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Author Topic: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!  (Read 3283 times)


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Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« on: October 19, 2020, 07:25:53 AM »

Hi all

I tried oestrogen gel (have the Mirena) April till July. I got up to 2 pumps and felt quite settled in my mood and I was taking it for mood related peri symptoms But I think maybe HI is my main issue. I had more energy, no migraine. But, I had hair loss and felt quite buzzy inside a lot like I had internal jangliness.

In late July, I took Oestrodose without realising and had a huge reaction. Maybe I didn’t absorb but I had a huge drop in hormones or reaction to something in it and felt like I had post natal depression again and hot flushes and night sweats and a dark place. I got changed back onto two pumps oestrogel and told to go up to 3 pumps and suffered severe flushing, palpitations, more hair loss, burning skin on neck and chest,  anxiety.

I’ve since had to reduce right off oestrogen and been taking ages to adjust back to my natural levels. (it’s been 7 weeks on nothing now)

I think my histamine levels are all over the place! I’m left with bladder sensitivity (not going more or stinging when weeing I can just feel my urethra all the time and feels nerve pain like) and stingy rosacea type flushing on my face. Both get worse with certain food and drink and my face reacts to cold.

Anti histamine 10mg make it all go away But as it starts to wear off after about 8 hours I’m Exhausted, irritable, itchy skin. 

I’ve always been worse in my cycle when oestrogen rises rather than progesterone. I get really angry, anxiety, bad startle reactions, depressed and can feel completely normal right before and during my period.

Just wondered if anyone with HI has found any help. I want my oestrogen levels to be completely low and steady weirdly!


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2020, 07:13:37 PM »

Hi Scampidoodle

I am also HI.  I’ve had to come off HRT, I just couldn’t get it to suit me.  I didn’t know I was HI until I went to the Newson clinic.  I’m just hoping I can cope with my menopause symptoms now, hot flushes are starting again at night.  Disappointing I couldn’t continue and it maybe I have to go back on HRT, I just needed a break for now.



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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2020, 06:14:37 PM »

Hi Scampidoodle,

I haven't got much useful advice, I'm afraid, but hoping very much that someone might come on who has as I'm in a similar situation. Only through trying HRT via the Newson clinic that I've discovered that many of the symptoms I've been dealing with that I'd put down to ongoing post-viral issues over the last 18m might well be due to histamine intolerance. I initially felt great on one pump of Oestrogel, but going up to two I developed a really itchy face, and my other ongoing symptoms seemed to get worse too.

It was when I mentioned the itchy face that my menopause consultant suggested HI, and told me about how estrogen increases histamine levels. Like you I'd noticed that my symptoms seemed to increase in severity at the points in my cycle when estrogen is highest. I had thought it was beacuse of changes in estrogen levels, but looks like its due to high histamine levels concurrent with high estrogen. I've been trying to follow a low-histamine diet for the last 6 weeks, but even then there have been times when I would react to almost anything I ate. It was only when I dropped back down to one pump that things started to settle down. The low-histamine diet now really helps, so I'd definitely recommend giving it a go.

Unfortunely it seems that whilst I could (sort of) tolerate the Utrogestan when I was on two pumps of Oestrogel, going down to one has made the progesterone part almost unbearable, so it looks like I'll be having to throw in the HRT towel.

(In the course of trying to figure out what's been going on, I also discovered that there's a potential link between estrogen and asthma, which I hadn't been aware of. At the same time I'd increased the Oestrogel dose, my previously extremely mild and infrequent asthma also became bad enough for my GP to prescribe a preventative inhaler.  I thought it was just an unfortunate consquence of a virus I had last March, but since i've been on the low-histamine diet and dropped to one pump, the constant tight chest and coughing has all but disappeared, only comes back when I've overdone things or pushed the high-histamine foods too far.)


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2020, 08:44:22 PM »

Thanks for replying and I’m sorry you are both struggling too.

I don’t know how people like us are supposed to navigate Peri or menopause!!

