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Author Topic: Blood pressure got myself in a tizz!  (Read 741 times)


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Blood pressure got myself in a tizz!
« on: November 02, 2023, 05:06:35 PM »


So I think I just need someone to slap me.

Basically,  I have white coat hypertension,  have had for many many years and as a result keep an eye on my blood pressure at home.

During Covid I became quite lapse about doing this and as a result when I did check it,  I had to get back into the habit of practicing it and doing it several times for it to be be normal again.  However,  because of this I now check it once every few weeks and normally the readings are good from the outset and average between 106/69-120/76

For the last couple of weeks I've been feeling stressed and having a few palpatations.  Again not new I've had them on and off for years and had two ecg's which were fine but for someone reason I've got stressed about them .

So on Tuesday night after having a banging headache all day, feeling generally unwell,  rushing around at home,  and having to go out for an appointment in the evening,  I stupidly decide I need to take my blood pressure.  Don't ask me why as I knew it would be high because of the way I was feeling.  Anyway it was 137 over 76 which panicked me so I took it again and again until it was settling at about 140/78.

In a complete tizz I rushed out to my appointment,  fretting all the time and then came back and did it again several more times and could not get it below 150/90 in fact it was consistently 150/90.

 I haven't taken it since as I'm so stressed I've deicded I just need to leave it alone but I'm so cross with myself as I'd been doing really well checking it and having consistently good readings.  In fact when I checked it two weeks ago it was perfect. So I am trying to reason that the likelihood of it going up suddently when nothing else has changed other than my stress level is low but now I'm back in this vicious cycle.

I know that I just need to give myself a bit of breathing space and then take it when I'm feeling more relaxed but I'm so anxious.  I've actually upped my anxiety meds today to try and relax me a bit more as the Dr says I can increase as and when my anxiety is peaking but I just wondered if anyone had any tips on how to combat this phobia?


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Re: Blood pressure got myself in a tizz!
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2023, 05:34:19 PM »

Nothing wrong with those figures, you just need to take time to relax.
Your post is full of anxiety vibes, you will be fine!


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Re: Blood pressure got myself in a tizz!
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2023, 07:34:38 PM »

You really shouldn't take your BP constantly,it's pointless,take it twice a day if you must,first thing in the morning then in the evening,take three readings and go by the average,also sit comfortably with your arm on a cushion and uncrossed legs.
Health anxiety is awful and your BP will keep going high if your anxious. My OH is on BP tablets but when he goes to the Dr,his BP goes through the roof too,so do try to keep calm,even taking your BP will probably make it go up because your over thinking it all,vicious circle I'm afraid x


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Re: Blood pressure got myself in a tizz!
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2023, 07:38:08 PM »

And take BP when you are hydrated and away from mealtimes. After eating BP goes up  I don't know why, but that's what my mum's BP specialist told her. Sounds like you need to give yourself a few days off though, to break the compulsion x