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Author Topic: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(  (Read 1865 times)


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Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« on: November 13, 2020, 02:58:07 PM »

Hi all,

Me again...

I am not sure whether this is linked to my period, but it is now 3 days to my flow and for the past 7 days I have noticed gradual discomfort (I have had all these symtpoms berfore only much worse this time).

It first started with feeling of fullness and pressure in my chest and diaphgram area - like an invisible belt is being pulled around it. Then I noticed my breathing becoming more shallow and since I suffer with panic disorder I didn't think that at that point I was going to die.

Anyway, to cut a long story short yesterday morning I woke up with a racing heart beat, it was also sligthly irregular, so of course I freak out which makes it worse. My chest got progressively tighter and full and these weird zapping like spasms throughout my chest area, thighs, sometimes in my arms. I've not had these weird spasms before, it can be sharp and very notcieable , yet not painful - it scares me no end. So here's me, thinking this is it, I'm going to die today. Even breathing was so difficult, that even lifiting my arm up was a struggle.

At this point I tried to think rationally, that this would be the worst of it, then luckily it died down by the late afternoon.

When I got into bed last night and as soon as I put my head down my throat felt like it was closing up, sharp pains in my back and soreness as if I had been sleeping on it all day or bed bound, couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep so I literally was sitting up in my bed crying until I eventually dozed off. Then, I jolted up from my sleep gasping for air, almost like my heart had stopped. Heart rate faster than ever, and again just burst out crying...So, I went to bed by 11 pm and didn't sleep until 5 am this morning.

This is ruining my life, everyday I don't want to live as I'm scared of these horribile symptoms.

I am currently seeing my doctor about this, I recently had an ECG, all normal, lungs listened to - all clear. Bloood pressure, blood glucose at the lower end of normal. So I'm fine, but doesn't take away from the fact that the physical symptoms I feel a very real and scary even if it is just hormones or all in my mind. So, she put me on pregablin, that didn't work out - the most horrible side effects and to tbh just put me off an anti-depressant at that point. So she said, maybe look at HRT, so she wants me to journal my symptoms daily and bring it to my next appointment. In the meantime I feel like I'm waiting to die...The appointment is 2 weeks away 😦

Has anyone experienced this? I'm dreading going to sleep tonight. While I feel it's not severe as I'm typing right now, I feel like it will kick off again once the head is on pillow.

Why does it get so bad at night. Am I dying, have the doctors missed something?

I've been to a&E too many times to know that there is nothing serious going on.

I wonder if this is because my period is due soon, and it will end once flow appears? I can't stop crying and I've had enough.

Please help me to not feel alone in this. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Apologies if I've posted this in the wrong place x
« Last Edit: November 13, 2020, 03:08:35 PM by loonarider »


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2020, 03:14:59 PM »

You moan away!   It could be cortisol - the waking hormone - causing problems whilst you are asleep.  It might be adrenaline surges.  A drop/rise in hormone levels. What ever, it is not pleasant.

The Change - does what it says on the tin and some!

........ Sing Girl Sing ;-).  Logic flies out the window when symptoms become so physical.


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2020, 03:19:23 PM »

You moan away!   It could be cortisol - the waking hormone - causing problems whilst you are asleep.  It might be adrenaline surges.  A drop/rise in hormone levels. What ever, it is not pleasant.

The Change - does what it says on the tin and some!

........ Sing Girl Sing ;-).  Logic flies out the window when symptoms become so physical.

Of course, cortisol! The stress hormone - this is going to give me health issues with all the lack of sleep. Ooft!

Maybe I will  need to sing or eat loads of cake in my case if I'm gonna die anyway (I know that's the illogical stuff I tell myself sometimes).  :'(


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Hi loonarider, you are definitely not alone in this, so first of all keep posting & let the ladies here help you through.  So many of us have had a really bad time of it in menopause & peri can bring the very worst symptoms, when the body is struggling to cope with the chaos of sputtering ovaries, causing very erratic levels of sex hormones.