I’m wondering about trying anti histamines or quercetin. I’ve come off all the hrt now and think I’ve been off for three weeks now but still getting intermittent bladder sensitivity and Face flushing, Burning when I come in from the cold to normal house temp. X


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2020, 09:17:59 PM »

Hi... I’m about 2 weeks off HRT and struggling with the symptoms I’m getting.  I’m wondering how long it will take till I adjust back to my normal levels.  I’m getting migraines/headaches daily, tonight I’m dizzy and I’ve got pains in my head, I’m all over the place emotionally and I’ve started with stinging down below when I go for a wee.
Earlier I felt really shaky, it’s actually really scary.... hope it stops soon.

Choice is histamine intolerance or feeling like this, horrid 🙁


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2020, 08:32:08 AM »

Yes I was wondering when my oestrogen levels will return to how I was before A few months ago and also histamine levels return to how they were before.

I hope it doesn’t take too long  :'(


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2020, 10:28:13 AM »

It's a bit of a nightmare, isn't it. I know that I'm going to have to stop the HRT completely but I'm rather dreading it, and keep putting off abandoning the last pump of Oestrogel.

I think I've decided that I'll stop the HRT, try to get the HI under control with diet and antihistamines, if I need to, and then maybe try to reintroduce a really low dose of estrogen to see if I can tolerate it. Think it's going to be a long road.

Btw, Tina Peers has posted a couple of really interesting videos about histamine on the website of her menopause consultancy, and there's some good factsheet and other info too. She also mentions that women with HI often have progesterone intolerance as well (that's me!), though it's not clear yet what the relationship is. No wonder it's so tricky for us to find something that works!


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2020, 04:39:51 PM »

I’m getting urinary symptoms too traceyjd. I didn’t know whether it’s low oestrogen (I imagine our levels are mega low now and have to readjust back) or whether it’s high levels of histamine. Or both  :-\

My mood is also up and down with head fog too. Hoping we rebalance.

Not sure how long histamine levels take to go down again.


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2020, 04:45:16 PM »

Thanks for the links Pluto.

Did your menopause consultant have any advice as to whether HI people can use HRT if used with other meds?

I tried a loratadine anti histamine today and my head fog cleared and the facial flushing and burning died down. Bladder stuff has decreased but not brill.

I’m not sure you can take anti histamines daily. Wondering if I can take them till my normal levels return then come off them.

Wonder whether the one pump and a Mirena would suit you Pluto once your levels have gone back down.


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #9 on: September 30, 2021, 07:12:24 PM »

Hi There,

I was wondering if i have. Like you Scampidoodle I had hairloss (first on Femoston) and now on Oestrogel.
 Hairloss, bad palpitations I was affraid of having a heart attack only at night and anxiety and crying like for nothing  on 1 pump of oestrogel.

I even got an skin rash on my body to an allergy to the lundry product that uses my cousin when I slept at her place. First time in my life. (i have travelled a lot slept in hotels, bed an breakfasts, airbnb, etc never experienced skin allergy)

I am post menaupose since surgery at 39yo.
I need Oestradiol. I am really stuck.
When I had embryon transfert i had really hight Oestradiol blood level as the Oestradiol tablet I took them vaginally (2mg per day).
I don't understand what is happening.


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Re: Histamine reaction to HRT - what next?!
« Reply #10 on: October 01, 2021, 06:59:18 AM »

It sounds awful HI.  I have the opposite, I started with allergies in peri but didn’t know I was peri and when my Estrogen is low but fluctuations I get itchy, blotchy, bunged up nose, sneezing a lot but it’s variable.  If my meno doctor went by bloods it shows high Estrogen but I proved they are just fluctuations by having loads done on the same dose of HRT and got a low reading. 

I guess it’s trying to manage the symptoms of menopause and the HI.  I wonder if you got the HRT dose and type right it would help  the HI?  Hormones can’t live with them, can’t live without them.