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Author Topic: New and bamboozled  (Read 555 times)


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New and bamboozled
« on: March 14, 2024, 11:09:27 AM »

Hi all, new to the site and have finally pieced together that my collection of symptoms may be perimenopause!  I spoke with GP who suggested this site and Balance website.
Symptoms; Mood swings with uncontrollable rage and irritation particularly day one of my cycle coupled with crying for days - my eyes won't stop leaking, my other half says I'm being irrational, infernal itching all over my body like I want to scratch my skin off and scratch my eyeballs out, word finding difficulties, memory problems, feeling overwhelmed by everything I need to juggle, anxious thoughts at night, night sweats - waking with rivers running over me, poor sleep, feeling like I can't cope, flat mood, lost confidence in self, negative feelings towards self, weeing more frequently, feeling like my bladder is about to have UTI when I don't, erratic unpredictable bowel habits, cycle shrinking to 25 days, very horny for 1-2 days per cycle

In addition to all that I am still breastfeeding my 2.5 year old - I am 47 years old. She is not feeding much.  I take Citalopram for depressions - 10mg per day, evening primrose oil, iron tablets, calcium tablets

I need help in thinking through which treatment is most appropriate because I cannot go on like this any more.
Do I go for some of the contraceptive pills - Qlaira and Zoely have been suggested by GP or oestrgen patch with progestogen tablets or mirena coil?
I'd rather something as natural as possible but some of the threads here seem to suggest that the 'natural' hormones are not as good as synthetic - is that right?
What is the benefit of contraceptive pill vs hrt?? I definitely don't want anymore children, I want to feel like me again.  And I might forgot to take a pill so am drawn to a patch/coil idea!
Also what is the difference between mimicking a cycle and stopping the cycle - I'm confused.
And does anyone else take citalopram? Should I actually increase the dose??

Many thanks in advance


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Re: New and bamboozled
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2024, 11:23:05 AM »

Hi Gladioli - just wanted to welcome you and to say that it's good that you have a GP who has recommended both this site and the Balance App.

You are obviously in a more tricky position re deciding what exactly you need as you are still breastfeeding and breastfeeding naturally lowers oestrogen leading to night sweats (hot flushes) and mood swings. It could be that these particular symptoms will disappear when you stop feeding your little one but I appreciate you need help right now. What is suggested on the Balance App?

Someone else will be along soon with more knowledge of which regime would be best for you so that you can begin to feel more human and less bamboozled.

Taz x  :welcomemm:


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Re: New and bamboozled
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2024, 11:25:57 AM »

Blimey you have a lot going on there. How does breast feeding affect you at that stage of life? Hormones and lack of? Presumably it's safe to breast feed on your current meds and will you be able to continue on HRT? Is your GP advising you on the best treatment approach to your symptoms so that everything combined is compatible? Sorry I've just posed more questions with no answers.


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Re: New and bamboozled
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2024, 11:36:28 AM »

Thanks Jules and Taz2, all the collected evidence suggests that HRT and Contraception impact on breastfeeding is only lowered milk supply rather than nasties transmitting through the milk.  Obviously there's hardly any research on it because scientists (men) can't fathom that child bearing and perimenopause can co-exist despite there being many cases of 'surprise babies'   ;D


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Re: New and bamboozled
« Reply #4 on: March 14, 2024, 11:40:49 AM »

Thanks Jules and Taz2, all the collected evidence suggests that HRT and Contraception impact on breastfeeding is only lowered milk supply rather than nasties transmitting through the milk.  Obviously there's hardly any research on it because scientists (men) can't fathom that child bearing and perimenopause can co-exist despite there being many cases of 'surprise babies'   ;D

Well  I hope you get sorted out. You're only young. You shouldn't have to suffer all that.

Dorothy Gale

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Re: New and bamboozled
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2024, 11:56:38 AM »

I've been on citalopram for 10 weeks. Found it helpful at 10mg but that's not a very high dose or a therapeutic one...although some do well on 10mg and stay on that as everyone is different...

However I felt I needed to increase so 3 weeks ago my MH nurse said increase to 15mg and see how I go...

Initial side effects returned for about 8 days...sweats, nausea, insomnia....but that passed and I definitely feel its helping me more now....anxiety even more dampened down, happier in mood, able to cope more......

I may try 20mg in time but want to do it slowly.

Everyone is different but that's my experience of citalopram.

I'm not on HRT or anything else so that's all I can comment on. Definitely sounds like you are in perimenopause for sure. We are here to help you through...




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Re: New and bamboozled
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2024, 05:27:12 PM »

A combined bcp can be useful in early peri but not whe you're a bit further on and need more oestrogen than they contain. As long as you get on with a mirena it's a good solution as it provides both contraception and the progestin part of hrt, you can then oestrogen with a patch, gel or spray. The 'right' hrt is whatever suits you and that's different for all of us, all you can do is try it and see.
 I understand breast feeding is a personal decision but imo it's a lot of strain on a 47 year old body that isn't designed for it (more experience with old sheep but it really takes it out if them). It may be time to give your own health and wellbeing a higher priority.
  Your husband is right, we are irrational. Try showing him the Advice for Husbands pinned post so he has some idea of what you're going through. All of your symptoms are perfectly normal for peri.


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Re: New and bamboozled
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2024, 06:08:29 PM »

Man years ago I met a family who breast fed until the children went into school.  Does your child require your breast for comfort?  MayB wean so that your milk dries up, but still offer the breast if she needs it.  That way your body can recoup some energy.

Your symptoms are likely to be low oestrogen, particularly the itchiness.  The whole body can become dry inside and out: skin, deep in the ears, nostrils, eyes, vagina .... as well as muscles may become lax = aches and pains.  Keeping a mood/food/symptom diary may be of use.  As for husbands  ::).  Life isn't logic!

Let us know how you get on. 