Like yours, my symptoms have always been worse at night & during peri they were at their terrible height in the days leading up to a period.  That included the palpitations you describe - both racing heart rate & irregularity.  Sleep was very poor indeed & I repeatedly woke with my heart racing, terrifically hot & feeling terrified.  Just like you, I was afraid to go to sleep at night, so much so that my partner started reading to me last thing to help me relax enough to drop off.

I wonder whether you feel it might help you to chart what happens each cycle, so you feel reassured if you can identify that certain symptoms tend to occur at certain stages, but that these then pass or their severity subsides, so that they become less frightening as you learn they are temporarily something of a new norm for you? 

As you mention bloods showed your sugar to be towards the low end of the ref range, I would also read up on hypoglycaemia if you haven't already & learn how to keep your blood sugar as stable as possible.  There are many threads about it on the forum.  Menopause is a time when blood sugar stability first becomes problematic for many of us, causing horrible symptoms of panic, sweating, faintness & more.  When it falls too low overnight this can be one of the reasons we wake with a racing heart & those horrible feelings of extreme fear.

I also asked myself repeatedly have the medics missed something, as it can be hard to believe what's happening can be down to a natural process, when it's severe & so different to what we've been used to in fertile years.  But one of the best things about this forum is that we can see how wide ranging symptoms can be, that the severity & duration also vary considerably & learn how others cope.

So please don't be alone with your worries.  There will always be someone here to listen, make suggestions & hold out a hand.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2020, 05:00:39 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2020, 04:07:05 PM »

Hi loonarider,

I know exactly how you are feeling & it’s not nice.
I’m ok during the day but as soon as I’ve had my evening meal the pains in the middle of my chest/top of my stomach start along with palpitations.
I’ve  had blood tests, ecg’s  heart monitors & an endoscopy. All normal, but as soon as I lie down in bed I’m in pain, if I lie on my left side all I can feel is my racing heart & if I lie on my back the pain in my chest gets worse so I try my right side then the pain in my stomach hurts. I feel so fed up & the thought of feeling like this forever is really depressing.
I’m taking Acidex to see if it’s reflux but still the pain continues.
I’m sure we all feel that’s there’s something wrong but I’ve felt like this for the last 2 years so I’m sure if there is anything wrong i would know by now.
Have you tried listening to mindfulness apps? Sometimes it helps😗


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2020, 05:31:27 PM »

That sounds horrible, you have my sympathy. Some of it sounds a bit like a panic attack?? I was given beta blockers (propranolol) when I was suffering from stupid levels of anxiety a while back. I just took one when I needed it, and it worked a treat to calm all those horrible sensations of racing heart, palpitations. I also have long term issues with pain and was given amitryptyline, worked a treat for that, only needed a low dose to transform my life. Might be worth investigating?


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I wonder whether you feel it might help you to chart what happens each cycle, so you feel reassured if you can identify that certain symptoms tend to occur at certain stages, but that these then pass or their severity subsides, so that they become less frightening as you learn they are temporarily something of a new norm for you? 

As you mention bloods showed your sugar to be towards the low end of the ref range, I would also read up on hypoglycaemia if you haven't already & learn how to keep your blood sugar as stable as possible.  There are many threads about it on the forum.  Menopause is a time when blood sugar stability first becomes problematic for many of us, causing horrible symptoms of panic, sweating, faintness & more.  When it falls too low overnight this can be one of the reasons we wake with a racing heart & those horrible feelings of extreme fear.

I also asked myself repeatedly have the medics missed something, as it can be hard to believe what's happening can be down to a natural process, when it's severe & so different to what we've been used to in fertile years.  But one of the best things about this forum is that we can see how wide ranging symptoms can be, that the severity & duration also vary considerably & learn how others cope.

So please don't be alone with your worries.  There will always be someone here to listen, make suggestions & hold out a hand.

Hi Wrensong,

That's very helpful, thank you!

Yes, I have only started jotting down my symptoms this month, but will do it from now on everyday - at least then it won't be such a shock if and when it happens again.

Yes deifnitely have to eat more regularly I thinkl as I tend to eat very little and skip breakfast and lunch. So one meal a day really. Maybe should check my electrolytes too? I feel like I might be deficient somewhere.

