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Author Topic: hair loss  (Read 983 times)


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hair loss
« on: October 20, 2020, 10:08:29 AM »

hi everyone , I'm a new member on this website , I'm so glad my doctor told me about it as its so informative . I'm 52yrs old I've been two years without a period now. So far I've had hot flushes which seem to come and go and sleepless nights constantly getting up to go to the loo all the time :-\ But what really concerns me is my sudden loss of hair, over the last three months it literally keeps falling out whenever i wash it /brush it my hairbrush is constantly full of hair. Ive tried all sorts of vitamins but nothing seems to work even starflower oil but after a few weeks they were making me so bloated so had to stop . would love to hear any advice from anyone or anyone going through the same thing :)


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2020, 05:12:06 PM »

Welcome, this forum is a veritable smorgasbord of menopause experiences, knowledge and support. :)  I'm sure you will find alot of answers here.

Hair loss? Absolutely.  I am shedding like a Golden Retriever.  I lose so many strands of hair after I comb it out after a shower. It's everywhere in the house. I swear I will be bald by the time I'm 60! :'(  It all comes down to hormones.  I would love to know how to fix this as well ::)


  • First Flush
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Re: hair loss
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2020, 09:04:24 AM »

I’m so glad I was hold about this website and yes I’m shedding like a golden retriever too my house is full of hair every way , as I said I did try starflower oil tablets which balance out the hormones and I think it did make a difference but unfortunately they have a few side effects so I was feeling bloated all the time so had to stop them 😏 . Another is my memory it’s horrendous friends colleagues and family will tell me something and by the next day I’ve forgotten it I even went one step further the other day and put the milk in the cupboard 🤣 bring back my periods I’ll never moan again 🤣🤣


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Re: hair loss
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2020, 02:57:31 PM »

Hi and welcome to the funny farm  :) A lot of ladies have had positive results with regaine,it's pricey unfortunately but seems to work,not sure if you could push for anything on prescription or not.
My daughter has started using regaine now too the 5% one,so we're hoping for some results in the next couple of months.
Hope you find something,if not that,sadly it's all part of meno  >:(