anxiety) and joint pains. the sleeping is better on 100mg. Im back on cyclic progesterone but haven't had my next dose. I have a transvaginal ultrasound and lining was 6mm and a 20mm fibroid - which they said was normal( Im dues progesterone soon)?
 I don't have a massive amount of trust for the doctors so Im really getting as much into myself - Im searched the bar above about Mirena coil and it seems some love it some don't , which I suppose is always true of these things.

I was with you with regards to the progesterone  and risks and wanting the most closest to my own hormones. I want to do as little as possible to my body and I do worry the coil is more invasive than a pill.

 I know Im so scared of trying something different based on causing pain, so Im being stupid as Im asking for solutions but scared to try them!

the GP who fits the coils is away for another week, I will start my next Utrogestan tonight and see how I feel.

I do wonder too - If they add testosterone (which they say they will eventually) - how will I know Im optimised estrogen so that it doesn't convert? What are the signs they look for?



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Re: Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2020, 07:32:20 PM »

Just to add my experience with the Mirena Coil. I started early menopause at 37, I was put on HRT a mixture of oestrogen and progesterone. The progesterone side taken orally just didn’t agree with me so it was decided the Mirena coil might be an option.
I had the coil inserted and took oestrogen orally and never look back. No periods, no horrible effects from the progesterone so all was good.
I know a lot have a problem with the Mirena but for me it was a god send.
Unfortunately when I hit 55 I was told I had to come off HRT as I’d been on it for 18 years and that when all the menopause symptoms kicked in.
But with regard to the Mirena I think it was amazing for me. Good luck I hope you get something sorted that works for you x


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Re: Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2020, 08:11:44 PM »

I had the Mirena coil fitted about 8 weeks ago as had terrible side effects with progesterone. Everything had been going perfectly no more mood swings and generally feeling rubbish and no more periods But about a week ago I developed severe bloating causing extreme discomfort . I have posted on here and it appears it could be from the coil which is really disappointing! I am taking Gaviscon Advanced to see if it settles. Hopefully it will as I was a big fan of the coil


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Re: Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2020, 09:00:21 PM »

Flan747 can you try to slightly up your estrogen to rebalance things?


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Re: Mirena coil - 3rd menopause specialist
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2020, 09:09:20 PM »

Unfortunately I am already on Sandrena 4mg and for the first time in 18months my main symptoms are decreasing really well. The gut issues are really debilitating and effecting me terribly. Seems silly when you say to someone I have a bad stomach as it sounds such a small issue!  Hoping it settles soon else I will have to have the coil removed and come up with yet another plan.