Thanks again :)


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2020, 07:53:37 PM »

Hi loonarider,

I know exactly how you are feeling & it’s not nice.
I’m ok during the day but as soon as I’ve had my evening meal the pains in the middle of my chest/top of my stomach start along with palpitations.
I’ve  had blood tests, ecg’s  heart monitors & an endoscopy. All normal, but as soon as I lie down in bed I’m in pain, if I lie on my left side all I can feel is my racing heart & if I lie on my back the pain in my chest gets worse so I try my right side then the pain in my stomach hurts. I feel so fed up & the thought of feeling like this forever is really depressing.

Have you tried listening to mindfulness apps? Sometimes it helps😗

Oh wow, I have this issue and though it was something really bad. I cannot sleep on either side at bed time, it feels as thuogh my organs are squashing and then I can't breathe, it really freaks me out!

I mentioned to two doctors and they said, they've never heard of this before, and it may be GERD, acid reflux and anxiety.

I started taking Gaviscon advance and it seems to work, for the first time in a whole year I was able to sleep on my side and give my back a break which was so sore during that time as I could not sleep in an other position. Even sleeping on my back prevented me from breathing properly and put pressure on my lungs since I couldln't change positions  - so depressing I just wanted to die so I wouldn't have to endure the pain.

The problem now is, I've run out of Gaviscon and waiting on a delivery from Amazon as they don't have it in our local supermarket - in the meantime I'm suffering.

I'm going to ask my doc if they can look at my digestive system via barium meal, as I still feel something insidious is going on with the breathing issues and so on. It's like it can be anything really! I'd be happy if I was told unequivocally that it is all hormones and then I'd be better able to deal with it I guess.

As far as mindfulness apps, I am going to try CALM, since it has been recommended to me many times, yet keep forgetting to download it, so doing right now!

THanky you so much for your response!  :D


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2020, 07:58:53 PM »

That sounds horrible, you have my sympathy. Some of it sounds a bit like a panic attack?? I was given beta blockers (propranolol) when I was suffering from stupid levels of anxiety a while back. I just took one when I needed it, and it worked a treat to calm all those horrible sensations of racing heart, palpitations. I also have long term issues with pain and was given amitryptyline, worked a treat for that, only needed a low dose to transform my life. Might be worth investigating?

I've been thinking about beta blockers and might just give it a go. Any side effects and what are they? I think if it is anxiety, it is definitely severe because it prevents me from doing even the simplpest of tasks. I cannot move, and I'm pretty mucch paralysed.

Yes, I'm noticing more pain all over my  body these days, and it'll come and go and sometimes its like zapping which stops me in my tracks - very unsettling. I will mention amitrptyline to my doc and see what she says.

This sounds so positive and glad that these medications have had a positve outcome, I will defienitely check with my doctor.

Thanks you!  :D


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2020, 09:28:22 PM »

Sorry - have only just realised I'd suggested something you'd already been advised to do
she wants me to journal my symptoms daily and bring it to my next appointment.
  Do keep up Wrensong ::)!

If you've only been having one meal a day that will be terrible for blood sugar stability, possibly leading to panicky feelings or at very least the jitters.  Can I suggest you try to ensure you get at least 3 healthy, moderate sized meals a day & if necessary healthy snacks between.  This should help stabilise your blood sugar, helping you feel less anxious & low. 

Menopause is a time when we really have to start to take good care of ourselves to help the body cope with the hormonal changes that are beyond our control.  If you've been used to neglecting your own needs please don't feel guilty that you now need to give yourself tlc & make that a way of life - it's not selfish & will enable you to function better to the benefit of everyone you know & love.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2020, 09:34:18 PM by Wrensong »


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Re: Just wondering when I'm going to die - that is my life :(
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2020, 08:49:49 AM »

You've answered your own question really  ::).  The body needs fuel and nourishment especially the brain.  When I was anorexic I felt ill all the while, non specific symptoms but really ill.  I was told often that my body needed food!

Without breakfast I would be on the floor shaking by 9.30 a.m.